Monday, March 11, 2013

Definition of Development

Prof. Dr. Hj. Syamsiah Badruddin, M.Si


Here's the problem, all assessed in terms of economic development - without seeing the impact on the natural and social communities. This konsef liberal economic development see everything
by "MONEY"

Definition of

Development theory in the social sciences can be divided into two major paradigms, modernization and dependency (Lewwellen 1995, Larrin 1994, Kiely 1995 in Tikson, 2005). Modernization paradigm includes macro theories about economic growth and social change, and micro theories of individual values ​​that support the process of change. Dependency paradigm includes theories of underdevelopment (under-development) dependence (dependent development) and the system of the world (world systems theory) in accordance with klassifikasi Larrain (1994). While Tikson (2005) divided into three klassifikasi development theory, namely modernization, underdevelopment and dependency. Of the various paradigms are different versions that appear later on the meaning of development.
Indicators Measurement  of Successful Development

1. per capita income

2. The economic structure

3. urbanization

4. figures Savings

5. Quality of Life Index

6. Human Development Index


Here's the problem, all assessed in terms of economic development - without seeing the impact on the natural and social communities. This konsef liberal economic development see everything
by "MONEY"

Penebangan hutan

Penebangan hutan

Pengertian Pembangunan

Teori pembangunan dalam ilmu sosial dapat dibagi ke dalam dua paradigma besar, modernisasi dan ketergantungan (Lewwellen 1995, Larrin 1994, Kiely 1995 dalam Tikson, 2005). Paradigma modernisasi mencakup teori-teori makro tentang pertumbuhan ekonomi dan perubahan sosial dan teori-teori mikro tentang nilai-nilai individu yang menunjang proses perubahan. Paradigma ketergantungan mencakup teori-teori keterbelakangan (under-development) ketergantungan (dependent development) dan sistem dunia (world system theory) sesuai dengan klassifikasi Larrain (1994). Sedangkan Tikson (2005) membaginya kedalam tiga klassifikasi teori pembangunan, yaitu modernisasi, keterbelakangan dan ketergantungan. Dari berbagai paradigma tersebut itulah kemudian muncul berbagai versi tentang pengertian pembangunan.
Indikator Pengukuran Keberhasilan Pembangunan

1.       Pendapatan perkapita

2.       Struktur ekonomi

3.       Urbanisasi

4.       Angka Tabungan

5.       Indeks Kualitas Hidup

6.        Indeks Pembangunan Manusia (Human Development Index)
Kesimpulan :
Inilah yang jadi masalah, sepanjang pembangunan dinilai dari sisi ekonomi- tampa melihat dampak pada alam dan sosial masyarakat. Ini konsef pembangunan ekonomi liberal yang melihat segala sesuatu dengan
" UANG  "

Perkebunan sawit

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