Fabianus Oel Borneo

What is " PAJANANG" ?
Stakeholder PAJANANG is an institution that serves as a Dayak Indigenous Conservation, Guard, Enforcement, Assessment, Developer Indigenous Dayak, Dayak Customary Law, Culture and Belief Dayak- Dayak ancestors that exist in Indigenous Dayak Banyadu.
The word actually comes from PAJANANG Banyadu West Kalimantan Dayak language is "PANYANAKNG" which is a combination of the two pieces of the word is "PA" and "NYANAKNG".
"PA" means a person or group of people is given a special task by a person or group of people with full authority to be responsible for the tasks assigned to him.
"NYANAKNG" means sustaining, supporting, retaining backwards view of both hands on something that almost toppled so as not to be uprooted.
PANYANAKNG is a person or group of people who have a special duty of the society to maintain, melestari, develop and revitalize indigenous Dayak, Dayak Customary Law, Culture and Belief Dayak.
Now PANYANAKNG in Indonesian to PAJANANG.

What is " PAJANANG" ?
Stakeholder PAJANANG is an institution that serves as a Dayak Indigenous Conservation, Guard, Enforcement, Assessment, Developer Indigenous Dayak, Dayak Customary Law, Culture and Belief Dayak- Dayak ancestors that exist in Indigenous Dayak Banyadu.
The word actually comes from PAJANANG Banyadu West Kalimantan Dayak language is "PANYANAKNG" which is a combination of the two pieces of the word is "PA" and "NYANAKNG".
"PA" means a person or group of people is given a special task by a person or group of people with full authority to be responsible for the tasks assigned to him.
"NYANAKNG" means sustaining, supporting, retaining backwards view of both hands on something that almost toppled so as not to be uprooted.
PANYANAKNG is a person or group of people who have a special duty of the society to maintain, melestari, develop and revitalize indigenous Dayak, Dayak Customary Law, Culture and Belief Dayak.
Now PANYANAKNG in Indonesian to PAJANANG.
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