Pada awal abad 20 Vikaris Apostolik Jakarta meminta tenaga kepada kelompok-kelompokreligius di Negeri Belanda. Hasilnya ialah para pastor Ordo Kapusin
Propinsi Belanda menerima tanggung jawab atas Prefektur Apostolik Borneo
(Kalimantan) yang baru saja didirikan pada tanggal 11 Februari
1905.Sejak saat itulah para misionaris mulai berdatangan secara teratur
ke pelbagai tempat di Kalimantan.

Johannes Benedictus van Heutsz
Katolik berawal dari pertemuan Mgr.Claessens dengan Gubernur Jenderal
Hindia Belanda di Buitenzorg (Bogor)yang tertulis dalam surat Vikaris
Apostolik dari Batavia tanggal 25 Februari 1884, yang menyatakan
kemungkinan pemerintah Belanda memberikan daerah Borneo bagi Misi
Katolik dan ijin untuk memulai Misi di Borneo di berikan pada tanggal 7
agustus 1884.Dengan Surat Dinas tanggal 14 Juni 1890 No.252 yang menyetujui Misi Katolik di antara orang-orang Dayak dengan tempat kedudukan Semitau. Pastor H. Looymans diutus menjadi misionaris pertama bagi orang Dayak, tanggal 29 Juli 1890 Pastor H. Looymans tiba di Semitau. Pada tanggal 30 November 1905 para misionaris juga tiba di Singkawang. Tahun 1906 Sejiram mendapat imam lagi, dan tahun 1908 dibuka sebuah stasi baru di Laham, di pinggir sungai Mahakam, Kalimantan Timur. Tahun 1909 Pontianak menjadi tempat kediaman Prefek Apostolik Mgr. Pacifikus Bos, dan dengan demikian menjadi pusat segala kegiatan misi di pulau Kalimantan. Tanggal 13 Maret 1918 menjadi Vikariat Apostolik Kalimantan.
Karena daerah kerjanya sangat luas, hubungan serba sulit , dan jumlah tenaga sangat terbatas, maka tidak mungkin dapat diberikan pelayanan yang seideal-idealnya, maka Mgr. Pacifikus Bos mencari tenaga-tenaga dari Kongregasi lain untuk membantu di Kalimantan.
Hal itu tercapai pada tahun 1926, ketika para anggota Kongregasi MSF (Misi Keluarga Kudus) mengambil alih Kalimantan bagian Selatan dan Timur, yang kemudian pada tanggal 21 Mei 1938 menjadi Prefektur Apostolik Banjarmasin. Pada tanggal yang sama Pontianak menjadi Vikariat Apostolik. Dengan demikian pastor Kapusin dapat memusatkan perhatiannya di Kalimantan Barat saja.
Tanggal 10 Maret 1949 Prefektur Apostolik Banjarmasin meningkat menjadi Vikariat Apostolik, kemudian tanggal 21 Februari 1955 dibagi menjadi Vikariat Apostolik Banjarmasin dan Vikariat Apostolik Samarinda.
Meskipun daerah kerja semakin kecil, namun toh cukup luas untuk para pastor Kapusin. Maka diperlukan tenaga-tenaga dari Kongregasi lain lagi. Kali ini dari Serikat Maria Montfortan (SMM). Tahun 1939 para pastor Montfortan yang pertama tiba di Kalimantan Barat dan mengambil alih bagian timur Kalimantan Barat yang terdiri dari Kabupaten Sintang dan Kapuas Hulu.
Pada tanggal 11 Maret 1948 daerah ini menjadi Prefektur Apostolik Sintang dan pada tanggal 23 April 1956 ditingkatkan menjadi Vikariat Apostolik.
Sementara itu perkembangan gereja semakin pesat, sedangkan pertambahan jumlah misionaris tidak terlalu banyak, maka bagian selatan Kalimantan Barat, yaitu Kabupaten Ketapang belum dapat dilayani semaksimal mungkin. Baru sesudah perang dunia II berakhir, ketika para imam Pasionis datang membantu, daerah Ketapang mendapat perhatian penuh.
