Funds expended by entrepreneurs to buy fresh fruit bunches (FFB) of oil palm in West Kalimantan reached Rp 8 trillion.
Kebun Sawit
Each year, funds expended by entrepreneurs to buy fresh fruit bunches (FFB) of oil palm in West Kalimantan reached Rp 8 trillion. Businessmen asked the government to build a number of vital infrastructure, so that the upstream palm oil increased.
Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Plantations (GPPI) West Kalimantan, Ilham Sanusi, on Thursday (02/14/2013), in Pontianak, explains, the economic multiplier effect in the community is huge.
"The amount of funds flowing into West Kalimantan was just coming out of some 800,000 hectares of oil palm, from palm oil plantation target of 1.5 million by 2025. Economic multiplier effect will be even greater," said Ilham.
However, Businessmen are still complaining about the lack of vital infrastructure for business activities in the downstream sector. Ilham gave the example of the issue of electricity and export port.
"The port is very important export, but until now there has been no realization. We sincerely hope that the basic infrastructure that can be quickly met," said Ilham.
Buah sawit
Pelabuhan Pontianak
Setiap tahun, dana yang dikeluarkan para pengusaha untuk membeli tandan buah segar (TBS) kelapa sawit di Kalimantan Barat mencapai Rp 8 triliun. Pengusaha meminta pemerintah membangun sejumlah infrastruktur vital, supaya kegiatan hulu kelapa sawit lebih meningkat.
Kebun Sawit
Each year, funds expended by entrepreneurs to buy fresh fruit bunches (FFB) of oil palm in West Kalimantan reached Rp 8 trillion. Businessmen asked the government to build a number of vital infrastructure, so that the upstream palm oil increased.
Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Plantations (GPPI) West Kalimantan, Ilham Sanusi, on Thursday (02/14/2013), in Pontianak, explains, the economic multiplier effect in the community is huge.
"The amount of funds flowing into West Kalimantan was just coming out of some 800,000 hectares of oil palm, from palm oil plantation target of 1.5 million by 2025. Economic multiplier effect will be even greater," said Ilham.
However, Businessmen are still complaining about the lack of vital infrastructure for business activities in the downstream sector. Ilham gave the example of the issue of electricity and export port.
"The port is very important export, but until now there has been no realization. We sincerely hope that the basic infrastructure that can be quickly met," said Ilham.
Buah sawit
Pelabuhan Pontianak
Setiap tahun, dana yang dikeluarkan para pengusaha untuk membeli tandan buah segar (TBS) kelapa sawit di Kalimantan Barat mencapai Rp 8 triliun. Pengusaha meminta pemerintah membangun sejumlah infrastruktur vital, supaya kegiatan hulu kelapa sawit lebih meningkat.
Ketua Gabungan Pengusaha Perkebunan
Indonesia (GPPI) Kalimantan Barat, Ilham Sanusi, Kamis (14/2/2013), di
Pontianak, menjelaskan, dampak pengganda ekonomi di tingkat masyarakat
sangat besar.
"Besarnya dana yang mengalir ke Kalbar itu baru
berasal dari sekitar 800.000 hektar kebun sawit, dari target 1,5 juta
kebun sawit hingga 2025. Dampak pengganda ekonominya akan semakin
besar," ujar Ilham.
Namun, para pengusaha masih mengeluhkan
minimnya infrastruktur vital untuk kegiatan usaha di sektor hilir. Ilham
memberi contoh mengenai persoalan listrik dan pelabuhan ekspor.
ekspor sangat penting, tetapi sampai sekarang masih belum ada
realisasinya. Kami sangat berharap, infrastruktur dasar itu bisa
secepatnya terpenuhi," kata Ilham.
Kerusakan jalan Kalimantan
Kerusakan jalan Kalimantan
Sumber: jalan Kalimantan
Kerusakan jalan Kalimantan
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