Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Dayak, Maanyak, Ma'anyan of Brunei

Dayak, Maanyak, Ma'anyan of Brunei

  Submit Update:
Country: Brunei
Continent: Asia
Region: Southeast Asia
Persecution Rank:28 (Only top 50 ranked, 1 = highest persecution ranking)
10/40 Window: Yes
  Peoples [6]
Submit Update:
People Name in Country: Dayak, Maanyak, Ma'anyan
People Name General: Dayak, Maanyak, Ma'anyan
Alternate People Names:
Land DayakMa'anyan
ROP3 Code: 105955
Joshua Project People ID: 13176
Indigenous: No
Population in Country: 3,800
Population all Countries: 176,000
Least-Reached: No
Affinity Bloc: Malay Peoples
People Cluster: Borneo-Kalimantan
People Name General: Dayak, Maanyak, Ma'anyan
Ethnic Code: MSY44e
Ethnic Relationships: Affinity Bloc -> People Cluster -> Peoples Ethnicity Tree
Submit Update:
Primary Language: Maanyan (3,800 Speakers)
Language Code (ISO): mhy    Ethnologue Listing
Total Languages: 1
Religion [2]
Submit Update:
Primary Religion: Islam
Major Religions:
Buddhism0.00 % 
Christianity25.00 %(Evangelical: 10.00 %)
Ethnic Religions35.00 % 
Hinduism0.00 % 
Islam40.00 % 
Non-Religious0.00 % 
Other / Small0.00 % 
Unknown0.00 % 
Christianity Segments:
Anglican0.00 %
Independent35.00 %
Protestant55.00 %
Orthodox0.00 %
Other Christian10.00 %
Roman Catholic0.00 %
(Evangelicals distributed across Christianity segments)
Progress Indicators [3]
Progress Scale[4] 3.2   Evangelicals >5%
Least-Reached: No
Bible Translation Status
Submit Update:
Bible Portions: 1950
New Testament:
Complete Bible: None Reported
Possible Bible Sources: Forum of Bible Agencies
 World Bible Finder
 World Christian Resource Directory
 Gospel Go
Ministry Resources [5]
Submit Link:
Audio RecordingsMegaVoice Audio Bible and Stories
Audio RecordingsGlobal Recordings
ScriptureWorld Scriptures
  Video Resources [5]
Submit Link:
 None Reported
Ministry Activity
Register Ministry Activity:
Description: Register your ministry activity among this people group. Contact the Adopt-A-People Clearinghouse to learn about others that might be focused on this people group.
Data Notes
Data Sources

Dayak, Maanyak, Ma'anyan

(Click column headings for sorting )
Progress Scale:  
Peoples Data Filter:
Data Download
(click Country for profile)
Population Indig % Evangel % Adherent Least Reached Progress Scale Primary Religion Primary Language Pho Map Txt
10.00 %25.00 %
3.2 IslamMaanyanP  
Indonesia172,000Y3.00 %25.00 %
3.1 Ethnic ReligionsMaanyanP  
Totals:  2 Countries 176,000 1     0 3.1 Ethnic Religions   2 0 0

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