OIC members : Brunei or Indonesia could mediate in behalf of the organization of Islamic states.
OKI: Brunei atau Indonesia bisa menengahi sebagai organisasi negara-negara Islam.
OKI: Brunei atau Indonesia bisa menengahi sebagai organisasi negara-negara Islam.
of Sulu Sultan Jamalul Kiram III, shout Allahu Akhbar (God Is Great!)
during a protest outside the Blue Mosque following Friday Prayers Friday
March 1, 2013 at suburban Taguig city, east of Manila, Philippines.
Rajamuda Kiram, the brother of Sultan Kiram, whose more than 200 "Royal
Army" followers has occupied a Malaysian village since Feb.9, said
Malaysian police opened fire Friday in a bid to end the three-week
standoff that threatened to complicate the two countries' relations.
Members of a Muslim royal clan from the southern Philippines landed in a
coastal village in Malaysia's Sabah state to claim the territory as
their own, citing ownership documents from the late 1800s. They ignored
appeals from Philippine President Benigno Aquino III to leave
immediately or face prosecution at home on charges of triggering armed
conflict. (AP Photo/Bullit Marquez) - See more at: http://www.philstar.com/headlines/2013/03/04/915534/mnlf-urges-oic-un-intervene-sabah#sthash.GA38hhcP.dpuf
Supporters of Sulu Sultan Jamalul Kiram III, shout Allahu Akhbar (God Is Great!) during a protest outside the Blue Mosque following Friday Prayers Friday March 1, 2013 at suburban Taguig city, east of Manila, Philippines.
Pendukung Sultan Sulu Jamalul Kiram III, berteriak Allahu Akhbar (Allah maha besar ) Selama protes di luar Masjid Biru mengikuti Shalat Jumat Jumat 1 Maret, 2013 di kota Taguig pinggiran kota, sebelah timur Manila, Filipina.
Pendukung Sultan Sulu Jamalul Kiram III, berteriak Allahu Akhbar (Allah maha besar ) Selama protes di luar Masjid Biru mengikuti Shalat Jumat Jumat 1 Maret, 2013 di kota Taguig pinggiran kota, sebelah timur Manila, Filipina.
of Sulu Sultan Jamalul Kiram III, shout Allahu Akhbar (God Is Great!)
during a protest outside the Blue Mosque following Friday Prayers Friday
March 1, 2013 at suburban Taguig city, east of Manila, Philippines.
Rajamuda Kiram, the brother of Sultan Kiram, whose more than 200 "Royal
Army" followers has occupied a Malaysian village since Feb.9, said
Malaysian police opened fire Friday in a bid to end the three-week
standoff that threatened to complicate the two countries' relations.
Members of a Muslim royal clan from the southern Philippines landed in a
coastal village in Malaysia's Sabah state to claim the territory as
their own, citing ownership documents from the late 1800s. They ignored
appeals from Philippine President Benigno Aquino III to leave
immediately or face prosecution at home on charges of triggering armed
conflict. (AP Photo/Bullit Marquez) - See more at: http://www.philstar.com/headlines/2013/03/04/915534/mnlf-urges-oic-un-intervene-sabah#sthash.GA38hhcP.dpuf
By: Balung Kallang
As violence spread in Sabah, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and the United Nations were urged yesterday to intervene and initiate negotiations between Malaysia and the Sultanate of Sulu.
The Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF), which issued the call, however, said the Philippine government should be excluded from the negotiations.
MNLF chieftain Nur Misuari also urged Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak to stop sending more troops to Sabah and “tone down your voice.”
Misuari said he and his clan are the true owners of Sabah and the Malaysian state of Sarawak. He said history would bear out that Sabah and Sarawak were the original properties of his great, great grandfather.
Habib Mujahab Hashim, chairman of the MNLF’S Islamic Command Council, said their group could serve as mediator between the Sulu sultanate’s army and Malaysian forces.
Hashim said OIC members Brunei or Indonesia could mediate in behalf of the organization of Islamic states.