Ternyata perkembangan gereja di situ cukup memberi harapan, sehingga pada tanggal 14 Januari 1955 Paus Pius XII memisahkannya dari Vikariat Apostolik Pontianak dan menjadikannya Prefektur Apostolik Ketapang.
Atas permintaan Roma maka daerah Sanggau, Sekadau dan Meliau, yang letaknya di sebelah Selatan Sungai Kapuas, digabungkan dengan wilayah Prefektur baru itu.
Prefektur Apostolik Ketapang ternyata masih terlalu luas untuk para pastor Pasionis Belanda. Maka pada tahun 1960 para Pasionis Italia datang membantu, sebagai daerah kerja diserahi daerah Sekadau dan daerah sebelah selatan Sungai Kapuas.
Pada pendirian Hierarki Indonesia tanggal 3 Januari 1961, Kalimantan menjadi satu Propinsi Gerejani yang terdiri atas: Keuskupan Agung Pontianak, Keuskupan Sintang , Ketapang, Banjarmasin dan Samarinda.
Pada tanggal 24 Agustus 1968 Wilayah Sekadau menjadi Prefektur Apostolik Sekadau.
Karena banyak umat dan luasnya Keuskupan Agung Pontianak, maka pada tanggal 10 Juli 1982 bagian Kabupaten Sanggau yang masuk Keuskupan Agung Pontianak digabungkan dengan Prefektur Apostolik Sekadau, dan dilebur menjadi menjadi Keuskupan Sanggau, yang meliputi seluruh daerah Kabupaten Sanggau.
Dengan demikian dari tahun 1905 sampai dengan 1984 Prefektur Apostolik Kalimantan (Borneo) sudah berkembang menjadi enam daerah Gerejani, yakni: Keuskupan Agung Pontianak, Keuskupan Sintang, Keuskupan Ketapang, Keuskupan Banjarmasin, Keuskupan Samarinda, dan Keuskupan Sanggau.
Jumlah umat Katolik di Kalimantan Barat pada tahun 1971 menurut hasil sensus penduduk tahun itu sebesar 277.456 orang. Pada tahun 1979 jumlah itu sudah meningkat menjadi 413.228 orang. Ini berarti dalam jangka waktu delapan tahun jumlah umat Katolik sudah bertambah dengan 135.772 orang.
Jadi suatu pertambahan hampir 50%. Rata-rata pertambahan umat per tahun selama jangka waktu itu adalah 16.971 orang. Kalau kita hitung berdasarkan angka rata-rata tahun 1971-1979, maka pada tahun 1984 ini, jumlah umat Katolik ada di Kalimantan Barat berjumlah 413.228 + (5 x 16.971) = 498.083 orang.
Pertambahan umat ini meliputi empat Keuskupan yaitu Keuskupan Agung Pontianak, Keuskupan Sintang, Keuskupan Ketapang dan Keuskupan Sanggau. Wilayah keempat keuskupan ini meliputi seluruh daerah Tingkat I (satu) Propinsi Kalimantan Barat.
Seperti apa yang melanda seluruh bumi Indonesia dalam tahun 1942. semua warga negara Belanda dijebloskan ke dalam kamp-kamp tawanan, begitu juga di Kalimantan Barat. Semua misionaris warga negara Belanda dibawa ke Kuching, Sarawak, 32 orang pastor, 40 bruder, dan 123 suster.
Yang diizinkan tinggal hanya pastor Bong dan Adikardjana. Pastor Adikardjana datang dari Jawa dan membantu pada Seminari di Pontianak. Ada sembilan suster keturunan Tionghoa tidak ikut ditawan. Mula-mula mereka kembali ke rumah sanak saudaranya, tetapi kemudian berkumpul dalam sebuah rumah dekat Singkawang.
Ke empat suster Belanda yang bekerja di rumah sakit kusta diperkenankan tinggal di sana untuk merawat pasien kusta. Selama perang itu hanya dua orang pastor tadi sedapat-dapatnya memberi pelayanan rohani kepada umat yang tersebar di seluruh Kalimantan Barat.
