The Lost Generation

"Behind the event there is wisdom. Maybe if not dissipated, the Chinese people will remain in the interior, and can not be advanced as it is now, "said Fung Jin.
Thus, sentences that flow from these middle-aged women, in response to large-scale evacuation events conducted along the Chinese border in September-October 1967.
Fung Jin lived in Pontianak. She is 58 years old. When the incident happened, she was 21 years old. At that time, with family and other refugees, he walked from Toho to Pontianak. The distance is about 75 km. She hoped that the incident never happened again.
Fung Jin is one of the 70 thousand Chinese citizens who were displaced because of the "demonstration" or ethnic cleansing. At that time, most of the ethnic Chinese living in the interior and along the border of Indonesia and Malaysia. After the event, they spread to various areas in West Kalimantan, Jakarta, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, or return to mainland China (PRC).
The incident related to the Indonesian military crackdown, the former members of the Sarawak People's Guerilla Army (PGRS) and the People's Army of North Borneo (PARAKU).
PGRS-PARAKU existence can not be separated with the confrontation that occurred between Indonesia and Malaysia. This event is commonly called Dwikora. President Sukarno rekindle the spirit of the people of Indonesia with the slogan "Crush Malaysia", to respond to the political situation at that time.
Dwikora events occur, as Melayu Guild Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Rahman to form the Federated States of Malaysia which includes the Malay Peninsula, Singapore, Sabah, Sarawak and Brunei.
Malaysia under the Commonwealth, immediately came to the UK. Tun Abdul Rahman met British Prime Minister, Harold Mc Millan, London, in October 1961.
Attitude Tun Abdul Rahman makes AM Azahari inflamed. He was a rebellion against Brunei. Azahari announced the establishment of the State of North Borneo (NKU), and the formation of the North Kalimantan National Army (TNKU). Its territory consists of Brunei, Sarawak and Sabah. The announcement was made in Manila on December 8, 1962
According to JAC Mackie, Azhari Brunei People's Party leader should be disappointed, because in the general election in August 1962, he won 54 of 55 seats in the District Council and 16 of the 33 seats in the Legislative Council. Malaysia has accused Indonesia was behind this insurgency. However, it was denied by the Indonesian government, and did not respond to this problem.
Rebellion can be overcome. Britain intervened quell the rebellion. Malaysia has accused Indonesia of being behind the uprising. Direct ties strained.
In May 31-June 1, 1963, a meeting was held between President Sukarno with Prime Tun Abdul Rahman in Tokyo. This could ease the tension for a moment.
Manai Sophiaan argues, to formulate further results Tokyo meeting, held another meeting of the Foreign Ministers three countries: Indonesia, Malaya and the Philippines, in Manila on 7-11 June 1963. Foreign Secretary-level meeting, the holding of the Conference strengthened by the High Level between Prime Minister Tun Abdul Rahman, President Macapagal and President Sukarno, held in Manila from July 31 to August 1, 1963, which is essentially just validate the results that have been achieved in meeting Foreign Minister earlier.
In separate talks between President Sukarno and President Macapagal, approved what is known as the doctrine of Sukarno - Macapagal confirming that Asian and Asian nations to be solved by itself. This doctrine was immediately rejected by the United States and Britain, as it is considered to thwart the purpose of the establishment of the Malaysian Federation in London are actually designed to Meng-Contain Indonesia. The results turned out to be disturbing London summit Manila and Kuala Lumpur.
Tun Abdul Rahman signed an agreement with the British government regarding the establishment of the State Federation of Malaysia, July 9, 1963. And, on August 31, 1963, the State Federation of Malaysia will officially proclaimed.
Conditions got hotter, as the Philippine government also recognizes the Sabah part of its territory. Sultan of Sulu in the Philippines, never lend Sabah as a port for British trade.
On 16 September 1963, the State Federation of Malaysia was formed. However, in its development, Singapore out of the membership. So also Brunei.
Establishment of the State Federation of Malaysia made Indonesia mad. On 17 September 1963, the Indonesian government to sever diplomatic relations with Malaysia.
The Indonesian embassy in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia people protested, on 18 September 1963. Likewise Land Guild Embassy in Jakarta Malay and English. The British Embassy in Jakarta, even burned.
