Thursday, March 21, 2013

Church did not accept and block execution

The church denies it. According to them, it is taking care of the church building permit establishment which until now has not come out.

Photo: John Kambe Hai

HKBP Church Setu in Bekasi, West Java, chaos. Church did not accept and block execution. While the women in HKBP church did not stop their  tears in  eyes.

A number of church confronts heavy equipment that will tear down the church. They also stop the motion of the Civil Service Police Unit members Bekasi government. Pushing the action was unavoidable.

The church is not willing to places of worship razed. Demolition was illegal because there was no signature on the letter Bekasi regent demolition.

Despite opposition, yet the demolition of the church continues. Officers called semi-permanent building stood illegally because it did not have a building permit.

The church denies it. According to them, it is taking care of the church building permit establishment which until now has not come out.

Pembongkaran Gereja HKBP Setu, Bekasi, Jawa Barat, ricuh. Jemaat gereja tak terima dan menghalangi eksekusi. Sementara jemaat wanita tak henti menitikkan air mata.

Sejumlah jemaat mengadang alat berat yang akan merobohkan gereja. Mereka juga menyetop gerak anggota Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja Pemda Bekasi. Aksi saling dorong pun tak terhindarkan.

Jemaat tak rela tempat ibadah mereka diratakan dengan tanah. Pembongkaran dianggap ilegal karena tak ada tanda tangan Bupati Bekasi di surat pembongkaran.

Walau mendapat perlawanan, toh pembongkaran gereja berlanjut. Petugas menyebut bangunan semi permanen itu berdiri secara ilegal karena tak memiliki izin mendirikan bangunan.

Pihak gereja menyangkal itu. Menurut mereka, pihaknya sedang mengurus izin pendirian bangunan gereja yang sampai kini belum keluar.

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