Community Leaders of Semunying Jaya
Distric Sangau Ledo Bengkayang ,
".... we had been destroyed, which the conscience of government,
where shall we complain .....?????.."
".... we had been destroyed, which the conscience of government,
where shall we complain .....?????.."
Warga Semuying Jaya Kec Jagoi Babang Kab Bengkayang yang ikut membela NKRI-( menumpas PGRS-PARAKU 1968 s/d 1973 ) tidak dihargai dan diperhatikan oleh pemerintah PUSAT. Karena membangun wilayah perbatasan adalah wilayah dan wewenang PUSAT- Jakarta.
Perampasan tanah mereka dilakukan sistimatis dan terstruktur oleh pemerintah sendiri dari Perusahaan Malaysia, PT Agung, Perum Perhutani sampai perusahaan perusahaan swasta- PT Ledo Lestari.
Tokoh Masyarakat , "....kami dihancurkan, dimana hati nurani pemerintah, kemana kami mengadu......"
Residents Semuying Jaya district Jagoi Babang Bengkayang- participating defended Homeland / Indonesia - (crush PGRS-PARAKU- 1968 to 1973) are not valued and cared for by the Central Government . Because the building is an area border and authorities CENTRAL GOVERNMENT/ Jakarta.
Their land grabs carried out systematic and structured by the government itself from Malaysian Company, PT Agung, Perhutani Office and private corporations- PT Ledo Lestari.
Community Leaders of Semunying Jaya Distric Sangau Ledo Bengkayang , ".... we had been destroyed, which the conscience of government, where shall we complain .....?????.."
Their land grabs carried out systematic and structured by the government itself from Malaysian Company, PT Agung, Perhutani Office and private corporations- PT Ledo Lestari.
Community Leaders of Semunying Jaya Distric Sangau Ledo Bengkayang , ".... we had been destroyed, which the conscience of government, where shall we complain .....?????.."

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