Since then, Indonesia and Malaysia confrontation that helped England. President Sukarno rekindle the spirit of the people of Indonesia with the slogan "Crush Malaysia". Sukarno immediately establish dual citizens or Dwikora Command. Which contains, "defense & Indonesian revolution and the revolutionary struggle of the people helped Malaya, Singapore, Sabah, Sarawak and Brunei, independence and thwart the State Puppet Malaysia."
In view of President Sukarno, the formation of the State Federation of Malaysia, a legitimacy for the British to "play" in the region, in order to stem the rate of communist influence. At that time, Sukarno was close to communist countries, such as the USSR and China. In fact, Indonesia has also established axis Jakarta-Hanoi-Pyongyang-Beijing.
According to JAC Makie, the formation of the Federation of Malaysia in the Commonwealth, made the British feel they have the obligation to provide military protection. When newly independent Malaysia, there are 2,000 British and Australian troops there. After the Federation of Malaysia was formed, a military force, quickly increased to 50,000.
The establishment of the Federation of Malaysia did not go smoothly. Opposing forces. In the Malay Peninsula, Malaya Socialist Front, made up of the People's Party and the Labour Party of Malaya, as well as the Islamic Party of Malaya. In Singapore, the Barisan Socialist Workers' Party and the People's Party. In North Borneo, Brunei and Sarawak People's Party United People's Party (Supp).
Especially for the Brunei People's Party under the leadership AM Azahari, since 1956 already have the program, expel Britain from northern Borneo.
President Sukarno considers Britain and its closest ally, the United States is the Neo Colonialists or Nekolim. The spirit of anti-colonialism and exploitation held Sukarno, made him want to expel the influence of English in Malaysia.
However, some of the judge, the confrontation against Malaysia is a "political diversion" Bung Karno on the social, economic, and domestic politics at the time. LIPI researcher, Ikrar Nusa Bhakti judge wrote in Kompas, Indonesia's economy was difficult, due to the revolution that he has not been completed. Between the Army and the PKI was going competition. In PKI support Bung Karno confrontation, while the Armed Forces "half-hearted".
Despite the economic difficulties, the Armed Forces have the most sophisticated combat equipment in East Asia. War equipment was purchased from the Soviet Union, to seize West Papua. During Trikora (Command Three People), Soviet support Indonesia. However, when Dwikora, Soviet reluctant to support Indonesia. Soviet argues, because the influence of the PKI, Indonesia more inclined to the PRC.
In that confrontation, Malaysia supported the UK, Australia, and New Zealand, as a fellow member of the British Commonwealth.
Fat Lie Sau or XF Asali, humanists from Kalbar said, when Dwikora event, many volunteers helping the war with Malaysia. They consist of combatants and volunteers. The escape of Sarawak, in general, ethnic Chinese and communists. Volunteers come from Singkawang, Bengkayang and various regions in Indonesia. They consist of various ethnicities. There are Malay, Dayak, Chinese in Indonesia and China from Sarawak. Which is the flight from Malaysia, when he was colonized by the British.
In 1967, the Indonesian government has changed. Long considered pro-Communist Order, because they want to be part of the shaft Jakarta-Hanoi-Pyongyang-Beijing. America and its allies, made war to stem a domino effect of spreading communism. Then, American troops and bolster the Korean War. Until the Korean War broke out which made Korea was split into two. Communist North Korea and South Korea's pro-Western. In Vietnam, America can not stem the rate of communists. In fact, the army had to pull out of Vietnam.
"Well, since Malaysia started churning, allies make a strategy to curb the entry of communists," said Asali.
Indonesian troops deployed to the Malay Peninsula, and sent troops to infiltrate the various regions in North Borneo. With guerrilla strategy, these troops face to face with an army consisting of the British Gurkha troops.
In addition to direct war with Malaysia, Indonesia also recruit insurgents who opposed the creation of the Federation of Malaysia. Among others the helm TNKU, Azahari, Sarawak United People's Party (Supp), and others.
According Soemadi, at a meeting in Sintang, 1963, Azahari and representatives of supp met with Dr. Subandrio, Vice Prime Minister and concurrently Minister of Foreign afair . The agreement, some of the resistance, merged into one under the name PGRS and PARAKU. The continuation of this agreement, a total of 850 young people from across China Sarawak to West Kalimantan. PGRS has operations in the region Sanggau to Sambas. PARAKU area of operation of Sanggau up to Sarawak.