Sudah pasti tugas itu tidak mungkin dilaksanakan. Apalagi semua gedung gereja, sekolah dan pastoran serta biara ditutup atau diduduki oleh tentara Jepang.
Memang agama Katolik tidak dilarang dan orang Katolik pun tidak mengalami penganiayaan, tetapi toh mereka tetap dicurigai, karena berhubungan erat dengan orang Belanda.
Biasanya pastor Bong mengunjungi umat dengan menyamar sebagai tukang sayur. Ia merayakan Ekaristi di rumah suster, di rumah sakit kusta dan rumah umat yang Katolik.
Ada kalanya ia berturne ke kampung-kampung. Tetapi tahun 1944 beliau ditangkap dan dipenjarakan di Mempawah. Setengah tahun kemudian dibebaskan berkat pertolongan seorang pastor Jepang yang baru datang berkunjung ke Kalimantan.
Selama beliau meringkuk dalam penjara tentara Jepang mengadakan razia-razia.
Semua orang yang pernah bekerja sama dengan Belanda, baik Tionghoa maupun Indonesia ditangkap dan dibunuh.
Mereka menggeledah juga rumah suster di Singkawang lengkap dengan alat dengan maksud menangkap juga Pastor Bong. Akan tetapi karena suster-suster mengatakan beliau sudah ditangkap oleh tentara Jepang, maka mereka tidak jadi mengadakan pemeriksaan lebih lanjut.
Dengan jatuhnya bom atom di atas kota Hirosima dan Nagasaki maka berakhirnya perang pada tanggal 15 Agustus 1945. Jepang kalah tanpa syarat. Para misionaris diperkenankan kembali ke posnya masing-masing, sehingga di semua stasi besar dapat dirayakan Pesta Natal 1945 lagi seperti sebelum perang.
Februari 1946 stasi-stasi pedalaman dibuka kembali. Tiga orang pastor dan delapan orang suster tidak pernah muncul lagi depan umatnya; mereka telah meninggal dunia di dalam kamp akibat keganasan perang.
Sesudah perang itu para misionaris mendapat baru, pengalaman semakin bertambah, karena di dalam kamp mereka (para misionaris) mengadakan pertemuan.
Di pihak lain umat membuktikan semangat mereka bukannya padam, walaupun mengalami pelbagai penderitaan dan tekanan-tekanan, malah menampakkan keinginan yang kuat akan pembangunan, untuk membentuk suatu masyarakat yang baru yang berlainan dari pada yang dulu.
In the early 20th century apostolic vicar Jakarta asking for power to groups in the Netherlands. The
result was the priest of the Order of the Capuchin Province of the
Netherlands accepts responsibility for the Prefecture Apostolic of
Borneo (Kalimantan), recently established on February 11 1905. when the missionaries started coming regularly to various places in
Catholic Mission began meeting with the Governor General Mgr.Claessens Dutch East Indies in Buitenzorg (Bogor) is written in the letter Vicar Apostolic of Batavia on February 25, 1884, which states the possibility of the Dutch government gave local Catholic Mission and Borneo for permission to start a mission in Borneo given on 7 August 1884.

P. Merkus
Department Letter No.252 dated June 14, 1890 approving the Catholic Missions among the Dayaks with Semitau seat. Pastor H. Looymans sent the first missionary to the Dayak, dated July 29, 1890 Pastor H. Looymans arrived in Semitau.
On 30 November 1905 the missionaries also arrived in Singkawang. In 1906 Sejiram got another priest, and in 1908 opened a new stations Laham, at the edge of the Mahakam River in East Kalimantan. Pontianak in 1909 became the residence of the Prefect Apostolic Mgr. Pacifikus boss, and thus became the center of all activities of the mission on the island of Borneo. Dated March 13, 1918 a Vicariate Apostolic of Borneo.
Because of their work area is very spacious, all difficult relationships, and a very limited amount of power, then it can not possibly be given seideal services-ideally, the Mgr. Pacifikus boss seeking personnel from other Congregation to assist in Borneo.
