Kapuas Post, Rabu- 9 Januari 2913.

Transmigration is not Moving Poverty from Java- Head of Manpower and Transmigration (Manpower) Kalbar quite challenging though it can make no headache.
A number of problems, ranging from increased foreign workers to continue sticking transmigration.
Haris Harahap, Head of Manpower, appointments immediately evaluate the transmigration program in West Kalimantan this year.
What is the purpose of government is appropriate or not. Do not let the migrants were placed in Kalimantan would be a problem in this area. Worse yet, do not just move the poverty transmigration program from Java.
"Migrants should be qualified. We will hold in order to receive this temporary migrants. We will optimize the process of building the first homesteader there, "he replied Kalbar People, Monday (7/1).
Not only that, there are still many jobs in West Kalimantan filled foreign labor. Is it a sign of human resources (HR) we are not used or are also less qualified? Therefore, there was a surge in the number of foreign workers in this area.
"The number of foreign workers in West Kalimantan has now reached 300. Increased dramatically in the last two months. October new numbers 143 people, "said Haris.
In 2013, the Manpower will map the foreign workers in West Kalimantan. Even going down directly supervise foreign workers. "Functions related agencies to supervise foreign workers in their respective areas," pleaded Haris Harahap.
Haris instructed to monitor the number of foreign workers in each work area. Agree or disagree with the Ministerial Decree No. 02/2008 concerning the Terms of Use of Foreign Workers.
According to him, foreign workers spread across counties and cities in West Kalimantan. Their various fields of work. There in the field of construction, plantations, and others. However, foreign workers from large companies or investment professionals need are not yet available in this area.
"In the District, for example, the number of foreign workers, there were 90 people mostly in plantation and mining sectors. In Pontianak regency there are 81 foreign workers mostly working in PLN's power plant development projects, "said Haris.
Later in the District Sekadau, the number of foreign workers, there were 12 people, 31 people Kubu Raya district. "Everything has been registered, the company must obtain permission before hiring foreign workers. Because permits for foreign workers were issued central government, "added Harris. (Kie)
TRIBUN LAMPUNG/DEDI SUTOMO Dua Kompi Pasukan Brimob Mabes Polri dan Polda Banten tiba di Desa Sidoharjo untuk bergabung dengan pasukan gabungan dari Polda Lampung, Polres Lampung Selatan, Yon 143 dan Marinir Brigif 3 Piabung. Pasukan Brimob dari Mabes Polri dan Polda Banten tersebut dilengkapi persenjataan antihuruhara lengkap. Photo diambil Senin (29/10/2012)
Bentrokan di Way Panji, Lampung, adalah salah satu dampak kebijakan transmigrasi masa lalu.
Pola saat itu menyebabkan tidak ada pembauran antara pendatang dan masyarakat lokal.
Deputi Sekretaris Jenderal Konsorsium Pembaruan Agraria (KPA) Iwan Nurdin mengatakan, transmigrasi di masa lalu membawa seluruh pranata sosial suatu masyarakat. Pranata bawaan diterapkan di daerah tujuan dengan alasan agar transmigran betah.
"Dampaknya, desa transmigrasi tidak membaur dengan desa lokal. Muncul desa Jawa, Bali, Sunda, dan sebagainya di daerah-daerah tujuan transmigrasi," ujarnya, Rabu (31/10/2012) di Jakarta.
Keadaan diperburuk dengan kebijakan pilih kasih oleh pemerintah. Daerah-daerah transmigrasi dilengkapi dengan infrastruktur. Pembangunan itu untuk mengejar citra program transmigrasi berhasil serta membuat transmigran betah.
Sebaliknya, daerah yang didiami masyarakat lokal malah tidak mendapat infrastruktur memadai. Semakin lama, daerah-daerah itu menjadi kawasan tertinggal.
"Sekarang, daerah-daerah transmigrasi berkembang pesat. Keadaan sebaliknya terjadi di daerah non transmigrasi," tuturnya.
Kondisi itu, semakin lama memupuk kecemburuan sosial antara masyarakat pendatang dan lokal. Kecemburuan yang semakin menumpuk menyebabkan masyarakat mudah bertikai karena berbagai sebab.
Clashes in Bannerman Way, Lampung, is one of the impact of past policy of transmigration. Pattern when it causes no intermingling between migrants and local communities.
Deputy Secretary General of the Consortium for Agrarian Reform (KPA) Iwan Nurdin said the resettlement in the past to bring all social institutions of a society. Congenital institutions applied at the destination on the grounds that migrants feel at home.
"In effect, the transmigration villages to mingle with the local villagers. Appears Javanese village, Balinese, Sundanese, etc. in areas transmigration destination," he said, Wednesday (10/31/2012) in Jakarta.
The situation is exacerbated by the government's policy of favoritism. Transmigration areas equipped with infrastructure. Development to pursue the image of the transmigration program successfully and making migrants feel at home.
