Kabupaten Landak
( Tanah Urakng Dayak)
Kabupaten Landak adalah salah satu Daerah Tingkat II di provinsi Kalimantan Barat yang terbentuk dari hasil pemekaran Kabupaten Pontianak tahun 1999. Ibu kota kabupaten ini terletak di Ngabang. Memiliki luas wilayah 9.909,10 km² dan berpenduduk sebesar 282.026 jiwa. Landak terbagi menjadi 10 kecamatan dengan 174 desa.
Kabupaten Landak adalah salah satu kabupaten yang boleh dikatakan maju dari segi pembangunan, pendidikan dan perekonomian serta keamanan. Landak berasal dari Bahasa Belanda yang terbagi menjadi dua suku kata Lan dan Dak, LAN artinya Pulau dan DAK artinya Dayak, oleh sebab itu mayoritas penduduk aslinya adalah Suku Dayak.
Mengapa dikatakan demikan bukti konkritnya adalah 80% penduduknya adalah Dayak. Bukti lain Mengapa dikatakan demikan bukti konkritnya adalah masih adanya peninggalan rumah Panjang/Betang di Kabupaten Landak sampai saat ini, tepatnya terletak di Desa Saham, Kecamatan Sengah Temila.
Berdasarkan catatan sejarah bahwa kata "Dayak" ditulis oleh para penulis Belanda zaman itu dalam bentuk "Dyak" atau "Dyaker". Sementara kata "Land" berarti "tanah". "Land-Dyak" sebenarnya bermakna "Tanah Dayak" yang kemudian diubah menjadi "Landak". Kabupaten Landak ini sama sekali tidak berhubungan dengan binatang bernama Landak.
Kondisi Fisik dan Geografi
Kabupaten Landak secara geografis posisinya terdapat di bagian tengah
Provinsi Kalimantan Barat dengan luas wilayah 9.909,10 km2 atau 6,75%
dari luas keseluruhan provinsi Kalimantan Barat yang terbagi atas 13
kecamatan, yaitu:
- Kecamatan Ngabang
- Kecamatan Sengah Temila
- Kecamatan Menyuke
- Kecamatan Menjalin
- Kecamatan Mandor
- Kecamatan Mempawah Hulu
- Kecamatan Meranti
- Kecamatan Kuala Behe
- Kecamatan Air Besar
- Kecamatan Sebangki
- Kecamatan Banyuke Hulu
- Kecamatan Jelimpo
- Kecamatan Sompak
Terbentuknya Kabupaten Landak berdasarkan UU No. 55 Tahun 1999 tanggal 4 Oktober 1999. Pertimbangan pokok terbentuknya Kabupaten Landak adalah bahwa berhubungan dengan perkembangan dan kemajuan Provinsi Kalimantan Barat pada umumnya dan Kabupaten Pontianak pada khususnya serta adanya aspirasi yang berkembang dalam masyarakat, dipandang perlu meningkatkan penyelenggaraan pemerintahan dan pelaksanaan pembangunan serta pembinaan masyarakat guna menjamin perkembangan dan kemajuan pada masa mendatang. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut di atas dan memperhatikan perkembangan penduduk, luas wilayah, potensi ekonomi, sosial budaya, sosial politik dan meningkatnya beban tugas serta volume kerja di bidang penyelenggaraan pemerintahan, pembangunan dan kemasyarakatan di Kabupaten Pontianak dipandang perlu membentuk Kabupaten Landak sebagai pemekaran dari Kabupaten Pontianak.
Batas Administrasi
Wilayah Kabupaten Landak terletak pada batas koordinat 0°10’ - 1°10’ Lintang Utara dan 109°5’ - 110°10’ Bujur Timur, sedangkan batas-batas wilayah administrasi Kabupaten Landak adalah sebagai berikut:
Utara Kabupaten Bengkayang Selatan Kabupaten Pontianak Barat Kabupaten Pontianak Timur Kabupaten Sanggau Jumlah Penduduk dan Kepadatan
Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan Badan Pusat Statistik, jumlah penduduk kabupaten Landak sebesar 302.956 jiwa selama kurun waktu tahun 1990-2000 dengan laju pertumbuhan penduduk sebesar 0,92% per tahun.
