Trace-Inspired by DAYAK tribe.
Ilmu mencari jejak- Terinspirasi dari suku DAYAK.
Kopassus (singkatan dari; Komando Pasukan Khusus),
adalah Pasukan Khusus yang menjalankan misi rahasia dan operasi
Intelijen untuk Pemerintah Republik Indonesia, seperti; Aksi langsung di
lapangan, Perang luar biasa, sabotase, membasmi aksi-aksi
pemberontakan, Penanganan Anti-Terorisme, dan pengumpulan informasi
Intelijen. Kopassus dibentuk Tahun 1952. dan langsung menarik perhatian
dunia setelah sukses melaksanakan operasi pembebasan sandera atas
pembajakan pesawat Garuda Penerbangan 206.
Tidak butuh waktu lama, Pasukan Elite ini dengan
cepat menyebarkan kampanye militer mereka; menumpaskan para komunis pada
akhir tahun 1950-an, kampanye militer di Papua Barat pada Tahun 1965,
konfrontasi dengan malaysia dari tahun 1962-1966, pembunuhan massal
komunis di Tahun 1965, Invasi di Timor Timur Tahun 1975, dan menyusul
kampanye militer mereka, untuk menumpas kelompok-kelompok separatis di
wilayah kedaulatan Indonesia.
Ilmu mencari jejak- Terinspirasi dari suku DAYAK.
Pada 15 April 1952, Kolonel Alexander Evert Kawilarang meletakkan dasar-dasar untuk Kesatuan Komando Tentara Territorium III/Siliwangi, sebelum diubah namanya menjadi Kopassus. Daya gerak untuk membangun pengembangan Pasukan Khusus ini adalah, pengalaman ketika menghadapi perlawanan RMS (Republik Maluku Selatan) atau Republic of the South Moluccas. Yang berkomplot dan didukung oleh dua kompeni dari KST (Dutch Korps Speciale Tropen). Indonesia sangat terkejut dan kesulitan dalam menghadapi kemampuan sniper dari KST. Yang mana waktu itu Indonesia belum memiliki senjata sniper tersebut. Lalu mereka berencana untuk membangun Pasukan yang serupa untuk Indonesia. Bagaimanapun, pada waktu itu, tidak ada komandan Militer Indonesia yang memiliki kemampuan yang memadai ataupun pengalamanan yang tinggi dalam operasi khusus. Letnan Kolonel Slamet Riyadi tidak akan lagi melihat mimpinya untuk membentuk unit Pasukan Khusus setelah kematiannya dalam pertempuran dengan kelompok separatis RMS.
Pada 15 April 1952, Kolonel Alexander Evert Kawilarang meletakkan dasar-dasar untuk Kesatuan Komando Tentara Territorium III/Siliwangi, sebelum diubah namanya menjadi Kopassus. Daya gerak untuk membangun pengembangan Pasukan Khusus ini adalah, pengalaman ketika menghadapi perlawanan RMS (Republik Maluku Selatan) atau Republic of the South Moluccas. Yang berkomplot dan didukung oleh dua kompeni dari KST (Dutch Korps Speciale Tropen). Indonesia sangat terkejut dan kesulitan dalam menghadapi kemampuan sniper dari KST. Yang mana waktu itu Indonesia belum memiliki senjata sniper tersebut. Lalu mereka berencana untuk membangun Pasukan yang serupa untuk Indonesia. Bagaimanapun, pada waktu itu, tidak ada komandan Militer Indonesia yang memiliki kemampuan yang memadai ataupun pengalamanan yang tinggi dalam operasi khusus. Letnan Kolonel Slamet Riyadi tidak akan lagi melihat mimpinya untuk membentuk unit Pasukan Khusus setelah kematiannya dalam pertempuran dengan kelompok separatis RMS.
Tak lama setelah itu, Kolonel Kawilarang dengan
menggunakan Intelijen Militer dan bertemu dengan Mayor Rokus Bernardus
Visser – mantan anggota Ducth Special Forces, setelah terjalin
perdamaian pada saat pembentukan Negara Indonesia Yang baru merdeka. Ia
menetap di Jawa Barat, dan menikahi perempuan Indonesia, dan dikenal
sebagai Mohamad Idjon Djanbi. Dia adalah yang pertama dalam perekrutan
untuk Pasukan Khusus Indonesia. Setelah itu, unit tersebut kemudian
menjadi Kopassus, yang diadopsi oleh kesamaan Baret Merah (Red Beret) milik the Dutch Special Forces.
