Sejiram adalah cikal bakal dari perkembangan gereja di Kalimantan Barat. Misi Katolik berawal dari pertemuan Mgr.Claessens dengan Gubernur Jenderal Hindia Belanda di Buitenzorg (Bogor)yang tertulis dalam surat Vikaris Apostolik dari Batavia tanggal 25 Februari 1884, yang menyatakan kemungkinan pemerintah Belanda memberikan daerah Borneo bagi Misi Katolik dan ijin untuk memulai Misi di Borneo di berikan pada tanggal
7 agustus 1884.
Setelah melakukan perjalanan untuk meninjau situasi, Pater Staal memilih Semitau sebagai tempat kedudukan seorang Kontrolir yang membawahi Kapuas Hulu. Dengan Surat Dinas tanggal 14 Juni 1890 No.252
yang menyetujui Misi Katolik di antara orang-orang Dayak dengan tempat
kedudukan Semitau. Pastor H. Looymans diutus menjadi misionaris pertama
bagi orang Dayak, tanggal 29 Juli 1890 Pastor H. Looymans tiba di
Namun ternyata Semitau bukan tempat yang strategis bagi karya misi. Tahun 1892 Pastor H. Looymans di jemput dan di bawa ke Sejiram oleh Babar, Bantan dan Unang, tiga bersaudara dari Sejiram dan membangun rumah di atas tanah kosong yang agak berbukit di pinggir Sungai Seberuang. Di tempat itu juga dibangun gereja, sekolah dan pondok untuk anak sekolah dan dalam kurun waktu 7 bulan Pastor H. Looymans sudah mempermandikan 58 orang anak.
Tahun 1893 Pastor H. Looymans di bantu oleh Pastor Mulder tapi pada tahun 1898 Sejiram terpaksa di tinggalkan karena tenaga mereka lebih diperlukan di tempat lain yang lebih mendesak. Tahun 1900 Pastor Schrader pernah sekali mengunjungi Sejiram, sejak itu Sejiram tidak pernah di kunjungi lagi sampai tahun 1906.
Namun ternyata Semitau bukan tempat yang strategis bagi karya misi. Tahun 1892 Pastor H. Looymans di jemput dan di bawa ke Sejiram oleh Babar, Bantan dan Unang, tiga bersaudara dari Sejiram dan membangun rumah di atas tanah kosong yang agak berbukit di pinggir Sungai Seberuang. Di tempat itu juga dibangun gereja, sekolah dan pondok untuk anak sekolah dan dalam kurun waktu 7 bulan Pastor H. Looymans sudah mempermandikan 58 orang anak.
Tahun 1893 Pastor H. Looymans di bantu oleh Pastor Mulder tapi pada tahun 1898 Sejiram terpaksa di tinggalkan karena tenaga mereka lebih diperlukan di tempat lain yang lebih mendesak. Tahun 1900 Pastor Schrader pernah sekali mengunjungi Sejiram, sejak itu Sejiram tidak pernah di kunjungi lagi sampai tahun 1906.
1905 di dirikan Prefektur Apostolik di Pontianak yang di serahkan
kepada Ordo Kapusin dan pada bulan Mei 1906 bekas stasi Sejiram di
kunjungi Prefek Apostolik, Pater Pacificus Bos. Tanggal 22 Agustus 1906 Stasi Sejiram kembali dibuka dan
Pastor Eugenius, Pastor Camillus dan Bruder Theodorius menetap di Stasi
Sejiram ini. Tak lama kemudian karya misi di Sejiram diperkokoh dengan
datangnya Sr. Didelia, Sr. Casperina dan Sr. Cayetana yang merupakan
Suster Fransiskanes dari Veghel. Perjuangan Misionaris Kapusin dan
Suster Fransiskanes dimulai dari usaha meningkatkan kehidupan social
ekonomi masyarakat setempat dengan mendirikan sekolah sebab masyarakat
Dayak pada waktu itu tertarik kepada Gereja karena usaha pendidkan yang
dapat meningkatkan kehidupan mereka.

Wilayah Keuskupan Sintang, yang terletak di bagian hulu Sungai Kapuas dan Sungai Melawi, meliputi dua Kabupaten dari Propinsi Kalimantan Barat, yaitu Kabupaten Sintang dan Kabupaten Kapuas Hulu. Wilayah yang luasnya 65.000 km2 ini hanya mempunyai hubungan melalui sungai dan jalan setapak. Kecuali sedikit di sekitar Sintang, yang walaupun amat darurat, punya hubungan darat yang dapat dilalui oleh jeep dan sepeda motor.
