Friday, January 11, 2013

Brigjend Pol Drs. Dwi T Apriyanto, SH visit to the Dayak Customary Council on Rumah Betang

Brigjend  Pol Drs. Dwi  T Apriyanto, SH visit to the Dayak Customary Council on Rumah  Betang

Tribun Pontianak/Galih Nofrio Nanda


Kapolda Kalbar Brigjend Pol Drs. TUGAS DWI APRIYANTO, SH  melakukan kunjungan kerja ke Dewan Adat Dayak di Rumah Betang Jalan Sutoyo, Kamis (10/1/2013).

Dalam acara tersebut, juga dihadiri oleh hampir seluruh jajaran Polda Kalbar, jajaran pengurus DAD, Jajaran Kodam XII/TPR serta para petinggi lainnya.

Ketua 1 DAD Provinsi Kalbar Yakubus Kumis menyambut positif atas kunjungan ini. "Jadi, Pak Kapolda sudah sekitar satu bulan bertugas dan kebiasaan beliau melakukan silaturhim ke lembaga- lembaga adat dan kemasyarakatan. Ini tradsi cukup baik, dalam rangka memperat tali silaturahim," ujarnya, kepada, Kamis (10/1/2013).

Dia berharap Polilisi di Kalbar semakin dekat dengan masyarakat karena polisi merupakan pengayom dan pelindung masyarakat. Kami siap mendukung tugas dari pihak kepolisian dalam mengamankan Kalbar agar semakin kondusif.

Ketua Harian DAD, Hendri Lisar menyampaikan terkait masalah penambang emas tanpa ijin (PETI) yang membuat Sungai Kapuas tercemar. "Sungai Kapuas, semenjak PETI marak jadi kotor. Mereka beroperasinya memang di sungai-sungai kecil, tapi sungai itu muaranya ke Sungai Kapuas semua," ungkapnya.

  Pol Drs. Dwi  T Apriyanto, SH visit to the Dayak Customary Council on Rumah  Betang Sutoyo Street, Thursday (10/01/2013).

In the event, also attended by virtually the entire police force of West Kalimantan, DAD ranks of administrators, Board Kodam XII / TPR and other officials.

1 DAD of West Kalimantan province Yakubus  responded positively on this visit. "So, sir police chief for about a month doing his duty and customs silaturhim to traditional institutions and society. It's pretty good, in order to steer the rope friendship," he said, to, Thursday (10/1 / 2013).

He hopes Police in West Kalimantan closer to the community because the police are the public guardian and protector. We are ready to support the work of the police in order to secure a more conducive Kalimantan.

Administrator DAD, Hendri Lisar related problems delivering gold miners without permission (PETI), which makes the Kapuas River is polluted. "Kapuas River, since PETI bloom so dirty. They did in the operation of small rivers, but river Kapuas River estuary to all," he said.

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