Cara penularan :
- Lewat cairan darah:
Melalui transfusi darah / produk darah yg sudah tercemar HIV
Lewat pemakaian jarum suntik yang sudah tercemar HIV, yang dipakai bergantian tanpa disterilkan, misalnya pemakaian jarum suntik dikalangan pengguna Narkotika Suntikan
Melalui pemakaian jarum suntik yang berulangkali dalam kegiatan lain, misalnya : peyuntikan obat, imunisasi, pemakaian alat tusuk yang menembus kulit, misalnya alat tindik, tato, dan alat facial wajah - Lewat cairan sperma dan cairan vagina :
Melalui hubungan seks penetratif (penis masuk kedalam Vagina/Anus), tanpa menggunakan kondom, sehingga memungkinkan tercampurnya cairan sperma dengan cairan vagina (untuk hubungan seks lewat vagina) ; atau tercampurnya cairan sperma dengan darah, yang mungkin terjadi dalam hubungan seks lewat anus. - Lewat Air Susu Ibu :
Penularan ini dimungkinkan dari seorang ibu hamil yang HIV positif, dan melahirkan lewat vagina; kemudian menyusui bayinya dengan ASI.
Kemungkinan penularan dari ibu ke bayi (Mother-to-Child Transmission) ini berkisar hingga 30%, artinya dari setiap 10 kehamilan dari ibu HIV positif kemungkinan ada 3 bayi yang lahir dengan HIV positif.
Secara langsung (transfusi darah, produk darah atau transplantasi
organ tubuh yang tercemar HIV) l Lewat alat-alat (jarum suntik,
peralatan dokter, jarum tato, tindik, dll) yang telah tercemar HIV
karena baru dipakai oleh orang yang terinfeksi HIV dan tidak
disterilisasi terlebih dahulu.
Karena HIV – dalam jumlah yang cukup untuk menginfeksi orang lain-
ditemukan dalam darah, air mani dan cairan vagina Odha. Melalui
cairan-cairan tubuh yang lain, tidak pernah dilaporkan kasus penularan
HIV (misalnya melalui: air mata, keringat, air liur/ludah, air kencing).
Melalui hubungan seksual dengan seseorang yang terinfeksi HIV tanpa
memakai kondom l Melalui transfusi darah l Melalui alat-alat tajam yang
telah tercemar HIV (jarum suntik, pisau cukur, tatto, dll) l Melalui ibu
hamil yang terinfeksi HIV kepada janin yang dikandungnya atau bayi yang
Dalam satu kali hubungan seks secara tidak aman dengan orang yang
terinfeksi HIV dapat terjadi penularan. Walaupun secara statistik
kemungkinan ini antara 0,1% hingga 1% (jauh dibawah risiko penularan HIV
melalui transfusi darah) tetapi lebih dari 90% kasus penularan HIV/AIDS
terjadi melalui hubungan seks yang tidak aman.
karena kegiatan sehari-hari Odha tidak memungkinkan terjadinya
pertukaran cairan tubuh yang menularkan HIV. Kita tidak tertular HIV
selama kita mencegah kontak darah dengan Odha dan jika berhubungan seks,
kita melakukannya secara aman dengan memakai kondom
Seorang Odha kelihatan biasa, seperti halnya orang lain karena tidak
menunjukkan gejala klinis. Kondisi ini disebut “asimptomatik” yaitu
tanpa gejala. Pada orang dewasa sesudah 5-10 tahun mulai tampak
gejala-gejala AIDS.
Hubungan seksual secara anal (lewat dubur) paling berisiko menularkan
HIV, karena epitel mukosa anus relatif tipis dan lebih mudah terluka
dibandingkan epitel dinding vagina, sehingga HIV lebih mudah masuk ke
aliran darah. Dalam berhubungan seks vaginal, perempuan lebih besar
risikonya daripada pria karena selaput lendir vagina cukup rapuh.
Disamping itu karena cairan sperma akan menetap cukup lama di dalam
vagina, kesempatan HIV masuk ke aliran darah menjadi lebih tinggi. HIV
di cairan vagina atau darah tersebut, juga dapat masuk ke aliran darah
melalui saluran kencing pasangannya.
TRANSMISSION METHODMode of transmission :
Through blood fluids :
Through transfusion of blood / blood products that have been contaminated with HIV
Through the use of hypodermic needles contaminated with HIV , which is used interchangeably without sterilized , for example, sharing needles among users Narcotic Injections
Through repeated use of syringes in other activities , for example : peyuntikan medicine , immunization , use of tools that puncture through the skin , such as a piercing , tattoos , and facial tool
Through semen and vaginal fluids :
Through penetrative sex ( penis enter into the vagina / anus ) , without using a condom , thus allowing mixing semen with vaginal fluids ( for vaginal intercourse ) ; mixing with the semen or blood , which may occur in anal intercourse .
Through Mother's Milk :
The possible transmission of an HIV- positive pregnant women , and gave birth vaginally ; then feeding her baby with breast milk .