Intensitas Curah Hujan
Kabupaten Landak dapat dikategorikan sebagai daerah hujan dengan intensitas tinggi. Secara umum curah hujan rata-rata sebesar 160 mm per bulan. Intensitas curah hujan yang cukup tinggi kemungkinan dipengaruhi oleh daerah yang berhutan tropis.
Lapangan Pekerjaan
Pekerjaan yang banyak diusahakan oleh masyarakat di Kabupaten Landak adalah sektor pertanian (82,88%), diikuti oleh sektor perdagangan (5,36%) dan sektor-sektor lainnya seperti industri, konstruksi, angkutan, pertambangan, listrik, telekomunikasi dan lain-lain.
Berdasarkan peta topografi skala 1:250.000 seri AMS, morfologi Kabupaten Landak umumnya merupakan pegunungan bergelombang hingga tinggi dengan puncak-puncak pegunungan hingga lebih dari 1000 m di atas permukaan air laut, terutama ada dibagian utara, sedangkan dibagian selatan, terutama disekitar kota Ngabang ke arah selatan memperlihatkan morfologi dataran setempat yang berawa-rawa dengan ketinggian 50 m di atas permukaan air laut.
Struktur Geologi
Penampakan struktur geologi yang terdapat di Wilayah Kabupaten Landak antara lain berupa lipatan berarah barat timur, terutama pada satuan batuan kelompok Bengkayang, sedangkan pada batuan kelompok batupasir Kayan berkembang struktur gawir yang kemungkinan banyak terdapat air terjun, di bagian sisi barat pada satuan batuan gunung api banyak terdapat kelulusan yang berarah barat laut-tenggara. Struktur kelulusan dan patahan berkembang di bagian timur, pada batuan beku berumur kapur, umumnya berarah barat laut-tenggara.
Struktur geologi Kabupaten Landak termasuk dalam Zona C, yaitu Daerah Kontinen Dataran Sunda. Kondisi Zona C di Kalimantan Barat kurang stabil karena tidak mengalami Diastrofisma Tersier. Sebagian besar Wilayah Kabupaten Landak mempunyai Batuan Instrusif dan Plutonik yang bersifat asam sampai basa. Batuan kapur yang tersingkap pada bagian Timur Kabupaten terdiri dari suatu kompleks fragmen–fragmen dan irisan–irisan Kuarsit, mafik, ultramatik batu kapur dan batu pasir. Percampuran batuan–batuan ini terjadi akibat Perisai Sunda yang menahan bagian Samudera yang lebih padat dan lebih berat dari pada kerak bumi sewaktu bergerak ke arah barat daya dan menekan bagian ini ke bawah. Pada Pegunungan Niut terbentuk atas berbagai struktur batuan, yaitu Plistosen–plistosen, kapur dan Intrusif serta Plutonik Basa.
Litologi dan Kaitannya dengan Bahan Galian Industri
Berdasarkan peta geologi lembar Sanggau, wilayah Kabupaten Landak dapat diamati adanya 2 (dua) jenis batuan, yaitu Sedimen dan bahan gunung api.