Headlines ( Article MRec ), pagematch: 1, sectionmatch: 1
He urged the UN, through its committee on human rights and the International Committee of the Red Cross, to send representatives to Sabah to see the measures being carried out by Malaysian forces against Filipinos.
The sultanate of Sulu claims much of Sabah, once called North Borneo, as ancestral land, and receives an annual payment of about P70,000 from Malaysia. The sultanate wants the payment increased.
President Aquino has described the Philippine claim over Sabah, which is based on the Sulu sultanate’s claim, as “dormant.”
Misuari arrived in Davao City Saturday night with his wife Tarhata for a meeting with Vice Mayor Rodrigo Duterte.
“The blood of our brothers in Sabah is sacred,” Misuari said. “I hope Najib will not persecute our civilians in Sabah as it will trigger bigger trouble and it will drag us into war, and I don’t like that. I am calling on Najib to please tone down your voice. All of us want peace. We do not want war.”
He said the Sabah conflict could be resolved in a “brotherly way... to the best interest of everybody.”
Misuari said his grandnephew is a relative of the Malaysian prime minister, whom he considered a friend.
The MNLF chief, who celebrated his birthday yesterday, admitted that some of the people who went to Lahad Datu were his relatives and members of his group. But he denied instigating the trip to Sabah.
“How can that be? I was in Africa for more than a month with my wife and I have nothing to do with the move of the sultan,” Misuari said.
He emphasized that sending “only 200” men to Sabah “is not my style.”
President Aquino was reportedly furious and suspected that certain quarters instigated the Lahad Datu incident to sabotage the peace process with the MNLF’s breakaway group, the Moro Islamic Liberation Front.
“I pity the President. He does not know what he is talking about,” Misuari said. “He will become a laughingstock in the whole world.”
Misuari noted reports that he would be arrested for the Sabah incident.
“They blame me for it. Why am I being blamed for this? They said I financed it. But where would I get the money to finance a takeover?” he said.
Duterte said there was no evidence linking Misuari to the incident in Sabah.
“I’m very sure that Nur Misuari would not do that,” Duterte said.
By: Saiful Ranchodas
Seperti kekerasan tersebar di Sabah, Organisasi Kerjasama Islam (OKI) dan PBB didesak kemarin untuk campur tangan dan memulai perundingan antara Malaysia dan Kesultanan Sulu.The Front Pembebasan Nasional Moro (MNLF), yang mengeluarkan panggilan, bagaimanapun, mengatakan pemerintah Filipina harus dikeluarkan dari negosiasi.MNLF Nur Misuari kepala suku juga mendesak Perdana Menteri Malaysia Najib Razak untuk menghentikan pengiriman lebih banyak pasukan ke Sabah dan "nada bawah suara Anda."Misuari mengatakan ia dan klannya adalah pemilik sebenarnya dari Sabah dan negara bagian Malaysia Sarawak. Ia mengatakan, sejarah akan membuktikan bahwa Sabah dan Sarawak adalah sifat asli besar kakeknya, besar.
Surat PERMANENT LEASED(pajakan/sewa kekal)
Sultan Sulu kepada kerajaan British pada 22 January 1878 dijumpai di Washington
Habib Mujahab Hashim, ketua Dewan Komando Islam MNLF'S, mengatakan kelompok mereka bisa berfungsi sebagai mediator antara tentara kesultanan Sulu dan pasukan Malaysia.Hashim mengatakan anggota OKI Brunei atau Indonesia bisa menengahi nama organisasi negara-negara Islam.Headlines (Pasal MREC), pagematch: 1, sectionmatch: 1Dia mendesak PBB, melalui komite terhadap hak asasi manusia dan Komite Internasional Palang Merah, untuk mengirim perwakilan ke Sabah untuk melihat langkah-langkah yang dilakukan oleh pasukan Malaysia melawan Filipina.Kesultanan Sulu mengklaim Sabah, pernah disebut Borneo Utara, sebagai tanah leluhur, dan menerima pembayaran tahunan sekitar P70, 000 dari Malaysia. Kesultanan menginginkan pembayaran meningkat.Presiden Aquino telah menggambarkan klaim Filipina atas Sabah, yang didasarkan pada klaim kesultanan Sulu, sebagai "tidak aktif."
