Mahakam block
Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Rudi Rubiandini asserted that the government would not renew the contract management cooperation Mahakam block, which will be out of contract in 2017.
This means that once the contract is completed, the Mahakam block is currently operated Total Indonesie EP was returned to the government. According to Rudi Rubiandini, Thursday (01/11/2012), in Jakarta, with the expiration of the contracts, all the wealth that is in the Mahakam block, including production facilities and office buildings, belongs to the state.Whole blocks have the investment costs that are paid by the government through fees charged to the country of operation (cost recovery). Furthermore, the government will decide who the manager of the Mahakam block it."If the government wants Pertamina manage the Mahakam block without going through a bidding process, the government will issue a letter that all existing assets on the block to Pertamina assets," said Rudi Rubiandini. It wants a split or profit received by the government can be larger than the current.
For example, when contracts are Block Dorsal PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) is extended, the government obtained for higher yields. If you usually funds 85 percent of oil revenue to the government and 15 percent for oil and gas contractors, the revenue-sharing oil after extended his contract to 90 percent for the government and 10 percent for contractors."We will certainly have the right to prioritize Pertamina to greater participation in the management of the Mahakam block," said Rudi. However, before deciding who Mahakam block operator after the end of his contract in 2017, the government will consider the technical and economic aspects of the project is given the management of the Mahakam block needs major investment.Rudi reminded that all parties to let the government work finalizing discussions on the continuation of the Mahakam block contract. If you constantly bullied by both trade unions and other community groups Pertamina to immediately hand over the management of the Mahakam block to Pertamina, then it would not prioritize discussions about the continuation of the block."There are still many other things to be done such as the conversion of fuel gas (CNG)," said Rudi Rubiandini. In recent weeks, he claimed to have received dozens of text messages every day that it smacks of intimidation and cornered by branding itself as a pro-foreign officials.
Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Rudi Rubiandini menegaskan, pemerintah tidak akan memperpanjang kontrak kerja sama pengelolaan Blok Mahakam yang akan habis masa kontraknya pada tahun 2017 mendatang.
Hal ini berarti setelah masa kontrak selesai, Blok Mahakam yang saat ini dioperatori Total EP Indonesie itu dikembalikan kepada pemerintah. Menurut Rudi Rubiandini, Kamis (1/11/2012), di Jakarta, dengan berakhirnya masa kontrak kerja sama, maka semua kekayaan yang ada di Blok Mahakam, termasuk fasilitas produksi dan gedung perkantoran, menjadi milik negara.
Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Rudi Rubiandini asserted that the government would not renew the contract management cooperation Mahakam block, which will be out of contract in 2017.
This means that once the contract is completed, the Mahakam block is currently operated Total Indonesie EP was returned to the government. According to Rudi Rubiandini, Thursday (01/11/2012), in Jakarta, with the expiration of the contracts, all the wealth that is in the Mahakam block, including production facilities and office buildings, belongs to the state.Whole blocks have the investment costs that are paid by the government through fees charged to the country of operation (cost recovery). Furthermore, the government will decide who the manager of the Mahakam block it."If the government wants Pertamina manage the Mahakam block without going through a bidding process, the government will issue a letter that all existing assets on the block to Pertamina assets," said Rudi Rubiandini. It wants a split or profit received by the government can be larger than the current.
For example, when contracts are Block Dorsal PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) is extended, the government obtained for higher yields. If you usually funds 85 percent of oil revenue to the government and 15 percent for oil and gas contractors, the revenue-sharing oil after extended his contract to 90 percent for the government and 10 percent for contractors."We will certainly have the right to prioritize Pertamina to greater participation in the management of the Mahakam block," said Rudi. However, before deciding who Mahakam block operator after the end of his contract in 2017, the government will consider the technical and economic aspects of the project is given the management of the Mahakam block needs major investment.Rudi reminded that all parties to let the government work finalizing discussions on the continuation of the Mahakam block contract. If you constantly bullied by both trade unions and other community groups Pertamina to immediately hand over the management of the Mahakam block to Pertamina, then it would not prioritize discussions about the continuation of the block."There are still many other things to be done such as the conversion of fuel gas (CNG)," said Rudi Rubiandini. In recent weeks, he claimed to have received dozens of text messages every day that it smacks of intimidation and cornered by branding itself as a pro-foreign officials.
Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Rudi Rubiandini menegaskan, pemerintah tidak akan memperpanjang kontrak kerja sama pengelolaan Blok Mahakam yang akan habis masa kontraknya pada tahun 2017 mendatang.
Hal ini berarti setelah masa kontrak selesai, Blok Mahakam yang saat ini dioperatori Total EP Indonesie itu dikembalikan kepada pemerintah. Menurut Rudi Rubiandini, Kamis (1/11/2012), di Jakarta, dengan berakhirnya masa kontrak kerja sama, maka semua kekayaan yang ada di Blok Mahakam, termasuk fasilitas produksi dan gedung perkantoran, menjadi milik negara.
Seluruh biaya investasi blok migas itu sudah dibayar pemerintah melalui biaya operasi yang ditagihkan ke negara (cost recovery). Selanjutnya pemerintah akan memutuskan siapa pengelola Blok Mahakam itu.
pemerintah menghendaki Pertamina mengelola Blok Mahakam tanpa melalui
proses tender, pemerintah akan mengeluarkan surat bahwa semua aset yang
ada di blok itu menjadi aset Pertamina," ujar Rudi Rubiandini. Pihaknya
menginginkan split atau bagi hasil yang diterima pemerintah bisa lebih
besar dari yang berlaku saat ini.
Sebagai contoh, saat kontrak kerja sama Blok Duri yang dioperatori PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) diperpanjang, maka pemerintah memperoleh bagi hasil yang lebih tinggi. Jika biasanya dana bagi hasil minyak 85 persen untuk pemerintah dan 15 persen untuk kontraktor migas, maka dana bagi hasil migas setelah diperpanjang kontraknya menjadi 90 persen untuk pemerintah dan 10 persen untuk kontraktor.
"Kami tentu akan memprioritaskan Pertamina
untuk memiliki hak partisipasi yang lebih besar dalam pengelolaan Blok
Mahakam," kata Rudi. Namun sebelum memutuskan siapa operator Blok
Mahakam pasca berakhir masa kontrak tahun 2017, pemerintah akan
mempertimbangkan aspek teknis dan keekonomian proyek tersebut mengingat
pengelolaan Blok Mahakam butuh investasi besar.
mengingatkan agar semua pihak membiarkan pemerintah bekerja merampungkan
pembahasan mengenai kelanjutan kontrak Blok Mahakam. Jika terus-menerus
diintimidasi baik oleh serikat pekerja Pertamina maupun kelompok
masyarakat lain agar segera menyerahkan pengelolaan Blok Mahakam ke
Pertamina, maka pihaknya tidak akan memprioritaskan pembahasan mengenai
kelanjutan blok itu.
"Masih banyak urusan lain yang harus
dikerjakan seperti program konversi bahan bakar gas (BBG)," kata Rudi
Rubiandini. Dalam beberapa pekan terakhir, ia mengaku mendapat puluhan
pesan pendek setiap hari yang isinya bernada intimidasi dan menyudutkan
dengan mencap dirinya sebagai pejabat yang pro asing.
Editor :
Tjahja Gunawan Diredja
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