Konflik 1997
Menurut Prof Dr Syarif Ibrahim Alkadrie, M.Si tentang periodenisasi konflik di Kalimantan Barat adalah 30 tahun sekali - 1930an, 1960an, 1990an dan 2020.
Jika tidak diantisifasi maka konflik etnis, agama dan sosial berpotensi muncul lebih dasyat.
Mengapa 2020 ? ( Menurut penulis )
1. Perebutan pimpinan - Gubernur 2018;
2. Konflik Dayak-Melayu ( ekses dari pilkada 2018 );
3. Konflik Dayak-Jawa ( Ekses migrasi yang masif );
4. Konflik Dayak ( petani ) dan perusahaan.
Konflik 2 dan 3 berpeluang besar, dibanding konflik 4.
Mencegah konflik.
1. Mengakomodir etnis pada suksesi Kada 2018;
2. Membangun yang pro masyarakat lokal, dan tampa
mengabaikan masyarakat pendatang;
3. Perusahaan mengakomodir pekerja lokal, dan
mengembangkan pola kemitraan ( plasma ).
Saya yakin apa yang menjadi hypotesis Prof Syarif, tidak akan terbukti jika ketiga poin ini dilaksanakan.
Moga Kalimantan ( Borneo ) tetap aman.
According to Prof. Dr. Sharif Ibrahim
Alkadrie, M.Si about
the period of conflict in West Kalimantan is 30
years - 1930,
1960, 1990 and
If not anticipated 'the conflict between ethnic, religious and social potential to emerge more powerful.
Why 2020? (According to the author)
1. The struggle for leadership - Governor in 2018;
2. Conflict Dayak-Malay (excesses of the elections 2018);
3. Conflict Dayak-Java (excess massive migration);
4. Conflict Dayak (farmers) and companies.
Conflict 2 and 3 has a great opportunity, rather than conflicts 4.
Prevent conflict.
1. Accommodate ethnic succession Regional Head in 2018;
2. Develop pro local communities, and without
ignore the migrant communities;
3. The company accommodate local workers, and
develop a partnership (plasma).
I believe the hypothesis of Prof Sharif, will not prove if the three points was implemented.
If not anticipated 'the conflict between ethnic, religious and social potential to emerge more powerful.
Why 2020? (According to the author)
1. The struggle for leadership - Governor in 2018;
2. Conflict Dayak-Malay (excesses of the elections 2018);
3. Conflict Dayak-Java (excess massive migration);
4. Conflict Dayak (farmers) and companies.
Conflict 2 and 3 has a great opportunity, rather than conflicts 4.
Prevent conflict.
1. Accommodate ethnic succession Regional Head in 2018;
2. Develop pro local communities, and without
ignore the migrant communities;
3. The company accommodate local workers, and
develop a partnership (plasma).
I believe the hypothesis of Prof Sharif, will not prove if the three points was implemented.
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