Singkat kata, dengan Terbentuknya Kopassus saat ini. Banyak memberikan dukungan keamanan atau back-up
untuk wilayah kedaulatan Republik Indonesia hingga sekarang. Kopassus
beroperasi secara rahasia dan tidak terdeteksi, yang tersebar di
berbagai pelosok-pelosok wilayah di Nusantara. Mereka melakukan
serangkaian aksi-aksi pembunuhan untuk kepentingan Negara dalam hal
memerangi kelompok-kelompok pemberontak Negara. Dan melakukan misi
lainnya seperti; penanganan Anti-Terorisme dan pengumpulan Informasi
Intelijen, dan hal-hal terkait dengan wilayah kemananan dan kedaulatan
(short; Special Forces Command), is a Special Forces missions and
covert intelligence operations to the Government of the Republic of
Indonesia, such as direct action on the field, extraordinary war,
sabotage, eradicate acts of rebellion, Handling Anti-Terrorism, and Intelligence information collection. Kopassus was formed in 1952. and
immediately attracted the attention of the world after successfully
carrying out the operation to free hostages on Garuda Flight 206
It did not take long, Elite Force was quickly deploy their military campaign; menumpaskan the communists in the late 1950s, the military campaign in West Papua in 1965, a confrontation with Malaysia from the year 1962-1966, the communist genocide in 1965, invasion of East Timor in 1975, and following their military campaign to crush separatist groups in Indonesia's sovereign territory.
On 15 April 1952, Colonel Alexander Evert Kawilarang laid the foundation for Unity Territorium Army Command III / Siliwangi, before changing its name to Kopassus. Power motion to establish the Special Forces expansion are, experience when faced with resistance RMS (Republik Maluku Selatan) or the Republic of the South Moluccas. Conspirators and supported by two of the Company KST (Dutch Korps Speciale Tropen). Indonesia was shocked and difficulties in dealing with sniper capabilities of KST. Which at that time Indonesia has the sniper weapon. Then they plan to build a similar force for Indonesia. However, at that time, there was no Indonesian military commander who has sufficient capability or high pengalamanan in special operations. Lieutenant Colonel Slamet Riyadi will no longer see his dream to establish a Special Forces unit after his death in battle with the separatist RMS.
Shortly after, Colonel Kawilarang using Military Intelligence and met with Major Rokus Bernardus Visser - a former member of Special Forces Ducth, after peace is established during the formation of the State of Indonesia The new independence. He settled in West Java, Indonesia, and married women, and is known as Mohamad Idjon Djanbi. He was the first in recruitment for Indonesian Special Forces. After that, the unit is then to be Kopassus, which was adopted by the similarity of the Red Berets (Red Beret) belonging to the Dutch Special Forces.
In short, the formation of Special Forces today. Many provide support or back-up security for the sovereign territory of the Republic of Indonesia to the present. Kopassus operates in secret and undetectable, are scattered in various corners of the region in the archipelago. They did a series of acts of murder for the benefit of the State in terms of fighting rebel groups State. And perform other missions such as the handling of the Anti-Terrorism and Intelligence Information gathering, and matters related to the area of security and sovereignty of Indonesia.
It did not take long, Elite Force was quickly deploy their military campaign; menumpaskan the communists in the late 1950s, the military campaign in West Papua in 1965, a confrontation with Malaysia from the year 1962-1966, the communist genocide in 1965, invasion of East Timor in 1975, and following their military campaign to crush separatist groups in Indonesia's sovereign territory.
On 15 April 1952, Colonel Alexander Evert Kawilarang laid the foundation for Unity Territorium Army Command III / Siliwangi, before changing its name to Kopassus. Power motion to establish the Special Forces expansion are, experience when faced with resistance RMS (Republik Maluku Selatan) or the Republic of the South Moluccas. Conspirators and supported by two of the Company KST (Dutch Korps Speciale Tropen). Indonesia was shocked and difficulties in dealing with sniper capabilities of KST. Which at that time Indonesia has the sniper weapon. Then they plan to build a similar force for Indonesia. However, at that time, there was no Indonesian military commander who has sufficient capability or high pengalamanan in special operations. Lieutenant Colonel Slamet Riyadi will no longer see his dream to establish a Special Forces unit after his death in battle with the separatist RMS.
Shortly after, Colonel Kawilarang using Military Intelligence and met with Major Rokus Bernardus Visser - a former member of Special Forces Ducth, after peace is established during the formation of the State of Indonesia The new independence. He settled in West Java, Indonesia, and married women, and is known as Mohamad Idjon Djanbi. He was the first in recruitment for Indonesian Special Forces. After that, the unit is then to be Kopassus, which was adopted by the similarity of the Red Berets (Red Beret) belonging to the Dutch Special Forces.
In short, the formation of Special Forces today. Many provide support or back-up security for the sovereign territory of the Republic of Indonesia to the present. Kopassus operates in secret and undetectable, are scattered in various corners of the region in the archipelago. They did a series of acts of murder for the benefit of the State in terms of fighting rebel groups State. And perform other missions such as the handling of the Anti-Terrorism and Intelligence Information gathering, and matters related to the area of security and sovereignty of Indonesia.
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