Wilayah Keuskupan Sintang, yang terletak di bagian hulu Sungai Kapuas dan Sungai Melawi, meliputi dua Kabupaten dari Propinsi Kalimantan Barat, yaitu Kabupaten Sintang dan Kabupaten Kapuas Hulu. Wilayah yang luasnya 65.000 km2 ini hanya mempunyai hubungan melalui sungai dan jalan setapak. Kecuali sedikit di sekitar Sintang, yang walaupun amat darurat, punya hubungan darat yang dapat dilalui oleh jeep dan sepeda motor.
dari jumlah prosentase jumlah umat, Gereja di Keuskupan Sintang
mempunyai potensi yang amat besar. Potensi yang nampak dalam statistik
lama dan masih seakan-akan tersembunyi. Sebagian besar penganut Katolik
di Keuskupan ini adalah Suku Dayak. Mata pencarian mereka adalah ladang
berpindah, kebun karet, dan hasil hutan lainnya. Dari semua sumber
tersebut, penghasilan mereka rata-rata cukup rendah. Karena itu
prosentase yang membesarkan hati, yang cukup mengejukan masyarakat pada
umumnya dan juga Gereja, selain memberi banyak harapan juga menyodorkan
Gereja di Keuskupan Sintang dimulai dari sebuah “biji” yang betul-betul kecil dan hampir tidak kelihatan, yakni wilayah Sejiram. Ketika seluruh Nusantara masih di bawah satu Vikariat Apostolik Jakarta, sudah ada maksud mendirikan karya misi di antara orang-orang Dayak. Dalam surat Vikaris Apostolik dari Batavia tertanggal 25 Pebruari 1884, dengan nomor 178, Mgr. Claessens memberitahu tentang pertemuannya dengan Gubernur Jenderal Hindia Belanda di Buitenzorg (bogor), yang menyatakan kemungkinan pemerintah Belanda memberi daerah Borneo bagi Misi Katolik. Dalam surat itu juga dinyatakan bahwa dalam penjajakannya yang terakhir di Borneo ada kesan cukup baik akan kemungkinan penerimaan orang Dayak terhadap Misi Katolik.
7 Agustus
Ijin untuk memulai bekerja di antara orang Dayak diberikan, mula-mula di daerah-daerah yang langsung di bawah pemerintah Belanda, yakni di Sambas, Mempawah dan Sintang. Pater Staal beberapa kali mengadakan perjalanan untuk meninjau situasi. Beliau menganjurkan supaya misi dimulai di antara orang-orang Dayak yang diam di sekitar Bengkayang, khususnya di kampung Sebalau. Dearah itu tidak terlalu jauh dari Singkawang, sehingga Pastor Singkawang dan Pastor Sebalau dapat mudah berhubungan. Residen Gijbers dari Pontianak menganjurkan supaya Pater Staal mengunjungi juga daerah-daerah lain: lima hari mudfik dengan motor-boat dari Pontianak. Daerah itu adalah Semitau, pusat orang-orang Dayak dari Suku Rambai, Seberuang dan Kantuk. Pater Staal punya kesan baik terhadap orang-orang Dayak di sekitar Semitau. Namun mengingat jumlah mereka yang hanya sekitar 1500 orang, dan perjalanan yang sulit sekali, sehingga Pater Staal tetap pada nasehatnya: pilihlah Sebalau.
7 Agustus
Ijin untuk memulai bekerja di antara orang Dayak diberikan, mula-mula di daerah-daerah yang langsung di bawah pemerintah Belanda, yakni di Sambas, Mempawah dan Sintang. Pater Staal beberapa kali mengadakan perjalanan untuk meninjau situasi. Beliau menganjurkan supaya misi dimulai di antara orang-orang Dayak yang diam di sekitar Bengkayang, khususnya di kampung Sebalau. Dearah itu tidak terlalu jauh dari Singkawang, sehingga Pastor Singkawang dan Pastor Sebalau dapat mudah berhubungan. Residen Gijbers dari Pontianak menganjurkan supaya Pater Staal mengunjungi juga daerah-daerah lain: lima hari mudfik dengan motor-boat dari Pontianak. Daerah itu adalah Semitau, pusat orang-orang Dayak dari Suku Rambai, Seberuang dan Kantuk. Pater Staal punya kesan baik terhadap orang-orang Dayak di sekitar Semitau. Namun mengingat jumlah mereka yang hanya sekitar 1500 orang, dan perjalanan yang sulit sekali, sehingga Pater Staal tetap pada nasehatnya: pilihlah Sebalau.