Misuari tiba di Davao City Sabtu malam dengan Tarhata istrinya untuk pertemuan dengan Wakil Walikota Rodrigo Duterte."Darah dari saudara-saudara kita di Sabah adalah suci," kata Misuari. "Saya berharap Najib tidak akan menganiaya warga sipil kami di Sabah karena akan memicu masalah yang lebih besar dan akan menyeret kita ke dalam perang, dan saya tidak seperti itu. Saya mengimbau Najib untuk menyenangkan nada bawah suara Anda. Kita semua menginginkan perdamaian. Kami tidak ingin perang. "Dia mengatakan konflik Sabah bisa diselesaikan dengan cara "persaudaraan ... untuk kepentingan terbaik dari semua orang. "Misuari mengatakan cucu lelaki nya adalah relatif perdana menteri Malaysia, yang dianggapnya teman.Kepala MNLF, yang merayakan ulang tahunnya kemarin, mengakui bahwa beberapa dari orang-orang yang pergi ke Lahad Datu adalah sanak saudara dan anggota kelompoknya. Tapi dia membantah menghasut perjalanan ke Sabah."Bagaimana itu bisa terjadi? Saya berada di Afrika selama lebih dari satu bulan dengan istri saya dan saya tidak ada hubungannya dengan gerakan dari sultan, "kata Misuari.Dia menekankan bahwa pengiriman "hanya 200" laki-laki ke Sabah "bukan gaya saya."Presiden Aquino dilaporkan marah dan curiga bahwa kuartal tertentu menghasut insiden Lahad Datu untuk menyabot proses perdamaian dengan kelompok yang memisahkan diri itu MNLF, Front Pembebasan Islam Moro."Saya kasihan Presiden. Dia tidak tahu apa yang ia bicarakan, "kata Misuari. "Dia akan menjadi bahan tertawaan di seluruh dunia."Misuari mencatat laporan bahwa ia akan ditangkap atas insiden Sabah."Mereka menyalahkan saya untuk itu. Mengapa saya disalahkan untuk ini? Mereka bilang aku dibiayai itu. Tapi di mana saya mendapatkan uang untuk membiayai pengambilalihan? "Katanya.Duterte mengatakan tidak ada bukti yang mengaitkan Misuari dengan kejadian di Sabah."Saya sangat yakin bahwa Nur Misuari tidak akan melakukan itu," kata Duterte.
By: Buletin Setia Politik Kini
Anak negeri Sabah, BANGKITLAH!
violence spread in Sabah, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)
and the United Nations were urged yesterday to intervene and initiate
negotiations between Malaysia and the Sultanate of Sulu.
The Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF), which issued the call, however, said the Philippine government should be excluded from the negotiations.
MNLF chieftain Nur Misuari also urged Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak to stop sending more troops to Sabah and “tone down your voice.”
Misuari said he and his clan are the true owners of Sabah and the Malaysian state of Sarawak. He said history would bear out that Sabah and Sarawak were the original properties of his great, great grandfather.
Habib Mujahab Hashim, chairman of the MNLF’S Islamic Command Council, said their group could serve as mediator between the Sulu sultanate’s army and Malaysian forces.
Hashim said OIC members Brunei or Indonesia could mediate in behalf of the organization of Islamic states.
He urged the UN, through its committee on human rights and the
International Committee of the Red Cross, to send representatives to
Sabah to see the measures being carried out by Malaysian forces against
The sultanate of Sulu claims much of Sabah, once called North Borneo, as ancestral land, and receives an annual payment of about P70,000 from Malaysia. The sultanate wants the payment increased.
President Aquino has described the Philippine claim over Sabah, which is based on the Sulu sultanate’s claim, as “dormant.”
Misuari arrived in Davao City Saturday night with his wife Tarhata for a meeting with Vice Mayor Rodrigo Duterte.
“The blood of our brothers in Sabah is sacred,” Misuari said. “I hope Najib will not persecute our civilians in Sabah as it will trigger bigger trouble and it will drag us into war, and I don’t like that. I am calling on Najib to please tone down your voice. All of us want peace. We do not want war.”