- Batuan Sedimen yang terlihat dari umur muda ke tua adalah:
- Endapan Aluvium (Qa), terdiri dari: tumbuhan lumpur, pasir dan sisa
- Batupasir Landak (Tola), terdiri dari: batu pasir kuarsa dan litik, beberapa konglomerat dan batu lumpur merah kecoklatan, setempat karbonan
- Batupasir Kayan (Tkk), terdiri dari: batu pasir kuarsa dan kuarsa feldspar, setempat kerakalan, sisipan batu lanau dan konglomerat, sedikit batu bara
- Formasi Pendawan (Kp), terdiri dari: batu pasir, batu lanau, batu lumpur, serpih, serpih sabakan dan biasanya gampingan, batu pasir kuarsa feldspar
- Sedangkan batuan gunung api berturut-turut dari muda ke tua adalah:
- Batuan gunung api niat (Tpn), terdiri dari: andesit, dasit dan basal, sedikit konglomerat dan piroklastik
- Batuan terobosan sintang (Toms), terdiri dari: granodiorit, diorit kuarsa, andesit piroksen dan dasit
- Granodiorit mensibau (Klm), terdiri dari: granodiorit, granodiorit hornblende, diorit kuarsa, granit dan monzoit
- Batuan gunung api raya (Tpn), terdiri dari: andesit, dasit dan basal, sedikit konglomerat dan piroklastik
Jenis Tanah
Jenis tanah di Kabupaten Landak antara lain:
- Podsolik merah kuning (batuan endapan), terbentuk dari bahan induk endapan, terdapat di kecamatan:
- Sengah Temila
- Mempawah Hulu
- Ngabang
- Menyuke
- Air Besar
- Kuala Behe
Keadaan alami kesuburan tanah hanya terbatas pada lapisan berbahan
organik, tetapi bila digunakan kurang seksama kesuburannya akan cepat
- Podsolik merah kuning (batuan beku dan endapan), terbentuk dari bahan induk batuan beku, banyak dijumpai di kecamatan:
- Mempawah Hulu
- Mandor
- Menjalin
- Ngabang
- Podsolik merah kuning (batuan beku dan endapan), banyak terdapat di daerah berbukit dan pegunungan lipatan, seperti di pegunungan Niut, Kecamatan Meranti dan Ngabang
- Podsol (batuan endapan), sebagian besar terdapat di Kecamatan Mandor dan Menjalin. Tanah jenis ini merupakan tanah bermineral yang mempunyai perkembangan profil dengan tekstur pasir kuarsa, sangat masam dan sangat kurus dimana kemampuan pertukaran kation sangat rendah
- Latosol, terdapat bagian utara Kecamatan Menyuke yang terbentuk dari fisiografi vulkan yang berasal dari bahan induk batuan beku, warna tanahnya coklat kehitaman, terdrainase baik dan umumnya berstruktur halus di lapisan atas dan sedang di lapisan bawah
- Organosol dan glei humus (bahan aluvial), terdapat di kecamatan:
- Mandor
- Menjalin
- Sebagian Sengah Temila
- Sebangki
Jenis tanah ini mempunyai karakteristik yang tersusun dari bahan
organik atau campuran bahan mineral dan bahan ketebalan minimum 50 cm
serta mengandung paling sedikit 30% dari bahan organik (bila liat) atau
20% bila berpasir, kepadatan tanahnya kurang dari 0,6 dan selalu jenuh
air, mudah mengerut dan tak balik, bila kering peka erosi dan mudah
Wisata Kuliner
Lamang merupakan salah satu makanan khas di Kabupaten Landak. Kue
ini bahan dasarnya beras ketan dan ditambah santan , dan dimasak di bambu. Rasanya
yang gurih membuat lidah ingin menikmatinya lagi. Kue ini sering
disajikan ketika Hari Raya NAIK DANGO.
Landak District is one of the regional level in West Kalimantan provinces
formed from the division of Pontianak regency in 1999. The capital of the district is located in Ngabang. Has an area of 9909.10 km ² and a population of 282,026 inhabitants. Porcupines are divided into 10 districts with 174 villages.Landak District is one district that arguably advanced in terms of development, education and the economy and security. Hedgehogs
come from Dutch that is divided into two syllables and Dak Lan, LAN
means island and DAK means Dayak, therefore the majority of the
indigenous population is the Dayak.Why say so concrete proof is 80% of the population are Dayak. Why
say so Other evidence is concrete evidence of the persistence of
the legacy of the Long / Betang Landak District to date, precisely
located in the village of SAHAPM, District Sengah Temila.