pertimbangan selanjutnya ternyata Sebalau tidak dipilih, karena
terletak dalam daerah kekuasaan Sultan Sambas dan tidak ada jaminan
bahwa pejabat-pejabatnya yang semuanya Islam tidak akan menghalangi
karya misi di antara orang-orang Dayak yang masih animis. Dengan
demikian, pilihan jatuh pada Semitau, tempat kedudukan seorang Kontrolir
yang membawahi daerah Kapuas Hulu. Residen Sintang menyetujui rencana
itu dan menyatakan bahwa Suku Seberuang, Rambai dan Kantuk cukup taat
pada Pemnerintah Belanda dan mereka bersedia menerima Misi Katolik.
14 Juni
Surat dinas nomor 252, yang dikeluarkan berdasarkan Surat Dinas Kabinet tanggal 29 Juli 1889, nomor 7, yang menyetujui Misi Katolik berkarya di antara orang-orang Dayak dengan tempat kedudukan Semitau, Pastor Looymans diutus menjadi misionaris pertama bagi orang Dayak.
29 Juli
Pastor H. Looymans tiba di Semitau.Kemudian ternyata Semitau bukan tempat yang strategis bagi karya misi. Karena orang Dayak tidak tinggal di Semitau, tetapi di daerah sekitarnya. Hanya sesekali mereka datang ke Semitau Desa yang merupakan pusat perdagangan bagi daerah sekitarnya. Penduduknya sendiri hanya terdiri dari orang-orang Cina dan Melayu. Dengan demikian, kontak yang mendalam dengan orang Dayak hampir tidak mungkin. Maka pada tahun 1892 Pastor Looymans dijemput dan dibawa ke Sejiram oleh Babar, Bantan dan Unang, tiga bersaudara dari Sejiram. Di atas tanah kosong yang agak berbukit di pinggir Sungai Seberuang, tidak jauh dari Nanga Sejiram, Pastor Looymans membangun rumah. Tempat itu terletak di antara 4 kampung orang Dayak. Jarak setiap kampung sekitar lima menit berjalan kaki. Di tempat itu kemudian dibangun gereja, sekolah dan pondok untuk anak-anak sekolah. Dalam waktu tujuh bulan Pastor Looymans sudah mempermandikan 58 orang anak. Di sini pun, seperti di tempat lain, harapan terutama terletak pada anak-anak muda.
14 Juni
Surat dinas nomor 252, yang dikeluarkan berdasarkan Surat Dinas Kabinet tanggal 29 Juli 1889, nomor 7, yang menyetujui Misi Katolik berkarya di antara orang-orang Dayak dengan tempat kedudukan Semitau, Pastor Looymans diutus menjadi misionaris pertama bagi orang Dayak.
29 Juli
Pastor H. Looymans tiba di Semitau.Kemudian ternyata Semitau bukan tempat yang strategis bagi karya misi. Karena orang Dayak tidak tinggal di Semitau, tetapi di daerah sekitarnya. Hanya sesekali mereka datang ke Semitau Desa yang merupakan pusat perdagangan bagi daerah sekitarnya. Penduduknya sendiri hanya terdiri dari orang-orang Cina dan Melayu. Dengan demikian, kontak yang mendalam dengan orang Dayak hampir tidak mungkin. Maka pada tahun 1892 Pastor Looymans dijemput dan dibawa ke Sejiram oleh Babar, Bantan dan Unang, tiga bersaudara dari Sejiram. Di atas tanah kosong yang agak berbukit di pinggir Sungai Seberuang, tidak jauh dari Nanga Sejiram, Pastor Looymans membangun rumah. Tempat itu terletak di antara 4 kampung orang Dayak. Jarak setiap kampung sekitar lima menit berjalan kaki. Di tempat itu kemudian dibangun gereja, sekolah dan pondok untuk anak-anak sekolah. Dalam waktu tujuh bulan Pastor Looymans sudah mempermandikan 58 orang anak. Di sini pun, seperti di tempat lain, harapan terutama terletak pada anak-anak muda.
Pastor Looymans yang sendirian dan kurang terpelihara hidupnya dibantu oleh Pastor Mulder. Sayang karya mereka tidak dapat bertahan lama. Daerah yang baru dirintis itu hanya dapat dilayani beberapa tahun saja.