This was achieved in 1926, when members of the Congregation of the MSF (Mission of the Holy Family) took over the South and East Kalimantan, which later on May 21, 1938 became the Apostolic Prefecture Banjarmasin. On the same date a Vicariate Apostolic Pontianak. Thus, the Capuchin priest could focus in West Kalimantan alone.
Dated March 10, 1949 increased to Banjarmasin Apostolic Prefecture Apostolic Vicariate, and then on February 21, 1955 is divided into Vicariate Apostolic Vicariate Apostolic Banjarmasin and Samarinda.
Despite the smaller working area, yet roomy enough for the Capuchin priest. It would require personnel from another congregation. This time from the States Maria Montfortan (SMM). In 1939 Montfortan priests who first arrived in West Kalimantan and took over the eastern part of West Kalimantan comprising Sintang and Kapuas Hulu.
On March 11, 1948 it became the Apostolic Prefecture Sintang and on 23 April 1956 increased to Apostolic Vicariate.
Meanwhile, the rapid development of the church, while in the number of missionaries is not too much, then the southern part of West Kalimantan, which can not be serviced Ketapang fullest. Only after World War II ended, when the Passionist priests came to help, Ketapang area gets full attention.
Apparently the development of the church in it enough to give hope, so that on January 14, 1955 Pope Pius XII separated from the Apostolic Vicariate Apostolic Prefecture Pontianak and make Ketapang.
At the request of the local Roma Sanggau, Sekadau and Meliau, which is located in the south of the Kapuas River, coupled with the area of the new Prefecture.
Ketapang apostolic prefecture was still too wide for the Dutch Passionist priest. So in 1960 the Italian Passionist came to help, as the area of work assigned Sekadau areas and areas south of the Kapuas River.
On the establishment of the Hierarchy Indonesia on January 3, 1961, Kalimantan into one ecclesiastical province comprising: Archdiocese of Pontianak, Diocese Sintang, Ketapang, Banjarmasin and Samarinda.
On August 24, 1968 Region Sekadau be Sekadau apostolic prefecture.
Because a lot of people and the extent of the Archdiocese of Pontianak, then on July 10, 1982 the District section that goes combined with the Archdiocese of Pontianak Sekadau apostolic prefecture, and merged into a Sanggau diocese, which covers the entire area of the District.
Thus from 1905 to 1984 Apostolic Prefecture Kalimantan (Borneo) has developed into six regions Ecclesial, namely: Archdiocese of Pontianak, Diocese Sintang, Ketapang diocese, the Diocese of Banjarmasin, Samarinda Diocese, and the Diocese of Sanggau.
The number of Catholics in West Kalimantan in 1971 according to the census that year amounted to 277,456 persons. In 1979 that number had risen to 413,228 people. This means that within a period of eight years the number of Catholics has increased by 135,772 people.
So an increase of nearly 50%. The average increase per year for the people of the time period was 16 971 people. If we calculate based on the average number of years of 1971-1979, then in 1984, the number of Catholics in West Kalimantan totaling 413 228 + (5 x 16 971) = 498 083 people.
Added race includes four diocese is the Archdiocese of Pontianak, Sintang diocese, the Diocese and the Diocese Sanggau Ketapang. Fourth area of this diocese covers the entire area of Level I (one) of West Kalimantan.

Like anything that swept across the Earth Indonesia in 1942. all Dutch citizens were put into internment camps, as well as in West Kalimantan. All Dutch citizens missionaries brought to Kuching, Sarawak, 32 priests, 40 brothers, and 123 sisters.
Only priests were allowed to stay and Adikardjana Bong. Pastor Adikardjana come from Java and assist the seminary in Pontianak. There are nine sisters of Chinese descent do not participate in captivity. At first their relatives back home, but then gathered in a house near Singkawang.
The four Dutch nurse who worked in leper hospitals allowed to stay there for treating leprosy patients. During the war it was only two priests had been as far as possible provide spiritual services to the people scattered throughout West Kalimantan.