Based on historical records that the word "Dayak" written by Dutch authors of that era in the form of "Dyak" or "Dyaker". While the word "Land" means "land". "Land-Dyak" actually means "Land Dayak" which was changed to "Hedgehog". Porcupine District is in no way associated with the animal called Hedgehog.Physical GeographyPorcupine District is geographically located in the center position of West Kalimantan province with an area of 9909.10 km2 or 6.75% of the total area of West Kalimantan province, divided into 13 districts, namely:
Sub District Ngabang
Sub District Sengah Temila
Sub District Menyuke
Sub District Mandor
Sub District Mempawah Hulu
Sub District Meranti
Sub District Kuala Behe
Sub District Air Besar
Sub District Sebangki
Sub District Banyuke Hulu
Sub District Jelimpo Sub District Menjalin
Based on historical records that the word "Dayak" written by Dutch authors of that era in the form of "Dyak" or "Dyaker". While the word "Land" means "land". "Land-Dyak" actually means "Land Dayak" which was changed to "Hedgehog". Porcupine District is in no way associated with the animal called Hedgehog.Physical GeographyPorcupine District is geographically located in the center position of West Kalimantan province with an area of 9909.10 km2 or 6.75% of the total area of West Kalimantan province, divided into 13 districts, namely:
Sub District Ngabang
Sub District Sengah Temila
Sub District Menyuke
Sub District Mandor
Sub District Mempawah Hulu
Sub District Meranti
Sub District Kuala Behe
Sub District Air Besar
Sub District Sebangki
Sub District Banyuke Hulu
Sub District Jelimpo Sub District Menjalin
Sub District Sompak
Landak District Establishment by Law no. 55 of 1999 dated October 4, 1999.
Primary consideration is that the Porcupine district formation associated with the development and progress of West Kalimantan Province in general and Pontianak district in particular and the growing aspirations of the people, deemed necessary to improve the governance and execution of development and community development to ensure the development and progress in the future. In connection with the above and considering the development of population, land area, the potential economic, social, cultural, political and social as well as the workload increased volume of work in the field of governance, and social development in Pontianak regency deemed necessary to establish as the expansion of the Porcupine District Pontianak regency
Landak District area lies on the boundary coordinates of 0 ° 10 '- 1 ° 10' north latitude and 109 ° 5 '- 110 ° 10' East longitude, whereas the boundaries of the Landak District administration are as follows:
North Bengkayang
Southern District of Pontianak
Western District of Pontianak
The District of East
Population and Density
Based on the calculation of the Central Bureau of Statistics, the total population of 302,956 souls Landak District during the period 1990-2000 with a population growth rate of 0.92% per year. Rainfall Intensity
Landak District can be categorized as a region with high intensity rainfall. In general, an average rainfall of 160 mm per month. The intensity of rainfall is fairly high probability areas affected by tropical forest.
Field Work
The work undertaken by many people in the Porcupine district is agriculture (82.88%), followed by the trade sector (5.36%) and other sectors such as industry, construction, transportation, mining, electricity, telecommunications and other .
Based on 1:250,000 scale topographic map series AMS, morphology Porcupine district is generally undulating to high mountains with peaks up to more than 1000 m above sea level, especially there in the north, while the south, especially around the town in the direction Ngabang shows the morphology of the local southern plains are swampy with a height of 50 m above sea level.
Structural Geology
Sightings geological structures contained in the Landak District Region which include east-west trending folds, especially on lithologies Bengkayang group, whereas in the sandstone rock escarpment Kayan evolving structure which is likely there are many waterfalls, on the western side of the volcanic lithologies many There graduation trending northwest-southeast. Structure passing and fault developed in the east, the old igneous limestone, generally trending northwest-southeast.
Landak District geological structures included in Zone C, the Sunda Plain Continent Region. Zone C conditions in West Kalimantan are less stable because it does not undergo Diastrofisma Tertiary. Most of the Regional District of hedgehogs having Instrusif and Plutonic rocks of acidic to alkaline. Cretaceous rocks are exposed in the eastern part of the district consists of a complex fragments and slices Quartzite, mafic, ultramatik limestone and sandstone. Mixing rocks is due to hold the Sunda Shield ocean denser and heavier than the Earth's crust when moving towards the southwest and suppress this part down. In Niut Mountains formed on various rock structures, the Pleistocene-Pleistocene, lime and Plutonic intrusive and tongue.
Lithology and Relation to Industrial Minerals
Based on the geological map sheet Sanggau, the Landak District observes 2 (two) types of rocks, the sedimentary and volcanic material.