Pastor Looymans yang sendirian dan kurang terpelihara hidupnya dibantu oleh Pastor Mulder. Sayang karya mereka tidak dapat bertahan lama. Daerah yang baru dirintis itu hanya dapat dilayani beberapa tahun saja.
Sejiram terpaksa harus ditinggalkan, karena tenaga mereka diperlukan di tempat lain yang lebih mendesak.
Sejiram terpaksa harus ditinggalkan, karena tenaga mereka diperlukan di tempat lain yang lebih mendesak.
Pastor Schrader sekali lagi mengunjungi Sejiram namun tidak menetap.
Pastor Schrader sekali lagi mengunjungi Sejiram namun tidak menetap.
Sejiram dikunjungi lagi oleh beberapa Pastor yang kemudian menetap dan mulai dari saat itu Penginjilan di Sejiram semakin berkembang.

Sejiram was the forerunner of the development of the church in West Kalimantan. Catholic Mission began meeting with the Governor General Mgr.Claessens Dutch East Indies in Buitenzorg (Bogor) is written in the letter Vicar Apostolic of Batavia on February 25, 1884, which states the possibility of the Dutch government gave local Catholic Mission and Borneo for permission to start a mission in Borneo given on the date7 August 1884.After traveling to review the situation, Father Semitau Staal chose as the seat of a Controller in charge of Kapuas Hulu. Department Letter No.252 dated June 14, 1890 approving the Catholic Missions among the Dayaks with Semitau seat. Pastor H. Looymans sent the first missionary to the Dayak, dated July 29, 1890 Pastor H. Looymans arrived in Semitau.
But apparently Semitau not a better location for the mission. In 1892 Pastor H. Looymans picked up and taken to Sejiram by Babar, Bantan and Unang, three brothers from Sejiram and build a house on vacant land at the edge of the river is rather hilly Seberuang. In places it is also built churches, schools and school children and a cot for the past 7 months Pastor H. Looymans already baptize 58 children.In 1893 Pastor H. Looymans assisted by Pastor Mulder Sejiram in 1898 but was forced to stay behind because they are more energy is needed elsewhere more urgent. In 1900 Father Schrader never once visited Sejiram, since it Sejiram never visited again until 1906.In 1905 was founded the Apostolic Prefecture in Pontianak submitted to the Capuchin Order and in May 1906 at the former stations Sejiram visit Prefect Apostolic Father Pacificus boss. Dated August 22, 1906 Stasi Sejiram reopened and Pastor Eugene, Father and Brother Camillus Theodorius settled in this Sejiram Stasi. Soon after the mission in Sejiram strengthened with the arrival of Sr. Didelia, Sr.. Casperina and Sr. Cayetana who is a Franciscan Sister of Veghel. Struggle and Sister Missionary Franciscan Capuchin begins efforts to improve socio-economic life of local people by building schools for the Dayak community at that time attracted to the church because of business education to improve their lives.
THE CHURCH Sintang diocese, located in the upper reaches of the Kapuas River and the River Melawi, covering two districts of West Kalimantan province, namely Sintang and Kapuas Hulu. An area of 65,000 km2 has only relationship with the river and trail. Except a little around Sintang, which although very emergency, had ties to the land traversed by jeep and motorbike.Judging from the amount of the percentage of people, the Church in the Diocese of Sintang has tremendous potential. Potential seen in a long time and still statistically as if hidden. The majority of Catholics in this diocese is the Dayak. Their livelihoods are shifting cultivation, rubber, and other forest products. From all these sources, their average income is low enough. Because it's an encouraging percentage, which is quite mengejukan society in general as well as the Church, in addition to giving a lot of hope but also present challenges.
Church in the Diocese Sintang starting from a "seed" which is really small and virtually invisible, which Sejiram region. When the entire archipelago was under the Apostolic Vicariate of Jakarta, had no intention of establishing mission work among the Dayaks. In a letter Vicar Apostolic of Batavia dated 25 February 1884, with the number 178, Mgr. Claessens tells about his meeting with the Governor General of the Dutch East Indies in Buitenzorg (Bogor), suggesting the possibility of the Dutch government to give local Catholic Mission Borneo. In the letter also stated that in the last penjajakannya in Borneo was pretty good impression of the possibility of acceptance of the Dayaks against the Catholic Mission.1884 August 7
Permission to begin work among the Dayaks are given, first in the areas directly under the Dutch government, which in Sambas, Mempawah and Sintang. Father Staal several times to travel to review the situation. He suggested that the mission started among Dayak people who dwell around Bengkayang, especially in the villages Sebalau. Strip was not too far from Singkawang, so Pastor and Pastor Sebalau Singkawang could easily relate. Resident Gijbers of Pontianak suggested that Father Staal also visit other areas: five days mudfik with a motor-boat from Pontianak. The area is a Semitau, the center of the Dayaks Tribes- RAMBAI, Seberuang and Sleepiness.
