Monday, February 25, 2013

Sources of funding large-scale PKS from the Middle East, the Gulf States

It's a fact of history
Sources of funding large-scale PKS from the Middle East, the Gulf States.

The founder of the Justice Party- PK, which is now the Prosperous Justice Party-PKS , Yusuf Supendi, revealing backed by funding from the Middle East has been commonly accepted for party operations.
"As to that question PKS  president. Wholesale from there, "Joseph said after reporting to a senior PKS  Honorary Board of the House of Representatives, Thursday (17/3).Joseph acknowledged
PKS from Muslim Ihwanul. PKS funding to come from the Gulf countries in the Middle East. Are their interests? Joseph did not answer. "Had to ask the donor," he said. But admittedly, the funds used for operations when he was a Justice Party. "When a Justice Party does need outside help," he said.Joseph Supendi reported a number of officials such as the President of PKS Lutfi Hasan Ishaq, MCC Secretary General Anis Matta and several members of Parliament from the PKS to the Honorary Board of the House of Representatives. They are suspected of committing corruption.Joseph said, in addition to reporting member of Parliament from the PKS, will also report Shura Council Chairman Hilmi Aminuddin PKS. Yusuf said PKS president Lutfi Hasan Ishaq had jihad in Afghanistan. When he became Treasurer Justice Party received 94 percent funding from the Middle East for the 1999 elections. In the 2004 Presidential Election, Lutfi also received money from the former Vice President Jusuf Kalla at Rp34Miliar.While the Secretary-General of the PKS Anis Matta, allegedly embezzling funds from the Election Administration Rp40 billion to Rp10 billion belonging Adang Daradjatun campaign funds.Joseph continued, reporting Hilmi done because as a young neo-NII Negara Islam Indonesia, Murtopo foster children. During this Hilmi pretending to be the Muslim Brotherhood, agile accept deposits to enrich themselves, to protect the absentee member of Parliament."Hilmi also expertly manipulate the Shura Council members and influence the legal process in the internal PKS, as well as the usual lie," said Joseph. He also stated, several elite PKS seeking safe from dictatorship Hilmi. Ended up being a wild, disciplinary, and not abide by the rules, and doing a public lie. (Andhini)The founder of the Justice Party (PK) embryo PKS,Supendi Yusuf, who was fired from the MCC funding whistleblowing. The majority of funding for the activities of the PKS, the mention of Middle Eastern origin."Sources of funding large-scale PKS from the Middle East, the Gulf States. It's a fact of history, "said BK Yusuf after reporting to Parliament, told reporters at the Parliament Building, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday (17/03/2011).According to him, standing at PKS, then the name of the Justice Party, aggressively seek funding to the Middle East. At that PKS has not become rich party like now."PKS's Prosperous Justice Party as well as the party. So when the party is looking for justice outside funding. It is also up to now, "he said.Joseph said, PKS Muslim Brotherhood preaches. Although the party was not fully apply it."If the Muslim Brotherhood's history but here it is not. So the PKS is not completely changed from the track, "he said.But Joseph did not want to reveal what the Middle Eastern country of interest is inserted through the MCC." Followers PKS worship affairs better than the other, about the interaction of women more powerful than the others, but about money PKS cadres also more powerful than others," said Joseph.PKS officials earlier accusations against Joseph. What is done Yusuf called slander. He was hurt that was fired from the PKS."That's slander," said Chairman of the Shura Council of the PKS Hilmi Aminudin when contacted by reporters, Thursday (17/03/2011).The same thing also confirmed Wasekjen PKS Mahfudz Siddik. "Mr. Joseph was fired from the PKS a year ago due to a number of offenses. He was one of several founders of PKS may be hurt, "said Mahfouz.PKS Founder Joseph Supendi explicitly mentioned, the flow of funds into the PKS all from the Middle East."Sources of funding large-scale PKS from the Middle East, the Gulf States. It's a fact of history, "said Joseph when met at the capitol, Jakarta, Thursday (17/03/2011).Even so Joseph said he did not know what the interests of the Middle East countries to send funds to the PKS." Follower PKS worship affairs better than the other, about the interaction of women more powerful than the others, but about money PKS cadres also more powerful than the others," he explained.When it first appeared, said Yusuf, PKS  aggressively seek funding to the Middle East and it's done to date." PKS's Prosperous Justice Party as well as the party. So when the party is looking for justice outside funding. It is also up to now, "he explained.Joseph further explained, PKS Muslim Brotherhood preaches. However, it is not entirely applicable to the party."If the history of the Muslim Brotherhood but here it is not. So the PKS was not fully transformed from its course, "he added.

Pendiri Partai Keadilan, yang sekarang menjadi Partai Keadilan Sejahtera, Yusuf Supendi, mengungkapkan sokongan dana dari Timur Tengah sudah biasa diterima untuk operasional partai. “Kalau soal itu tanya Presiden PKS. Besar-besaran dari sana,” kata Yusuf usai melaporkan sejumlah petinggi PKS ke Badan Kehormatan DPR, Kamis (17/3).

Yusuf mengakui PKS berasal dari Ihwanul Muslim. Pemberian dana kepada PKS berasal dari negara teluk di Timur Tengah. Apakah kepentingannya? Yusuf enggan menjawab. “Harus tanya pemberinya,” kata dia. Namun diakui, dana tersebut dipakai untuk operasional ketika masih menjadi Partai Keadilan. “Waktu menjadi Partai Keadilan memang butuh bantuan dari luar,” ucapnya.