Sedimentary rocks are visible from the young to the old age are:
Deposition Alluvium (Qa), consisting of: plant mud, sand and residual
Sandstone Hedgehogs (Tola), consisting of: quartz sandstone and lytic, some conglomerates and red-brown mud stones, local carbonaceous
Sandstone Kayan (TKK), consisting of: quartz sandstone and quartz feldspar, local kerakalan, inserts silt and conglomerate rock, a little coal
Pendawan Formation (Kp), consisting of: sandstone, silt, mud rock, shale, shale sabakan and usually calcareous, feldspar quartz sandstone
While the volcanic rocks in a row from light to dark is:
Volcanic rocks intentions (TPN), consisting of: andesite, dacite and basalt, conglomerate and pyroclastic little
Groundbreaking rock Sintang (Toms), consisting of: granodiorite, quartz diorite, pyroxene andesite and dacite
Mensibau granodiorite (Klm), consisting of: granodiorite, hornblende granodiorite, quartz diorite, granite and monzoit
Volcanic rock highway (TPN), consisting of: andesite, dacite and basalt, conglomerate and pyroclastic little
Type of SoilThe type of soil in the Landak District include:
Red-yellow podzolic (sedimentary rock), formed from the parent material deposition, there are in the district:
Sengah Temila
Hulu Mempawah
Kuala BeheNatural state of fertility of the soil is limited to a layer made from organic, but when it is used less carefully fertility will rapidly decline.
Red-yellow podzolic (igneous rocks and sediments), formed from igneous parent materials, often found in the district:
Hulu Mempawah
Red-yellow podzolic (igneous rocks and sediments), are common in the hilly and mountainous folds, such as in the mountains Niut, District Meranti and Ngabang
Podsol (sedimentary rocks), are mostly found in the District Overseer and Implement. Soil type is a mineral soils that have a growth profile with quartz sand texture, very sour and very thin which is very low cation exchange capacity
Latosol, there is a northern district of the physiographic Menyuke formed from volcanic igneous parent materials, soil color blackish brown, terdrainase well and generally smooth structure on the top layer and bottom layer being
Organosol and glei humus (alluvial material), there are in the district:
Sengah Temila
SebangkiThis soil type has characteristics that are composed of organic material or mixture of minerals and materials a minimum thickness of 50 cm and contains at least 30% of the organic material (when clay) or 20% when sandy soil density of less than 0.6 and always saturated water , easy to shrink and not behind, erosion sensitive when dry and flammable.
Culinary TourLamang cake is one of the specialties at the Landak District . This cake base ingredients of coconut grated and mixed with glutinous rice, and bake in bamboo . It was a tasty made my tongue want to enjoy it again. This cake is often served as Naik dango.
Landak District Establishment by Law no. 55 of 1999 dated October 4, 1999.
Primary consideration is that the Porcupine district formation associated with the development and progress of West Kalimantan Province in general and Pontianak district in particular and the growing aspirations of the people, deemed necessary to improve the governance and execution of development and community development to ensure the development and progress in the future. In connection with the above and considering the development of population, land area, the potential economic, social, cultural, political and social as well as the workload increased volume of work in the field of governance, and social development in Pontianak regency deemed necessary to establish as the expansion of the Porcupine District Pontianak regency
Landak District area lies on the boundary coordinates of 0 ° 10 '- 1 ° 10' north latitude and 109 ° 5 '- 110 ° 10' East longitude, whereas the boundaries of the Landak District administration are as follows:
North Bengkayang
Southern District of Pontianak
Western District of Pontianak
The District of East
Population and Density
Based on the calculation of the Central Bureau of Statistics, the total population of 302,956 souls Landak District during the period 1990-2000 with a population growth rate of 0.92% per year. Rainfall Intensity
Landak District can be categorized as a region with high intensity rainfall. In general, an average rainfall of 160 mm per month. The intensity of rainfall is fairly high probability areas affected by tropical forest.
Field Work
The work undertaken by many people in the Porcupine district is agriculture (82.88%), followed by the trade sector (5.36%) and other sectors such as industry, construction, transportation, mining, electricity, telecommunications and other .