He said the Sabah conflict could be resolved in a “brotherly way... to the best interest of everybody.”
Misuari said his grandnephew is a relative of the Malaysian prime minister, whom he considered a friend.
The MNLF chief, who celebrated his birthday yesterday, admitted that some of the people who went to Lahad Datu were his relatives and members of his group. But he denied instigating the trip to Sabah.
“How can that be? I was in Africa for more than a month with my wife and I have nothing to do with the move of the sultan,” Misuari said.
He emphasized that sending “only 200” men to Sabah “is not my style.”
President Aquino was reportedly furious and suspected that certain quarters instigated the Lahad Datu incident to sabotage the peace process with the MNLF’s breakaway group, the Moro Islamic Liberation Front.
“I pity the President. He does not know what he is talking about,” Misuari said. “He will become a laughingstock in the whole world.”
Misuari noted reports that he would be arrested for the Sabah incident.
“They blame me for it. Why am I being blamed for this? They said I financed it. But where would I get the money to finance a takeover?” he said.
Duterte said there was no evidence linking Misuari to the incident in Sabah.
“I’m very sure that Nur Misuari would not do that,” Duterte said.
- See more at: http://www.philstar.com/headlines/2013/03/04/915534/mnlf-urges-oic-un-intervene-sabah#sthash.GA38hhcP.dpuf
The Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF), which issued the call, however, said the Philippine government should be excluded from the negotiations.
MNLF chieftain Nur Misuari also urged Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak to stop sending more troops to Sabah and “tone down your voice.”
Misuari said he and his clan are the true owners of Sabah and the Malaysian state of Sarawak. He said history would bear out that Sabah and Sarawak were the original properties of his great, great grandfather.
Habib Mujahab Hashim, chairman of the MNLF’S Islamic Command Council, said their group could serve as mediator between the Sulu sultanate’s army and Malaysian forces.
Hashim said OIC members Brunei or Indonesia could mediate in behalf of the organization of Islamic states.
Headlines ( Article MRec ), pagematch: 1, sectionmatch: 1
The sultanate of Sulu claims much of Sabah, once called North Borneo, as ancestral land, and receives an annual payment of about P70,000 from Malaysia. The sultanate wants the payment increased.
President Aquino has described the Philippine claim over Sabah, which is based on the Sulu sultanate’s claim, as “dormant.”
Misuari arrived in Davao City Saturday night with his wife Tarhata for a meeting with Vice Mayor Rodrigo Duterte.
“The blood of our brothers in Sabah is sacred,” Misuari said. “I hope Najib will not persecute our civilians in Sabah as it will trigger bigger trouble and it will drag us into war, and I don’t like that. I am calling on Najib to please tone down your voice. All of us want peace. We do not want war.”
He said the Sabah conflict could be resolved in a “brotherly way... to the best interest of everybody.”
Misuari said his grandnephew is a relative of the Malaysian prime minister, whom he considered a friend.
The MNLF chief, who celebrated his birthday yesterday, admitted that some of the people who went to Lahad Datu were his relatives and members of his group. But he denied instigating the trip to Sabah.
“How can that be? I was in Africa for more than a month with my wife and I have nothing to do with the move of the sultan,” Misuari said.
He emphasized that sending “only 200” men to Sabah “is not my style.”
President Aquino was reportedly furious and suspected that certain quarters instigated the Lahad Datu incident to sabotage the peace process with the MNLF’s breakaway group, the Moro Islamic Liberation Front.
“I pity the President. He does not know what he is talking about,” Misuari said. “He will become a laughingstock in the whole world.”
Misuari noted reports that he would be arrested for the Sabah incident.
“They blame me for it. Why am I being blamed for this? They said I financed it. But where would I get the money to finance a takeover?” he said.
Duterte said there was no evidence linking Misuari to the incident in Sabah.
“I’m very sure that Nur Misuari would not do that,” Duterte said.
- See more at: http://www.philstar.com/headlines/2013/03/04/915534/mnlf-urges-oic-un-intervene-sabah#sthash.GA38hhcP.dpuf
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