Bupati SBT Tolak Program Transmigrasi
SBT Regent Rejects Transmigration Program
Bupati Kabupaten Seram Bagian Timur (SBT) Abdullah Vanath mengaku tidak suka dengan program Transmigrasi yang mendatangkan penduduk dari luar Maluku karena hanya akan menambah beban bagi pemerintah kabupaten. Selain itu program transmigrasi tidak pernah membawa manfaat bagi daerah, sehingga tidak perlu diadakan di SBT.
Dia mengingatkan Dinas Sosial, Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi SBT
untuk tidak lagi memasukan program transmigrasi yang mendatangkan orang
luar dari Maluku dalam kepemimpinannya saat ini, sebab selama ini
transmigrasi dengan program silang antara penduduk luar Maluku khususnya
dari Pulau Jawa dan penduduk asli juga tidak berhasil. Ini disebabkan
karena tidak semua penduduk lokal bisa membuat sawah dengan mencontohkan
masyarakat asli Buru dan Gemba yang tidak berhasil dalam usaha
Abdullah Vanath mengatakan akan menerima transmigrasi jika semua
kebutuhan ditanggung sendiri, termasuk fasilitas jalan dan rumah karena
transmigrasi yang datang ke Maluku hanya untuk mengambil jatah saja. “
Transmigrasi dengan mendatangkan penduduk dari luar tidak ada
manfaatnya, lebih baik lahan-lahan ini kita gunakan untuk masyarakat.
Saya ingatkan jangan masuk wilayah ini karena kebijakan saya tidak
seperti itu, nanti bupati berikut baru usul transmigrasi tidak apa-apa,”
tegas Vanath beberapa waktu lalu kepada pers.
Secara tegas dia mengaku, tidak suka dengan transmigrasi, sekaligus
mengingatkan Dinas Kehutanan untuk tidak lagi melepaskan lahan
masyarakat bagi pengusaha perkebunan yang berlebel swasta.
Regent of East Seram (SBT) Vanath Abdullah said he did not like the transmigration program that brings people from outside the Moluccas as it will only increase the burden on local governments. Besides the transmigration program was never brought benefits to the area, so it does not need to be held in the SBT.
He reminded Social Services, Manpower SBT to no longer include the transmigration program that brings people out of the Moluccas in leadership at this time, because during this transmigration program between the cross outside the Moluccas particularly from Java and native did not work either. This is because not all local residents can make the rice fields exemplifies indigenous Buru and Gemba were not successful in crossing attempt.
Vanath Abdullah said it would receive if all the requirements covered transmigration own property, including roads and houses for resettlement came to Maluku just to take rations only. "Transmigration by bringing in people from out of no benefit, better land we use for the community. I remind you not to enter the area because I do not like that policy, the new proposal later regent following transmigration is okay, "said Vanath some time ago to the press.
Strictly speaking he claimed, did not like the transmigration, at the same time reminding the Forest Service to no longer release public land for private planters who berlebel.
Regent of East Seram (SBT) Vanath Abdullah said he did not like the transmigration program that brings people from outside the Moluccas as it will only increase the burden on local governments. Besides the transmigration program was never brought benefits to the area, so it does not need to be held in the SBT.
He reminded Social Services, Manpower SBT to no longer include the transmigration program that brings people out of the Moluccas in leadership at this time, because during this transmigration program between the cross outside the Moluccas particularly from Java and native did not work either. This is because not all local residents can make the rice fields exemplifies indigenous Buru and Gemba were not successful in crossing attempt.
Vanath Abdullah said it would receive if all the requirements covered transmigration own property, including roads and houses for resettlement came to Maluku just to take rations only. "Transmigration by bringing in people from out of no benefit, better land we use for the community. I remind you not to enter the area because I do not like that policy, the new proposal later regent following transmigration is okay, "said Vanath some time ago to the press.
Strictly speaking he claimed, did not like the transmigration, at the same time reminding the Forest Service to no longer release public land for private planters who berlebel.
Siwa Lima adalah “jati diri” dalam budaya Maluku. Siwa berarti
sembilan dan lima/rima artinya lima. Makna filosofis kata ini dikenal di
seluruh Maluku, walaupun dengan sebutan yang berbeda. Di Maluku Utara
dikenal Ulisiwa dan Uli Lima. Maluku Tengah menyebutnya Pata SiwaPata
Lima dan. Maluku Tenggara menggunakan kata Ur Siwa (Ursiw) dan Ur Lima
(Urlim). Siwalima adalah filsafat hidup yang holistic; filsafat itu
pernah ada, dan senantiasa hidup dalam peradaban katong sebagai
masyarakat Maluku.
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