To win the battle against Malaysia, PGRS-PARAKU trained Indonesian army. "At that time, we train PGRS-PARAKU to be used to help liberate Malaysia. They were trained by the Special Forces in Bengkayang, "said Lt. Col. Harsono Subardi, a former Bureau of Intel POM Kodam Tanjungpura XII.
According to him, most Chinese PGRS Sarawak. PARAKU most of Sabah. Two groups communist ideology.
Then, why is the government of Indonesia to train communist member?
Monday, February 11, 2008
The Lost Generation (2)
Confrontation with Malaysia
Muhlis Suhaeri
Borneo Tribune, Pontianak
"At that time, Indonesia was the Old Order, and Bung Karno does not prohibit the communist ideology," said Lt. Col. Harsono Subardi, a former Bureau of Intel POM Kodam Tanjungpura XII. PGRS a newspaper. His name was Tung Po Lae. It contained various themes of movement PGRS.
According to Edward Tenlima, former Danlanud Singkawang 2, Bengkayang, many volunteers came from Malaysia, trained military in Sanggau Ledo, Bengkayang. After that, they return to Malaysia to infiltration. Volunteers were mostly from China Sarawak.
PGRS trained in secret and away from the village community. The reason for choosing Sanggau Ledo as the training ground, the area of the Chinese population centers. Like, in Piong San and Sepang.
That way, the volunteers who had been trained, it is easier to invite the Chinese in the area, join a volunteer and against Malaysia. The area is also close to the Malaysian border to the west. The distance is about 43 kilometers.
Early arrival PGRS members to Sanggau Ledo justified Fuk Thong Long, commonly called Tomidi. He was asked to be an interpreter of the guerrilla army. At that time, a teacher Tomidi Indonesian in Sanggau Ledo. Incidentally, he mastered Mandarin, Dutch, and Khek.
At the end of December 1963, there were 31 people of Sarawak, Malaysia came to Sanggau Ledo. They're the frontman PGRS. "We got approval from the government of Indonesia, Sabah and Sarawak for independence. The government asked the Chinese for help. If it were not ethnic Chinese, who else to help, "said Tomidy translated talks.
Soldiers even ask a photographer documenting the activities of the members of the PGRS-workout PARAKU.
"I know their training, because I joined the army and took pictures of them training," said Bu Bong Tjin.
After being trained in Indonesia, they returned to Sarawak. When it wanted to liberate themselves. Bong sometimes to the forest and the various operations conducted troops.
Besides Sanggau Ledo, there are some places that are used. For example Singkawang. "Exercise is not official. Of course, that could be a war. Exercise for 15 days. Weapons are not given Kodam. Weapons are also incomplete. That is, not one person holding a gun, "said Sarwono WHD, ex Waasintel Kodam Tanjungpura XII.
According to him, half of the members of PGRS-PARAKU living alone in the community. Fully taken care of by the military command not. As far as him, who care a lot. One of them from Central Bureau of Intelligence (BPI). BPI Chief, Dr Soebandrio, Vice Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs concurrently.
Yes, it's known political affairs, he said.
No special intelligence operation. Kodam only gives material to move. For example, take his form of exercise processed intelligence. So, do not move on their own intelligence. Intelligence is dominated BPI. At that time, a lot more controlled BPI PKI. Who founded the barracks along the border is BPI.
"If passing the PGRS-PARAKU, they are disposable. If the Indonesian army passing by, yes, they are wearing, "said Sarwono.
Barak was there across the border in Sambas, Bengkayang, Sanggau, Sintang, Putussibau, Martinus Continent, until Badau. BPI move itself and does not include Kodam. But, Kodam remain informed. At that time, BPI headquartered in the garage house in Jalan Gajah Mada, Pontianak. But he forgot the address.
PGRS-PARAKU addition, Indonesia has been recruiting volunteers. They are trained in several places. One of them is in Singkawang. Most who take care of the BPI. "When the entry to West Kalimantan is also unclear, because it matters and not the Military Command Center," said Sarwono.
Operations troops led by General Supardjo border of Kodam VII Diponegoro, Central Java. He was Commander of the Combat Commander (Pangkopur) in Kalimantan, along the border.
General Supardjo often around the village alone, without bodyguards. Friendly person on the villagers. Each met people, he wants to say hello first. Villagers also surprised. This is no general way without anyone escorting.