Father Staal had a good impression of the Dayak people around Semitau. However, given the number of those only about 1500 people, and a very difficult journey, so Father Staal remained on his advice: choose Sebalau.In further consideration Sebalau apparently not chosen, because it is located within the territory of the Sultan of Sambas and there is no guarantee that all of its officers for Islam would not deter mission work among the Dayaks are still animists. Thus, the choice fell on Semitau, the seat of a Controller in charge of Kapuas Hulu. Resident Sintang approve the plan and stated that the tribe Seberuang, RAMBAI and Sleepiness quite obedient to Pemnerintah Netherlands and they are willing to accept the Catholic Mission.1890 June 14
Official letter number 252, issued by the Cabinet Office letter dated July 29, 1889, number 7, which approved the Catholic mission work among the Dayaks with Semitau seat, Pastor Looymans became the first missionary sent to the Dayak.July 29Pastor H. Looymans got Semitau.Kemudian turns Semitau not a better location for the mission. Because people do not live in Semitau Dayak, but in the surrounding area. Just occasionally they come to the village Semitau an important trading center for the surrounding areas. Own population consists only of the Chinese and Malays. Thus, a deep contact with the Dayak almost impossible. Then in 1892 Father Looymans picked up and taken to Sejiram by Babar, Bantan and Unang, three brothers from Sejiram. In the vacant lot on the edge of a rather hilly Seberuang River, not far from the Nanga Sejiram, Pastor Looymans build a house. The place was located in 4 villages of the Dayaks. Distance of every village about five minutes walk. In that place then built churches, schools and cottage for school children. Within seven months of Pastor Looymans already baptize 58 children. Here too, as in other places, especially the hope lies in the young children.1893
Pastor Looymans who lives alone and poorly maintained assisted by Pastor Mulder. Unfortunately their work can not last long. Pioneered a new area it can only be served a few years.1898
Sejiram had to be abandoned, because their labor is needed elsewhere more urgent.1900Father Schrader once again visit Sejiram but not settled.1906.
Sejiram visited again by some priest who then settled and started from that moment on Sejiram Evangelism growing.

Perkampungan suku Dayak.
Sejiram dikunjungi lagi oleh beberapa Pastor yang kemudian menetap dan mulai dari saat itu Penginjilan di Sejiram semakin berkembang.
Sejiram was the forerunner of the development of the church in West Kalimantan. Catholic Mission began meeting with the Governor General Mgr.Claessens Dutch East Indies in Buitenzorg (Bogor) is written in the letter Vicar Apostolic of Batavia on February 25, 1884, which states the possibility of the Dutch government gave local Catholic Mission and Borneo for permission to start a mission in Borneo given on the date7 August 1884.After traveling to review the situation, Father Semitau Staal chose as the seat of a Controller in charge of Kapuas Hulu. Department Letter No.252 dated June 14, 1890 approving the Catholic Missions among the Dayaks with Semitau seat. Pastor H. Looymans sent the first missionary to the Dayak, dated July 29, 1890 Pastor H. Looymans arrived in Semitau.
But apparently Semitau not a better location for the mission. In 1892 Pastor H. Looymans picked up and taken to Sejiram by Babar, Bantan and Unang, three brothers from Sejiram and build a house on vacant land at the edge of the river is rather hilly Seberuang. In places it is also built churches, schools and school children and a cot for the past 7 months Pastor H. Looymans already baptize 58 children.In 1893 Pastor H. Looymans assisted by Pastor Mulder Sejiram in 1898 but was forced to stay behind because they are more energy is needed elsewhere more urgent. In 1900 Father Schrader never once visited Sejiram, since it Sejiram never visited again until 1906.In 1905 was founded the Apostolic Prefecture in Pontianak submitted to the Capuchin Order and in May 1906 at the former stations Sejiram visit Prefect Apostolic Father Pacificus boss. Dated August 22, 1906 Stasi Sejiram reopened and Pastor Eugene, Father and Brother Camillus Theodorius settled in this Sejiram Stasi. Soon after the mission in Sejiram strengthened with the arrival of Sr. Didelia, Sr.. Casperina and Sr. Cayetana who is a Franciscan Sister of Veghel. Struggle and Sister Missionary Franciscan Capuchin begins efforts to improve socio-economic life of local people by building schools for the Dayak community at that time attracted to the church because of business education to improve their lives.