Based on 1:250,000 scale topographic map series AMS, morphology Porcupine district is generally undulating to high mountains with peaks up to more than 1000 m above sea level, especially there in the north, while the south, especially around the town in the direction Ngabang shows the morphology of the local southern plains are swampy with a height of 50 m above sea level.
Structural Geology
Sightings geological structures contained in the Landak District Region which include east-west trending folds, especially on lithologies Bengkayang group, whereas in the sandstone rock escarpment Kayan evolving structure which is likely there are many waterfalls, on the western side of the volcanic lithologies many There graduation trending northwest-southeast. Structure passing and fault developed in the east, the old igneous limestone, generally trending northwest-southeast.
Landak District geological structures included in Zone C, the Sunda Plain Continent Region. Zone C conditions in West Kalimantan are less stable because it does not undergo Diastrofisma Tertiary. Most of the Regional District of hedgehogs having Instrusif and Plutonic rocks of acidic to alkaline. Cretaceous rocks are exposed in the eastern part of the district consists of a complex fragments and slices Quartzite, mafic, ultramatik limestone and sandstone. Mixing rocks is due to hold the Sunda Shield ocean denser and heavier than the Earth's crust when moving towards the southwest and suppress this part down. In Niut Mountains formed on various rock structures, the Pleistocene-Pleistocene, lime and Plutonic intrusive and tongue.
Lithology and Relation to Industrial Minerals
Based on the geological map sheet Sanggau, the Landak District observes 2 (two) types of rocks, the sedimentary and volcanic material.
Sedimentary rocks are visible from the young to the old age are:
Deposition Alluvium (Qa), consisting of: plant mud, sand and residual
Sandstone Hedgehogs (Tola), consisting of: quartz sandstone and lytic, some conglomerates and red-brown mud stones, local carbonaceous
Sandstone Kayan (TKK), consisting of: quartz sandstone and quartz feldspar, local kerakalan, inserts silt and conglomerate rock, a little coal
Pendawan Formation (Kp), consisting of: sandstone, silt, mud rock, shale, shale sabakan and usually calcareous, feldspar quartz sandstone
While the volcanic rocks in a row from light to dark is:
Volcanic rocks intentions (TPN), consisting of: andesite, dacite and basalt, conglomerate and pyroclastic little
Groundbreaking rock Sintang (Toms), consisting of: granodiorite, quartz diorite, pyroxene andesite and dacite
Mensibau granodiorite (Klm), consisting of: granodiorite, hornblende granodiorite, quartz diorite, granite and monzoit
Volcanic rock highway (TPN), consisting of: andesite, dacite and basalt, conglomerate and pyroclastic little
Type of SoilThe type of soil in the Landak District include:
Red-yellow podzolic (sedimentary rock), formed from the parent material deposition, there are in the district:
Sengah Temila
Hulu Mempawah
Kuala BeheNatural state of fertility of the soil is limited to a layer made from organic, but when it is used less carefully fertility will rapidly decline.
Red-yellow podzolic (igneous rocks and sediments), formed from igneous parent materials, often found in the district:
Hulu Mempawah
Red-yellow podzolic (igneous rocks and sediments), are common in the hilly and mountainous folds, such as in the mountains Niut, District Meranti and Ngabang
Podsol (sedimentary rocks), are mostly found in the District Overseer and Implement. Soil type is a mineral soils that have a growth profile with quartz sand texture, very sour and very thin which is very low cation exchange capacity
Latosol, there is a northern district of the physiographic Menyuke formed from volcanic igneous parent materials, soil color blackish brown, terdrainase well and generally smooth structure on the top layer and bottom layer being
Organosol and glei humus (alluvial material), there are in the district:
Sengah Temila
SebangkiThis soil type has characteristics that are composed of organic material or mixture of minerals and materials a minimum thickness of 50 cm and contains at least 30% of the organic material (when clay) or 20% when sandy soil density of less than 0.6 and always saturated water , easy to shrink and not behind, erosion sensitive when dry and flammable.
Culinary TourLamang cake is one of the specialties at the Landak District . This cake base ingredients of coconut grated and mixed with glutinous rice, and bake in bamboo . It was a tasty made my tongue want to enjoy it again. This cake is often served as Naik dango.
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