Certainly the task impossible. Moreover, all of the church building, school and rectory and convent closed or occupied by the Japanese army.
It is not banned Catholicism and Catholics were not persecuted, but yet they still suspected, because closely related to Dutch.
Usually pastor Bong visiting people by posing as a handyman vegetables. He celebrated the Eucharist at home nurse, leprosy hospital and home the people are Catholic.
There are times when he berturne to the villages. But in 1944 he was arrested and imprisoned in Mempawah. Half a year later released thanks to the help of a new Japanese priest came to Borneo.
During his incarcerated Japanese troops entered razzias.
All the people who had worked with the Dutch, Chinese and Indonesia both captured and killed.
They also searched the home nurse in Singkawang complete with tools in order to grasp also Pastor Bong. However, because the nuns said that he has been captured by the Japanese, they will not be held further examination.
With the fall of the atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the war ended on August 15, 1945. Japan defeated unconditionally. The missionaries allowed to return to their posts, so that in all major stations to celebrate 1945 Christmas party again like before the war.
February 1946-stations inland stations reopened. Three of the eight priests and nuns never appeared before his people, they had died in the camps due to malignancy war.
After the war it was the missionaries got a new, growing experience, because in their camp (the missionaries) met.
On the other hand the people to prove their passion rather than extinguished, even undergo various sufferings and pressures, instead revealing a strong desire development, to establish a new society different than the first.
Catholic Mission began meeting with the Governor General Mgr.Claessens Dutch East Indies in Buitenzorg (Bogor) is written in the letter Vicar Apostolic of Batavia on February 25, 1884, which states the possibility of the Dutch government gave local Catholic Mission and Borneo for permission to start a mission in Borneo given on 7 August 1884.
P. Merkus
Department Letter No.252 dated June 14, 1890 approving the Catholic Missions among the Dayaks with Semitau seat. Pastor H. Looymans sent the first missionary to the Dayak, dated July 29, 1890 Pastor H. Looymans arrived in Semitau.
On 30 November 1905 the missionaries also arrived in Singkawang. In 1906 Sejiram got another priest, and in 1908 opened a new stations Laham, at the edge of the Mahakam River in East Kalimantan. Pontianak in 1909 became the residence of the Prefect Apostolic Mgr. Pacifikus boss, and thus became the center of all activities of the mission on the island of Borneo. Dated March 13, 1918 a Vicariate Apostolic of Borneo.
Because of their work area is very spacious, all difficult relationships, and a very limited amount of power, then it can not possibly be given seideal services-ideally, the Mgr. Pacifikus boss seeking personnel from other Congregation to assist in Borneo.
This was achieved in 1926, when members of the Congregation of the MSF (Mission of the Holy Family) took over the South and East Kalimantan, which later on May 21, 1938 became the Apostolic Prefecture Banjarmasin. On the same date a Vicariate Apostolic Pontianak. Thus, the Capuchin priest could focus in West Kalimantan alone.
Dated March 10, 1949 increased to Banjarmasin Apostolic Prefecture Apostolic Vicariate, and then on February 21, 1955 is divided into Vicariate Apostolic Vicariate Apostolic Banjarmasin and Samarinda.
Despite the smaller working area, yet roomy enough for the Capuchin priest. It would require personnel from another congregation. This time from the States Maria Montfortan (SMM). In 1939 Montfortan priests who first arrived in West Kalimantan and took over the eastern part of West Kalimantan comprising Sintang and Kapuas Hulu.
On March 11, 1948 it became the Apostolic Prefecture Sintang and on 23 April 1956 increased to Apostolic Vicariate.
Meanwhile, the rapid development of the church, while in the number of missionaries is not too much, then the southern part of West Kalimantan, which can not be serviced Ketapang fullest. Only after World War II ended, when the Passionist priests came to help, Ketapang area gets full attention.
Apparently the development of the church in it enough to give hope, so that on January 14, 1955 Pope Pius XII separated from the Apostolic Vicariate Apostolic Prefecture Pontianak and make Ketapang.