Conversely, areas inhabited by local people even do not get adequate infrastructure. Over time, these areas were being disadvantaged areas.
"Now, the transmigration areas growing rapidly. Opposite situation occurs in the non transmigration," he said.
Condition, the longer fosters jealousy between migrants and local communities. Jealousy is increasingly easy to accumulate causing the conflict due to various reasons.

Warga Transmigrasi SP 2 Serat Ayon mendatangi Kantor Bupati Sambas. Di hadapan Bupati Sambas dr Hj Juliarti Djuhardi Alwi MPH mereka meminta kejelasan status lahan usaha transmigrasi.
Kapuas Post, Rabu- 9 Januari 2913.

Transmigration is not Moving Poverty from Java- Head of Manpower and Transmigration (Manpower) Kalbar quite challenging though it can make no headache.
A number of problems, ranging from increased foreign workers to continue sticking transmigration.
Haris Harahap, Head of Manpower, appointments immediately evaluate the transmigration program in West Kalimantan this year.
What is the purpose of government is appropriate or not. Do not let the migrants were placed in Kalimantan would be a problem in this area. Worse yet, do not just move the poverty transmigration program from Java.
"Migrants should be qualified. We will hold in order to receive this temporary migrants. We will optimize the process of building the first homesteader there, "he replied Kalbar People, Monday (7/1).
Not only that, there are still many jobs in West Kalimantan filled foreign labor. Is it a sign of human resources (HR) we are not used or are also less qualified? Therefore, there was a surge in the number of foreign workers in this area.
"The number of foreign workers in West Kalimantan has now reached 300. Increased dramatically in the last two months. October new numbers 143 people, "said Haris.
In 2013, the Manpower will map the foreign workers in West Kalimantan. Even going down directly supervise foreign workers. "Functions related agencies to supervise foreign workers in their respective areas," pleaded Haris Harahap.
Haris instructed to monitor the number of foreign workers in each work area. Agree or disagree with the Ministerial Decree No. 02/2008 concerning the Terms of Use of Foreign Workers.
According to him, foreign workers spread across counties and cities in West Kalimantan. Their various fields of work. There in the field of construction, plantations, and others. However, foreign workers from large companies or investment professionals need are not yet available in this area.
"In the District, for example, the number of foreign workers, there were 90 people mostly in plantation and mining sectors. In Pontianak regency there are 81 foreign workers mostly working in PLN's power plant development projects, "said Haris.
Later in the District Sekadau, the number of foreign workers, there were 12 people, 31 people Kubu Raya district. "Everything has been registered, the company must obtain permission before hiring foreign workers. Because permits for foreign workers were issued central government, "added Harris. (Kie)
Transmigrasi Bukan Memindahkan Kemiskinan dari Pulau Jawa
Pelaksana Tugas (Plt) Kepala Dinas Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi
(Disnakertrans) Kalbar cukup menantang walaupun bisa bikin puyeng.
Sejumlah masalah, mulai dari meningkatnya pekerja asing hingga
transmigrasi terus mencuat.
Haris Harahap, Plt Disnakertrans, janji segera mengevaluasi program
transmigrasi di Kalbar tahun ini juga. Apakah tujuan dari pemerintah
pusat sudah sesuai atau tidak. Jangan sampai para transmigran yang
diletakkan di Kalbar akan menjadi masalah di daerah ini. Lebih parah
lagi, jangan sampai program transmigrasi hanya memindahkan kemiskinan
dari Pulau Jawa.
“Transmigran harus berkualitas. Kita akan menahan dahulu untuk
menerima transmigran sementara waktu ini. Kita akan optimalkan terlebih
dahulu proses pembinaan terhadap transmigran yang ada,” tegasnya
menjawab Rakyat Kalbar, Senin (7/1).
Tak hanya itu, ternyata masih banyak lapangan pekerjaan di Kalbar
yang diisi tenaga kerja asing. Apakah itu pertanda sumber daya manusia
(SDM) kita tak terpakai atau juga kurang berkualitas? Sebab, terjadi
lonjakan jumlah pekerja asing di daerah ini.
“Jumlah pekerja asing di Kalbar kini sudah mencapai 300 orang. Naik
drastis dalam dua bulan terakhir. Oktober lalu jumlahnya baru 143
orang,” ungkap Haris.
Pada 2013 ini, Disnakertrans akan memetakan tenaga kerja asing di
Kalbar. Bahkan akan turun langsung mengawasi para pekerja asing
tersebut. “Fungsi dinas terkait melakukan pengawasan terhadap para
pekerja asing tersebut di daerah masing-masing,” pinta Haris Harahap.
Haris menginstruksikan untuk memantau sejumlah tenaga kerja asing
yang ada di wilayah kerjanya masing-masing. Sesuai atau tidak dengan
Kepmen Nomor 02/2008 tentang Ketentuan Penggunaan Tenaga Kerja Asing.
