Reasonable royalty for Sabah and Sarawak Oil review
Reasonable royalty for Sabah and Sarawak Oil review
Petronas AFTER 36 years of existence, and for the oil and gas also sucked on Earth Sabah and Sarawak, only 5 percent royalty, as the initial agreement.
Now, the leaders of the Government of Sabah and Sarawak had the courage to express review of the royalty in the open, whereas before this statement to the taboo.
Congratulations to Pehin Seri Taib Mahmud, who suggested the review, then followed by Datuk Seri Musa Aman.
After the release of two top leaders of Sarawak and Sabah, now various strata expressed their support, although the average is not stating the requested percentage.
Opposition parties since early states, if they are able to seize Putrajaya, the rate of oil royalty for Sabah and Sarawak will be raised to 20 per cent.
Although it has been a long time, the opposition made oil royalty as one of their campaigns, just after the month of Ramadan, BN leaders expressed that it was time a review of the royalty was in progress.
In fact, discussions on oil royalties can be interpreted as a "threat" to the federal government, but many have suggested that demand a review of the royalties, is in support of the federal government over the years.
Increase oil royalties is a thank you to the people of Sabah and Sarawak, which has always been the savior to the federal government since meredeka again, including the GE-12 last.
In GE-12 the past, the people of Sabah and Sarawak contributed nearly 40 percent of parliamentary seats to the federal government to defend the federal government.
To the study merit in oil royalties and timely, so that a higher royalty rate can accelerate the pace of development of the two states in the east, which is indeed lacking.

Reasonable royalty for Sabah and Sarawak Oil review
Petronas AFTER 36 years of existence, and for the oil and gas also sucked on Earth Sabah and Sarawak, only 5 percent royalty, as the initial agreement.
Now, the leaders of the Government of Sabah and Sarawak had the courage to express review of the royalty in the open, whereas before this statement to the taboo.
Congratulations to Pehin Seri Taib Mahmud, who suggested the review, then followed by Datuk Seri Musa Aman.
After the release of two top leaders of Sarawak and Sabah, now various strata expressed their support, although the average is not stating the requested percentage.
Opposition parties since early states, if they are able to seize Putrajaya, the rate of oil royalty for Sabah and Sarawak will be raised to 20 per cent.
Although it has been a long time, the opposition made oil royalty as one of their campaigns, just after the month of Ramadan, BN leaders expressed that it was time a review of the royalty was in progress.
In fact, discussions on oil royalties can be interpreted as a "threat" to the federal government, but many have suggested that demand a review of the royalties, is in support of the federal government over the years.
Increase oil royalties is a thank you to the people of Sabah and Sarawak, which has always been the savior to the federal government since meredeka again, including the GE-12 last.
In GE-12 the past, the people of Sabah and Sarawak contributed nearly 40 percent of parliamentary seats to the federal government to defend the federal government.
To the study merit in oil royalties and timely, so that a higher royalty rate can accelerate the pace of development of the two states in the east, which is indeed lacking.
Wajar Royalti Minyak bagi Sabah dan Sarawak dikaji
SELEPAS 36 tahun kewujudan Petronas, dan selama itu juga minyak dan gas
disedut di bumi Sabah dan Sarawak, royalti hanya 5 peratus, sepertimana
perjanjian awal.
Kini, para pemimpin Kerajaan daripada Sabah dan Sarawak sudah berani
menyatakan kajian semula mengenai royalti secara terbuka, sedangkan
sebelum ini kenyataan mengenainya merupakan taboo.
Tahniah kepada Pehin Seri Taib Mahmud yang mencadangkan kajian semula, kemudian disusuli oleh Datuk Seri Musa Aman.
Selepas kenyataan dua pemimpin tertinggi Sarawak dan Sabah itu, kini
berbagai lapisan menyuarakan sokongan mereka; walaupun rata-rata tidak
menyatakan kadar peratusan yang diminta.
Pihak Pembangkang sejak awal-awal lagi menyatakan, jika mereka dapat
merampas Putrajaya, maka kadar royalti minyak bagi Sabah dan Sarawak
akan dinaikan ke kadar 20 peratus.
Walaupun telah sekian lama, pihak pembangkang menjadikan royalti minyak
sebagai salah satu kempen mereka, hanya selepas bulan ramadhan, pemimpin
BN menyuarakan bahawa sudah tiba masanya kajian semula mengenai royalti
itu dijalankan.
Sebenarnya, perbincangan berhubung royalti minyak boleh ditafsirkan
sebagai "ugutan" kepada kerajaan pusat, akan tetapi berbagai pihak
mendakwa bahawa permintaan kajian semula royalti itu, adalah sebagai
tanda sokongan terhadap kerajaan pusat selama ini.
Kenaikan royalti minyak merupakan tanda terima kasih kepada penduduk
Sabah dan Sarawak yang senantiasa menjadi penyelamat kepada kerajaan
Pusat sejak meredeka lagi, termasuk pada PRU-12 lalu.
Pada PRU-12 lalu, rakyat Sabah dan Sarawak menyumbang hampir 40 peratus
kerusi Parlimen kepada kerajaan Pusat untuk mempertahankan kerajaan
Untuk itu, kajian royalti minyak mempunyai kewajaran dan tepat masanya,
agar kadar royalti yang lebih tinggi boleh mempercepat kadar pembangunan
dua negeri di timur ini yang sememangnya jauh ketinggalan.
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