Tuesday, February 26, 2013

This fact occurs in Syriac - Helping others is answering of heart - we do not see race, religion, social status or one's country.

This fact occurs in Syriac -
others  is answering of heart -
we do not see race, religion, social status or one's country.

Membantu sesama manusia adalah pangilan hati-
kita tidak melihat suku, agama, status sosial atau negara seseorang.
Ini fakta terjadi di Siria, Negara di Timur Tengah.

Helping others  is answering of heart -
we do not see race, religion, social status or one's country.
fact occurs in Syriac, countries in the Middle East.

Blackwater are involved in the military violence in this part of Syria

The Syrian civil war,also commonly known as the Syrian uprising, is an ongoing armed conflict in Syria between forces loyal to the Syrian Ba'ath Party government and those seeking to oust it.

The conflict began on 15 March 2011 with nationwide demonstrations, as part of the wider protest movement known as the Arab Spring.

Protesters demanded the resignation of President Bashar al-Assad, whose family has held the presidency in Syria since 1971, as well as the end to nearly five decades of Ba'ath Party rule.

Opposition protesters marched in several cities throughout Syria

Perang sipil Suriah, juga dikenal sebagai pemberontakan Suriah, adalah konflik bersenjata yang sedang berlangsung di Suriah antara pasukan yang setia kepada pemerintah Partai Ba'ath Suriah dan mereka yang mau  menglenserkan pemerintahan tersebut.

Konflik dimulai pada tanggal 15 Maret 2011 dengan demonstrasi nasional, sebagai bagian dari gerakan protes yang lebih luas dikenal sebagai Musim Semi Arab.

Para pengunjuk rasa menuntut pengunduran diri Presiden Bashar al-Assad, yang keluarganya telah memegang kepresidenan di Suriah sejak tahun 1971, serta mengakhiri hampir lima dasawarsa pemerintahan Partai Ba'ath.

The images offer 'proof' the Syrian government is using artillery and mortars against Homs.

Jump to Syrian civil war‎:

A Syrian rebel stands guard in front of a damaged building in Homs, Syria

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