At the request of the local Roma Sanggau, Sekadau and Meliau, which is located in the south of the Kapuas River, coupled with the area of the new Prefecture.
Ketapang apostolic prefecture was still too wide for the Dutch Passionist priest. So in 1960 the Italian Passionist came to help, as the area of work assigned Sekadau areas and areas south of the Kapuas River.
On the establishment of the Hierarchy Indonesia on January 3, 1961, Kalimantan into one ecclesiastical province comprising: Archdiocese of Pontianak, Diocese Sintang, Ketapang, Banjarmasin and Samarinda.
On August 24, 1968 Region Sekadau be Sekadau apostolic prefecture.
Because a lot of people and the extent of the Archdiocese of Pontianak, then on July 10, 1982 the District section that goes combined with the Archdiocese of Pontianak Sekadau apostolic prefecture, and merged into a Sanggau diocese, which covers the entire area of the District.
Thus from 1905 to 1984 Apostolic Prefecture Kalimantan (Borneo) has developed into six regions Ecclesial, namely: Archdiocese of Pontianak, Diocese Sintang, Ketapang diocese, the Diocese of Banjarmasin, Samarinda Diocese, and the Diocese of Sanggau.
The number of Catholics in West Kalimantan in 1971 according to the census that year amounted to 277,456 persons. In 1979 that number had risen to 413,228 people. This means that within a period of eight years the number of Catholics has increased by 135,772 people.
So an increase of nearly 50%. The average increase per year for the people of the time period was 16 971 people. If we calculate based on the average number of years of 1971-1979, then in 1984, the number of Catholics in West Kalimantan totaling 413 228 + (5 x 16 971) = 498 083 people.
Added race includes four diocese is the Archdiocese of Pontianak, Sintang diocese, the Diocese and the Diocese Sanggau Ketapang. Fourth area of this diocese covers the entire area of Level I (one) of West Kalimantan.
Like anything that swept across the Earth Indonesia in 1942. all Dutch citizens were put into internment camps, as well as in West Kalimantan. All Dutch citizens missionaries brought to Kuching, Sarawak, 32 priests, 40 brothers, and 123 sisters.
Only priests were allowed to stay and Adikardjana Bong. Pastor Adikardjana come from Java and assist the seminary in Pontianak. There are nine sisters of Chinese descent do not participate in captivity. At first their relatives back home, but then gathered in a house near Singkawang.
The four Dutch nurse who worked in leper hospitals allowed to stay there for treating leprosy patients. During the war it was only two priests had been as far as possible provide spiritual services to the people scattered throughout West Kalimantan.
Certainly the task impossible. Moreover, all of the church building, school and rectory and convent closed or occupied by the Japanese army.
It is not banned Catholicism and Catholics were not persecuted, but yet they still suspected, because closely related to Dutch.
Usually pastor Bong visiting people by posing as a handyman vegetables. He celebrated the Eucharist at home nurse, leprosy hospital and home the people are Catholic.
There are times when he berturne to the villages. But in 1944 he was arrested and imprisoned in Mempawah. Half a year later released thanks to the help of a new Japanese priest came to Borneo.
During his incarcerated Japanese troops entered razzias.
All the people who had worked with the Dutch, Chinese and Indonesia both captured and killed.
They also searched the home nurse in Singkawang complete with tools in order to grasp also Pastor Bong. However, because the nuns said that he has been captured by the Japanese, they will not be held further examination.
With the fall of the atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the war ended on August 15, 1945. Japan defeated unconditionally. The missionaries allowed to return to their posts, so that in all major stations to celebrate 1945 Christmas party again like before the war.
February 1946-stations inland stations reopened. Three of the eight priests and nuns never appeared before his people, they had died in the camps due to malignancy war.
After the war it was the missionaries got a new, growing experience, because in their camp (the missionaries) met.
On the other hand the people to prove their passion rather than extinguished, even undergo various sufferings and pressures, instead revealing a strong desire development, to establish a new society different than the first.
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