Thursday, December 20, 2012



By : F. Bahaudin Kay
(Timanggong Sangah Ulu 2 District Landak )

In a recent paper we presented the title of "Peoples and Pamabakng Red Bowl" is a title that we intentionally lift from the surface, because the indigenous red bowls and pamabakng been known by the general public, especially outside the ethnic Dayak. Dayak communities in motion all in suppression motion Paraku G -30-S PKI in West Kalimantan in 1967. Similarly, a well-known custom Pamabakng a number of times in an effort  enacted primarily due to ethnic violence that occurred in the West and in the bloody tragedy " armet Nagabang"   several years ago. Indigenous Even though this is enough known among the general public, but this custom should be appointed in writing in order for the equation peoples perception about it because during this time there may be differences in perception among the wider society and even among the Dayak communities themselves.Both types have their unique customs is like two sides of the bersebaranagan namaun is linked very closely. " Red Bowl"  is a custom that is sacred and forced to direct the interim period for a particular purpose is customary bersipat pamabakng sacred that must be obeyed in peace efforts as a result of a bloody komplik.Thus, in addition to bersebrangan and have a very close relationship, both this custom function as if contradictory. Regardless of the opinion of the pros and cons of the essence of this tradition should be maintained, and in lesatarikan, but whether he still maintained and preserved, but whether he still adhered to and obeyed, especially in the era of this modern-paced globalization.THE RED BOWL
Based on the types of tools , this custom was originally named " bowl jaranang". Jaranang is a kind of plant roots that have  colored  red sap. Jaranang root sap is in use as a substitute for red paint colors because at that time people are not familiar with paint. Jaranang roots that red was smeared on the inside bottom of the bowl.Therefore he called the red bowl. A long time ago in a case where the offender is not willing customarily resolved then the heirs of the victim who had been insulted and abused the honor, dignity and status of such agreements and consensus heir immediately take action to twelve revenge through pengerah period customarily called a custom bowl Red. Cases are usually bowl-suicide involving parakng case or cases of sexual harassment and so forth that are leading to abuse and insult to his heirs.Aids and Equipment Meaning "  red bowl " consists of:

A bowl as a place / means to put Paraga other tools.
Basic bowl inside smeared with red jaranang sap containing the

   definition of "bloodshed".
Feathers / chicken wings that contain meaning "Fast", immediately,
     lightning, like a fly ".
Sow leaf roof (end roofs made of palm leaf) implies that brought the  news should not be hampered by the rain because there terinak (umbrella).
Longkot /  fire-wood  (coals of fire wood baker who has been in use for cooking in the kitchen) which has the sense that the news should not be hampered by the afternoon / evening dark, because it is  lighting a fire plug and so on.The tool is packaged in a red bowl bowls that had been given red jaranang then wrapped in cloth. Some people are in the news once designated laneways invites all levels of an heir was previously given guidance on the intent and purpose of the red bowl, anyone who had encountered, when assembled, a gathering place, and so forth. Of course, those who bring the news red bowl should not stay even singah too lamapun should not be. Despite heavy rain and dark evening, even if they had to continue their journey.As described in the introduction, that the background of the indigenous red bowls as a result of something that would not customarily diselasaikan the culprit that is deemed to have insulted the dignity and melecahkan heirs of victims. Peace honor, vowel and maratabat heirs so they held retaliation effort to collect indigenous heirs through a red bowl. For example, a man was killed within 24 hours if there is no sign of the traditional remedies are the heirs of the victim immediately respond to an attempt pembelasan, because he has opposed sipelaku considered the heirs of the victim, and he deserves to be beaten as a beast because it is not habitual. Furthermore digelarlah customary bowl mereah as already described above.As described above where the red bowl movement appeared to defend the honor, dignity and heirs who have insulted and abused. Thus, of course, this movement became the responsibility of the beneficiary. According to indigenous Dayak Kanayatn arrangement / derivative beneficiary samdiatn page that can be described by a straight line is:

Brothers/ Sisters  (Tatak pusat ) called samadiatn.
Cousin once (sakadiritan) called  Kamar Kapala .
Cousin twice (two madi 'ene').
Cousin three times (two madi 'ene' saket).
Cousin four times (saket).
Cousin five times (sitting dantar).
Cousin six times (dantar).
Cousin seven times (dantar page).
Cousin eight  times (page) is dantar bu'uk.
Cousin nine times, " dah baurangan".From the description it is clear that what began to be called a derivative beneficiary is the cousin three times or two madi'ene ', so that they are included in this instance is considered as the head of the powerful heir or heirs. They are entitled to lead this movement mereah its bowl.As it has been explained in the introduction to the properties contained in the customary red mengkok are:

The whole event was a custom implementation of a red bowl began deliberations / consensus for  dispatch reinforcements, full of mystical relegius behaviors, and therefore is a sacred tradition.
Parties to the intended heirs or who received a red mengkok news to uphold the dignity and honor of their heirs should join. If they do not come, they can be branded as a coward and do not put shame. With demikaian they were forced to participate. So in indigenous red bowls are binding nature or force.Tracing the custom implementation mereah bowl, it turns out that pelkasanan and customary charge mengkok penangung red is selauruh ranks heirs of victims led by two heirs madi 'ene' as the chief beneficiary. While the goal is the actors who are not willing to pay the penalty has been considered customary senhinga melecahkan and insulting the heirs of the victim. If reinforcements had bernagkat toward a goal almost no other alternative for the prevention, except with the efforts of customs in which the offender must install custom pamabang.ADAT PAMABAKNG As it has been described above that the indigenous red bowls and custom pamabang like two opposite sides and contains contradictory meanings, but both have a very close bond.

Also described the implementation of indigenous red bowls have a very negative impact, but as a tool it is very dependent on pemakaiyannya.
Thus, it can also have a positive impact, such as the use of indigenous red bowls at  PARAKU G-30-S PKI in West Kalimantan in 1967.
While it is customary pamabankng have a very positive effects to  seek a peaceful resolution of the komplik history. Bala who will attack to hold the deployment period after melalaui indigenous red bowls. Must be fast in anticipation by customs officials, in this case the Chief assisted by pasirah and pangaraga. They should immediately counts the same time ordered to heirs the help of the village to install custom msayarkat pamabakng, by means of the following paraganya

1 piece placed on the " Jampa jarungkakng"  yellow banbu closed Pahar with the tummy.
Then there is the mediator in place on platter complete with " topokng" (for betel nut) and rice along with other tools palantar complete with 1 whole chicken sedapatnya white, not red.
1 piece white flag colored in  installing  near " tampayan Jampa".
Then near the jars should be " papangokng Jampa" (penggung of wood) to put palantar.
Around " pamabang"  lay bide for seating and consulted with reinforcements to come.
"Jampa"   symbolizes the victim's body in case of killing. In  the case, and as a sign of recognition for indigenous offenders.
White chicken and white flag as a symbol of peace.
Rice yellowed " baras banyu"  as well as to calm the symbol of  heart is torn emotions.
" Topokng"  where betel is used to greet reinforcements coming." Pamabankng"  be seen by the Chief and Chief if no / absent, pamabakng in wait by " pasirah"- Customary leader  or by tribal elders considered to understand the customs. Besides understanding about indigenous people waiting pemabankng be wise and usually also have people who have knowledge in dealing with cases such as spells and incantations that called dross killed, silent, easy word, softening hearts like pangasih etc. naseihat masksudnya that advice and so on. Can be worn by the troops who are emotional.What if the situation is very serious and vulnerable, pamabankng can be installed over the intersection of the driveway and at the end of Pante (court). The point is that if one remains dilangar pamabakng, still another pamabnag adalagi last. Pamabakng the latter is the last defense so that if even this last pamabang in langar there is no other alternative but to organize resistance and expert groups warispun war not inevitable. This act can lead to life-ririkngnya custom body, custom means raganyawa not paid. But throughout the history of traditional things like this never happen.

By the time reinforcements arrived on the pamabang, pamabakng watchman immediately greeted with topokng once in'll let sit.
He began membentakangkan sense and good food pamabakng that the offender pleaded guilty and are willing menyelasaikannya customary law. Usually after hearing the explanation that the reinforcements of  emotion thrust on the ground accompanied by cries because his opposition was not upset. So the most important of the traditional pamabakng are:

If pamabakng not in pairs, can be interpreted:

That the perpetrators of the heirs of the victim opposes to fight or war

     between the heirs.
The offender does not want to pay the same indigenous sekalai.
Adat as if letting and even inciting both sides to attack each other.

If pamabakng already installed can be interpreted:

The case is already in the hands of customs officials
The offender has admitted guilt and paid the penalty besedia peoples.Indigenous peoples " bahoatn pamabakng"  is meant only for display and not for pay. After they had reinforcements coming in leprosy baras banyu  and then performed  to the jubata. Pamabakng  installed for custom and longest unresolved for 3 days.
This paper had in the post Mr John Supriyadi in
(Copas from:

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