Saturday, February 9, 2013

Community Leaders of Semunying Jaya Distric Sangau Ledo Bengkayang , ".... we had been destroyed, which the conscience of government, where shall we complain .....?????.."

Community Leaders of Semunying Jaya 
Distric Sangau Ledo Bengkayang ,
".... we had been destroyed, which the conscience of government,
shall we complain .....?????.."

Warga Semuying Jaya Kec Jagoi Babang Kab Bengkayang yang ikut membela NKRI-( menumpas PGRS-PARAKU 1968 s/d 1973 )  tidak dihargai dan diperhatikan oleh pemerintah PUSAT. Karena membangun wilayah perbatasan adalah wilayah dan wewenang PUSAT- Jakarta.

Perampasan tanah mereka dilakukan sistimatis dan terstruktur oleh pemerintah sendiri dari Perusahaan Malaysia, PT Agung, Perum Perhutani sampai  perusahaan perusahaan  swasta- PT Ledo Lestari.

Tokoh Masyarakat , "....kami dihancurkan, dimana hati nurani pemerintah, kemana kami mengadu......"

Residents Semuying Jaya district Jagoi Babang  Bengkayang participating defended Homeland / Indonesia - (crush PGRS-PARAKU- 1968 to  1973) are not valued and cared for by the Central Government . Because the building is an area border and authorities CENTRA GOVERNMENT/ Jakarta.

Their land grabs carried out systematic and structured by the government itself from Malaysian Company, PT Agung, Perhutani Office and  private corporations- PT Ledo Lestari.

Community Leaders of Semunying Jaya Distric Sangau Ledo Bengkayang , ".... we had been destroyed, which the conscience of government, where shall we complain .....?????.."

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