Menurutnya, para pekerja asing itu tersebar di kabupaten dan kota di
Kalbar. Bidang kerja mereka beragam. Ada di bidang konstruksi,
perkebunan, dan lainnya. Bagaimanapun, tenaga asing dari perusahaan atau
investasi besar butuh tenaga profesional yang belum tersedia di daerah
“Di Kabupaten Sanggau misalnya, jumlah pekerja asing tercatat
sebanyak 90 orang sebagian besar di sektor perkebunan dan pertambangan.
Di Kabupaten Pontianak ada 81 pekerja asing yang sebagian besar bekerja
di proyek pembangunan PLTU milik PLN,” ujar Haris.
Kemudian di Kabupaten Sekadau, jumlah pekerja asing tercatat sebanyak
12 orang, Kabupaten Kubu Raya 31 orang. “Semua sudah terdaftar,
sebelumnya perusahaan harus mendapat izin mempekerjakan tenaga kerja
asing. Karena izin untuk tenaga kerja asing itu diterbitkan pemerintah
pusat,” tutup Haris. (kie)==========================================================================
Kasus Lampung, akibat dari transmigrasi ?
Lampung DampaBentrok k KLaebijakan Transmigrasi
Penulis : Kris R Mada | Rabu, 31 Oktober 2012 | 10:43 WIB
TRIBUN LAMPUNG/DEDI SUTOMO Dua Kompi Pasukan Brimob Mabes Polri dan Polda Banten tiba di Desa Sidoharjo untuk bergabung dengan pasukan gabungan dari Polda Lampung, Polres Lampung Selatan, Yon 143 dan Marinir Brigif 3 Piabung. Pasukan Brimob dari Mabes Polri dan Polda Banten tersebut dilengkapi persenjataan antihuruhara lengkap. Photo diambil Senin (29/10/2012)
Bentrokan di Way Panji, Lampung, adalah salah satu dampak kebijakan transmigrasi masa lalu.
Pola saat itu menyebabkan tidak ada pembauran antara pendatang dan masyarakat lokal.
Deputi Sekretaris Jenderal Konsorsium Pembaruan Agraria (KPA) Iwan Nurdin mengatakan, transmigrasi di masa lalu membawa seluruh pranata sosial suatu masyarakat. Pranata bawaan diterapkan di daerah tujuan dengan alasan agar transmigran betah.
"Dampaknya, desa transmigrasi tidak membaur dengan desa lokal. Muncul desa Jawa, Bali, Sunda, dan sebagainya di daerah-daerah tujuan transmigrasi," ujarnya, Rabu (31/10/2012) di Jakarta.
Keadaan diperburuk dengan kebijakan pilih kasih oleh pemerintah. Daerah-daerah transmigrasi dilengkapi dengan infrastruktur. Pembangunan itu untuk mengejar citra program transmigrasi berhasil serta membuat transmigran betah.
Sebaliknya, daerah yang didiami masyarakat lokal malah tidak mendapat infrastruktur memadai. Semakin lama, daerah-daerah itu menjadi kawasan tertinggal.
"Sekarang, daerah-daerah transmigrasi berkembang pesat. Keadaan sebaliknya terjadi di daerah non transmigrasi," tuturnya.
Kondisi itu, semakin lama memupuk kecemburuan sosial antara masyarakat pendatang dan lokal. Kecemburuan yang semakin menumpuk menyebabkan masyarakat mudah bertikai karena berbagai sebab.
Clashes in Bannerman Way, Lampung, is one of the impact of past policy of transmigration. Pattern when it causes no intermingling between migrants and local communities.
Deputy Secretary General of the Consortium for Agrarian Reform (KPA) Iwan Nurdin said the resettlement in the past to bring all social institutions of a society. Congenital institutions applied at the destination on the grounds that migrants feel at home.
"In effect, the transmigration villages to mingle with the local villagers. Appears Javanese village, Balinese, Sundanese, etc. in areas transmigration destination," he said, Wednesday (10/31/2012) in Jakarta.
The situation is exacerbated by the government's policy of favoritism. Transmigration areas equipped with infrastructure. Development to pursue the image of the transmigration program successfully and making migrants feel at home.
Conversely, areas inhabited by local people even do not get adequate infrastructure. Over time, these areas were being disadvantaged areas.
"Now, the transmigration areas growing rapidly. Opposite situation occurs in the non transmigration," he said.
Condition, the longer fosters jealousy between migrants and local communities. Jealousy is increasingly easy to accumulate causing the conflict due to various reasons.
Editor :
Marcus Suprihadi
Warga Transmigrasi SP 2 Serat Ayon mendatangi Kantor Bupati Sambas. Di hadapan Bupati Sambas dr Hj Juliarti Djuhardi Alwi MPH mereka meminta kejelasan status lahan usaha transmigrasi.
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