THE CHURCH Sintang diocese, located in the upper reaches of the Kapuas River and the River Melawi, covering two districts of West Kalimantan province, namely Sintang and Kapuas Hulu. An area of 65,000 km2 has only relationship with the river and trail. Except a little around Sintang, which although very emergency, had ties to the land traversed by jeep and motorbike.Judging from the amount of the percentage of people, the Church in the Diocese of Sintang has tremendous potential. Potential seen in a long time and still statistically as if hidden. The majority of Catholics in this diocese is the Dayak. Their livelihoods are shifting cultivation, rubber, and other forest products. From all these sources, their average income is low enough. Because it's an encouraging percentage, which is quite mengejukan society in general as well as the Church, in addition to giving a lot of hope but also present challenges.
Church in the Diocese Sintang starting from a "seed" which is really small and virtually invisible, which Sejiram region. When the entire archipelago was under the Apostolic Vicariate of Jakarta, had no intention of establishing mission work among the Dayaks. In a letter Vicar Apostolic of Batavia dated 25 February 1884, with the number 178, Mgr. Claessens tells about his meeting with the Governor General of the Dutch East Indies in Buitenzorg (Bogor), suggesting the possibility of the Dutch government to give local Catholic Mission Borneo. In the letter also stated that in the last penjajakannya in Borneo was pretty good impression of the possibility of acceptance of the Dayaks against the Catholic Mission.1884 August 7
Permission to begin work among the Dayaks are given, first in the areas directly under the Dutch government, which in Sambas, Mempawah and Sintang. Father Staal several times to travel to review the situation. He suggested that the mission started among Dayak people who dwell around Bengkayang, especially in the villages Sebalau. Strip was not too far from Singkawang, so Pastor and Pastor Sebalau Singkawang could easily relate. Resident Gijbers of Pontianak suggested that Father Staal also visit other areas: five days mudfik with a motor-boat from Pontianak. The area is a Semitau, the center of the Dayaks Tribes- RAMBAI, Seberuang and Sleepiness.
Father Staal had a good impression of the Dayak people around Semitau. However, given the number of those only about 1500 people, and a very difficult journey, so Father Staal remained on his advice: choose Sebalau.In further consideration Sebalau apparently not chosen, because it is located within the territory of the Sultan of Sambas and there is no guarantee that all of its officers for Islam would not deter mission work among the Dayaks are still animists. Thus, the choice fell on Semitau, the seat of a Controller in charge of Kapuas Hulu. Resident Sintang approve the plan and stated that the tribe Seberuang, RAMBAI and Sleepiness quite obedient to Pemnerintah Netherlands and they are willing to accept the Catholic Mission.1890 June 14
Official letter number 252, issued by the Cabinet Office letter dated July 29, 1889, number 7, which approved the Catholic mission work among the Dayaks with Semitau seat, Pastor Looymans became the first missionary sent to the Dayak.July 29Pastor H. Looymans got Semitau.Kemudian turns Semitau not a better location for the mission. Because people do not live in Semitau Dayak, but in the surrounding area. Just occasionally they come to the village Semitau an important trading center for the surrounding areas. Own population consists only of the Chinese and Malays. Thus, a deep contact with the Dayak almost impossible. Then in 1892 Father Looymans picked up and taken to Sejiram by Babar, Bantan and Unang, three brothers from Sejiram. In the vacant lot on the edge of a rather hilly Seberuang River, not far from the Nanga Sejiram, Pastor Looymans build a house. The place was located in 4 villages of the Dayaks. Distance of every village about five minutes walk. In that place then built churches, schools and cottage for school children. Within seven months of Pastor Looymans already baptize 58 children. Here too, as in other places, especially the hope lies in the young children.1893
Pastor Looymans who lives alone and poorly maintained assisted by Pastor Mulder. Unfortunately their work can not last long. Pioneered a new area it can only be served a few years.1898
Sejiram had to be abandoned, because their labor is needed elsewhere more urgent.1900Father Schrader once again visit Sejiram but not settled.1906.
Sejiram visited again by some priest who then settled and started from that moment on Sejiram Evangelism growing.
Perkampungan suku Dayak.
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