Yusuf Supendi melaporkan sejumlah petinggi PKS seperti Presiden PKS Luthfi Hasan Ishaq, Sekjen PKS Anis Matta serta beberapa anggota DPR RI dari PKS ke Badan Kehormatan DPR RI. Mereka diduga melakukan tindak pidana korupsi.

Yusuf menyebutkan, selain melaporkan anggota DPR RI dari PKS, juga akan melaporkan Ketua Dewan Syuro PKS Hilmi Aminuddin. Yusuf mengatakan, Presiden PKS Luthfi Hasan Ishaq pernah berjihad di Afganistan. Ketika itu ia menjadi Bendahara Partai Keadilan mendapat 94 persen dana dari Timur Tengah untuk Pemilu 1999. Pada Pemilihan Presiden 2004, Lutfi juga mendapat uang dari mantan Wakil Presiden Jusuf Kalla sebesar Rp34Miliar.

Sementara Sekretaris Jenderal PKS Anis Matta, diduga menggelapkan uang dana Pilkada DKI Rp10 miliar dari Rp40 miliar milik dana kampanye Adang Daradjatun.

Yusuf melanjutkan, pelaporan Hilmi dilakukan karena sebagai neo muda Negara Islam Indonesia, anak asuh Ali Moertopo. Selama ini Hilmi berpura-pura menjadi Ikhwanul Muslimin, gesit menerima setoran untuk perkaya diri, melindungi para pembolos anggota DPR RI.

“Hilmi juga piawai merekayasa anggota Majelis Syuro dan mempengaruhi proses hukum di internal PKS, serta lazim berdusta,” kata Yusuf. Ia juga menyatakan, sejumlah elite PKS mencari aman dari kediktatoran Hilmi. Akhirnya menjadi liar, indisipliner, dan tak mematuhi aturan, serta melakukan kebohongan publik.(Andhini)

Jakarta – Pendiri Partai Keadilan (PK) cikal bakal PKS,
Yusuf Supendi, yang sudah dipecat dari PKS mengungkap rahasia sumber dana PKS. Mayoritas sumber dana untuk kegiatan PKS, disebutkannya berasal dari Timur Tengah.

“Sumber dana PKS besar-besaran dari Timur Tengah, negara teluk. Itu fakta sejarah,” ujar Yusuf usai melapor ke BK DPR, kepada wartawan di Gedung DPR, Senayan, Jakarta, Kamis (17/3/2011).

Menurutnya, pada waktu PKS berdiri, waktu itu namanya Partai Keadilan, gencar mencari dana ke Timur Tengah. Kala itu PKS belum menjadi partai kaya raya seperti sekarang.

“PKS itu Partai Keadilan sekaligus Partai Sejahtera. Jadi waktu partai keadilan memang cari dana dari luar. Itu juga sampai sekarang,” tuturnya.

Yusuf menuturkan, PKS membawa ajaran Ikhwanul Muslim. Sekalipun partai ini tidak sepenuhnya mengaplikasikan hal tersebut.

“Kalau sejarahnya memang Ikhwanul Muslim tapi kesini sudah tidak. Jadi jalan PKS tidak sepenuhnya berubah dari jalurnya,” tuturnya.

Namun Yusuf tak mau mengungkap apa kepentingan negara Timur Tengah yang disisipkan melalui PKS.
“Kader PKS itu urusan beribadah lebih hebat dari yang lain, soal interaksi wanita lebih hebat dari yang lain, tapi soal uang juga kader PKS lebih hebat dari yang lain,” tutur Yusuf.

Sebelumnya petinggi PKS melawan tudingan Yusuf. Apa yang dilakukan Yusuf disebut sebagai fitnah. Dia sakit hati karena dipecat dari PKS.

“Itu fitnah,” kata Ketua Majelis Syuro PKS Hilmi Aminudin saat dihubungi wartawan, Kamis (17/3/2011).

Hal senada juga ditegaskan Wasekjen PKS Mahfudz Siddik. “Pak Yusuf sudah dipecat dari PKS setahun yang lalu karena sejumlah pelanggaran berat. Beliau memang salah satu dari beberapa pendiri PKS mungkin sedang sakit hati,” tegas Mahfudz.

Pendiri PKS Yusuf Supendi secara gamblang menyebut, aliran dana yang masuk ke PKS semuanya berasal dari Timur Tengah.

“Sumber dana PKS besar-besaran dari Timur Tengah, negara teluk. Itu fakta sejarah,” ujar Yusuf saat ditemui di gedung DPR, Jakarta, Kamis (17/3/2011).

Meski begitu Yusuf mengaku tidak tahu apa kepentingan dari negara Timur Tengah mengirimkan dana ke PKS.

“Kader PKS itu urusan beribadah lebih hebat dari yang lain, soal interaksi wanita lebih hebat dari yang lain, tapi soal uang juga kader PKS lebih hebat dari yang lain,” jelasnya.

Saat pertama kali muncul, lanjut Yusuf, PKS gencar mencari dana ke Timur Tengah dan itu dilakukan sampai saat ini.

“PKS itu Partai Keadilan sekaligus Partai Sejahtera. Jadi waktu partai keadilan memang cari dana dari luar. Itu juga sampai sekarang,” jelasnya.

Lebih jauh Yusuf menjelaskan, PKS membawa ajaran Ikhwanul Muslimin. Tetapi, tidak seluruhnya diaplikasikan ke Partai.

“Kalau sejarahnya memang Ikhwanul Muslimin tapi kesini sudah tidak. Jadi jalan PKS tidak sepenuhnya berubah dari jalurnya,” imbuhnya.





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