The possibility of transmission from mother to baby
( Mother - to- Child Transmission ) ranges up to 30 % , meaning that out of every 10 pregnancies of HIV- positive mothers likely there are 3 babies born to HIV- positive .Direct ( blood transfusion , blood products or organ transplants contaminated with HIV ) l Through the tools
( syringes, doctors equipment , tattoo needles , piercing , etc. ) that have been contaminated with HIV due to new use by people who are infected with HIV and not sterilized first.Because HIV - in an amount sufficient to infect others - are found in blood , semen and vaginal fluid of people with HIV . Through the fluids of the body , never reported cases of HIV transmission ( eg through : tears , sweat , saliva / saliva , urine ) .Through sexual intercourse with an infected person without using a condom l l Through Through blood transfusion sharp instruments contaminated with HIV ( needles , razors , tattoos , etc. ) l Through the HIV-infected pregnant women to the fetus or infant breastfeeding .
In one unsafe sex with an HIV-infected person transmission can occur . Although statistically this possibility between 0.1 % to 1 % ( well below the risk of HIV transmission through blood transfusions ) but more than 90 % of cases of HIV / AIDS transmission occurs through unsafe sex .because the daily activities of people with HIV do not allow the exchange of body fluids that transmit HIV . We are not infected with HIV as long as we avoid blood contact with people with HIV and when to have sex , we do it safely with a condomA look ordinary people living with HIV , as well as other people because they do not show clinical symptoms . This condition is called " asymptomatic " ie without symptoms . In adults began to appear after 5-10 years of AIDS symptoms .Anal sexual intercourse ( through the anus ) are most at risk of transmitting HIV , because the anal mucosa epithelium is relatively thin and more easily injured than the epithelial wall of the vagina , making HIV more easily get into the blood stream .
In vaginal sex , women's greater risk than men due to the mucous membranes of the vagina is quite fragile . Besides, because the liquid will stay long enough sperm in the vagina , the chance for HIV to enter the bloodstream becomes higher . HIV in vaginal fluid or blood , can also enter the blood stream through the urethra partner.
Through blood fluids :
Through transfusion of blood / blood products that have been contaminated with HIV
Through the use of hypodermic needles contaminated with HIV , which is used interchangeably without sterilized , for example, sharing needles among users Narcotic Injections
Through repeated use of syringes in other activities , for example : peyuntikan medicine , immunization , use of tools that puncture through the skin , such as a piercing , tattoos , and facial tool
Through semen and vaginal fluids :
Through penetrative sex ( penis enter into the vagina / anus ) , without using a condom , thus allowing mixing semen with vaginal fluids ( for vaginal intercourse ) ; mixing with the semen or blood , which may occur in anal intercourse .
Through Mother's Milk :
The possible transmission of an HIV- positive pregnant women , and gave birth vaginally ; then feeding her baby with breast milk .
The possibility of transmission from mother to baby
( Mother - to- Child Transmission ) ranges up to 30 % , meaning that out of every 10 pregnancies of HIV- positive mothers likely there are 3 babies born to HIV- positive .Direct ( blood transfusion , blood products or organ transplants contaminated with HIV ) l Through the tools
( syringes, doctors equipment , tattoo needles , piercing , etc. ) that have been contaminated with HIV due to new use by people who are infected with HIV and not sterilized first.Because HIV - in an amount sufficient to infect others - are found in blood , semen and vaginal fluid of people with HIV . Through the fluids of the body , never reported cases of HIV transmission ( eg through : tears , sweat , saliva / saliva , urine ) .Through sexual intercourse with an infected person without using a condom l l Through Through blood transfusion sharp instruments contaminated with HIV ( needles , razors , tattoos , etc. ) l Through the HIV-infected pregnant women to the fetus or infant breastfeeding .
In one unsafe sex with an HIV-infected person transmission can occur . Although statistically this possibility between 0.1 % to 1 % ( well below the risk of HIV transmission through blood transfusions ) but more than 90 % of cases of HIV / AIDS transmission occurs through unsafe sex .because the daily activities of people with HIV do not allow the exchange of body fluids that transmit HIV . We are not infected with HIV as long as we avoid blood contact with people with HIV and when to have sex , we do it safely with a condomA look ordinary people living with HIV , as well as other people because they do not show clinical symptoms . This condition is called " asymptomatic " ie without symptoms . In adults began to appear after 5-10 years of AIDS symptoms .Anal sexual intercourse ( through the anus ) are most at risk of transmitting HIV , because the anal mucosa epithelium is relatively thin and more easily injured than the epithelial wall of the vagina , making HIV more easily get into the blood stream .
In vaginal sex , women's greater risk than men due to the mucous membranes of the vagina is quite fragile . Besides, because the liquid will stay long enough sperm in the vagina , the chance for HIV to enter the bloodstream becomes higher . HIV in vaginal fluid or blood , can also enter the blood stream through the urethra partner.
Yohanes Ngalai Nobessito
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