"Every Chinese person, will visit. He became friends with the Chinese. Very good person. Often urge people to talk to, "said Durani, Sebol Hamlet, Village Three Blessings, District Lumar, Bengkayang.
General Supardjo gives ultimatum to residents in Bengkayang, make a hole in the back of the house each resident.
"The hole serves to avoid bombs, if there is an air raid," said Supardjo.
One family one hole. The hole was shaped hurur L. In one meter long, three to four feet. The more number of families, the bigger the hole.
The command creates a hole in the back of the house is done simultaneously for residents along the border. Syahrir Mochtar from Putussibau, described similar experiences. Each home was ruled a hole in the back of the house.
During the confrontation with Malaysia, Indonesia many troops deployed directly to the Malay Peninsula. For the area of North Borneo, surgery is mostly done through the land.
Kapuas River into veins troop mobilization. Pontianak harbor, then called the Port Dwikora, a landing force from Java. After that, proceed with down the Kapuas river, toward the western border of Malaysia.
Semitau used as a base to attack Malaysia. Road has not been made. If there are new forces coming, landed in Semitau. Kodim in Semitau. Proximity to the border closer to the river.
The period of confrontation almost no boats that depart or arrive Bandong of Pontianak. The path of the river and the main artery of public transport, being vulnerable. "People do not dare to cross the river which at that time, used as the main tool for the mobilization of troops from Pontianak," said Syahrir.
Consequently, all of the people so miserable. Staple becomes difficult and expensive. In fact, rice rations for civil servants, can only take 6-7 months. Sangking lack of transportation.
Malaysia was on the defensive, and just trying to stem the influx of troops from Indonesia to Malaysia. Malaysia supported the British effort, and Australia.
Air Force set up 8 Tu-16, 4 P-51, 9 B-25, 2 C-130, 11 C-47, and 4 Il-14, was declared ready. Navy also expressed its readiness to put hundreds of boats powered aircraft as well as some marine battalion. Unfortunately, the power of the Air Force must deal with the UK and Australia AU AU protecting commonwealth. England-Australia joint strength is thought to consist of an 50-bombers, 24 Hawker Hunter, 24 Gloster Javelin, 30 F-86 Sabre, and 6 squadron of transport planes and 12 helicopters. Not to count the missile squadron Blood Hound and 2 squadron aircraft ready in Australia. Defence Malaysia more perfect with the support of land and sea forces. All consist of 27 battalions, 16 battalions of artillery, dozens of boats and Gurkha troops (Space-online).
"In any battle, the army Malaysia more are in the rear guard the border. Which is more fighting, special forces Gurkha, "Halim said Ramli, a senior journalist in West Kalimantan.
Gurkhas are mercenaries used the UK since the Second World War. They are tough and used to live in the Himalayas.
During the confrontation with Malaysia, Indonesia lot of soldiers died in the battle. "Every day there are 3-4 soldiers were taken by helicopter from the border area," said Jomandi Loka, a resident Singkawang.
At that time, he was in junior high school Singkawang. Every day saw the bodies being transported to Singkawang General Hospital (now St. Vincent Hospital, Jalan Diponegoro Singkawang 5).
Therefore, the Heroes Cemetery in Singkawang, containing mostly soldiers from Java. Especially forces of Kodam VII Diponegoro, Central Java.
Not only through the battle, Indonesia also launched a diplomatic struggle. When Malaysia was accepted as non-permanent members of the United Nations (UN), Indonesia out of the United Nations and formed Conefo (Conference of New Emerging Forces).
Increasingly murky political atmosphere with the kidnapping occurred against the generals in Jakarta, on 30 September 1965. Nine military officers kidnapped. This raises a series of events and other humanitarian events. This is the black hole of history of Indonesia, which until now is still a mystery.
Many emerging books with various theories about this event. There are considered, this event PKI rebellion. Some say the rivalry in the Army. Another theory, business and foreign powers to end the power and politics of President Sukarno. Many theories bersliweran until now. One is for sure, as a result of these events, there are about 2 million people were massacred and dying, because they are members and sympathizers of the PKI.
Events of September 30 affected the soldiers in the field. "The position of the army at the time G30SPKI in difficult circumstances all. Who is friend and foe, is not clear, "said Sarwono. It was certainly very dangerous for the command line.
Kodam XII Tanjungpura also difficult to know where the friends and enemies. "Once it is known Assistant 1, Lieutenant Colonel and Assistant Langlang Buana 2, Lieutenant Colonel Kestam, including as a member of the CPI," said Sarwono. Sarwono came to Kalimantan in 1963. He is from Central Java.
Echoed Edward Tenlima or Edo. He became a fighter pilot-based Mustang and Airfield (air base) Abdul Rachman Saleh, Malang, East Java. On October 2, 1965, he was asked to fly with dozens of other fighters to Jakarta. If the pilot knew before the operation, the operation to be executed, that night he did not know.
"Just wear clothes and fly," said Edo.
He flew combing sea north of Java. Once the air approaching Jakarta, suddenly received orders to land in London. Furthermore, he continues to wear clothes ready fighter pilot and is next to the plane, waiting for the next command. Until a month or more, he is next to the fighter. "Anyway, it should be ready to continue. Eat and sleep should not be far from the plane, "said Edo.
Of the four existing Mustang pilots, only he is allowed to fly. The reason is, because he's from Ambon. More from Java and "considered dangerous." He's got a direct order from Leo Watimena, speedily Motion Forces Commander (PGT), now named Paskhas. Leo Ambonese and close to Suharto. Vice Marshal Omar Dhani, Minister / Commander of the Air Force, who served Commander Dwikora considered closer to President Sukarno.
Commander XII Tanjungpura when it was led by Brigadier General Ryakudu, also experienced difficulties, where friends and enemies. All is not completely clear.
" Pascaperistiwa 30 September 1965" , a plane from Jakarta to distribute leaflets from the air in Bengkayang. Its contents, Jakarta in a safe condition. The incident occurred around 1966.
General Supardjo, Pangkopur on the border and is considered a member of accused communists. He was arrested and convicted. Some border residents remember the message Supardjo, "Later on the 30th of September, do not leave the house. Fearing the rain that can not be cured, "Durani said, imitating the General.
On March 11, 1966, President Sukarno gave a mandate to General Suharto. The transfer of power is called Supersemar or an Order of March.
Changes in leadership, also helped influence government policy. Confrontation with Malaysia was stopped by a meeting in Bangkok, Thailand on May 28, 1966. The Government of Indonesia and Malaysia entered into a treaty on August 11, 1966.
Peace, the effect of government policies in Indonesia. Also to the soldiers and guerrillas who have been recruited to help the confrontation with Malaysia.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
The Lost Generation (3)
That Wasted Pascakonfrontasi
Muhlis Suhaeri
Borneo Tribune, Pontianak
Peace between the governments of Indonesia and Malaysia, is very influential on the soldiers and guerrillas who are in the field.
According to Bu Bong Tjin, while there are also forces of VII Diponegoro military command did not want the war to stop. They continue operations in Malaysia and joined forces with PGRS-PARAKU "They were disappointed, because the troops of this division the many victims of the war with Malaysia," said Bu Bong Tjin.
Bong know a lot of soldiers and participated in the various activities of the army. He was a photographer of the soldiers. Many soldiers told him. Bong had photographed Gen. Ahmad Yani Nasution and Suharto, during his visit to West Kalimantan. Deputy Commander Major General Suharto was Dwikora. Dwikora Commander Omar Dhani.
When Indonesia and Malaysia to stop the confrontation with the meeting and produce a peace agreement, the handling of the remaining members of PGRS-PARAKU left to the discretion of each country.
So also with the guerrillas PGRS-PARAKU largely communist ideology. Malaysian Government to forgive and nurture these ex-combatants.
"Former PGRS fostered. In fact, there was capital, so they can become entrepreneurs. In Malaysia, they use 3 red star, "said Edo, the former Danlanud 2 Singkawang in Bengkayang.
In Indonesia, the members of the PGRS-PARAKU asked to surrender and lay down their arms. Some have laid down their arms. However, some are not. They worry, the Indonesian government will put it down, due to Communist ideology. Moreover, at the same time, there are chase committed against the members of the PKI in Java.
According Soemadi, the government called on the rebels to lay down arms and surrender. However, only 99 people who obey. While the 739 does not perform the command. Estimated 538 shoot their weapons. Consisting of Bren, Sten Gun, shotgun and pistol.
Sarwono WHD, ex Waasintel Kodam Tanjungpura XII said, after a confrontation with Malaysia, the role political issues. Changes in leadership makes policy against PGRS-PARAKU also changed.
Ironic indeed. When Indonesia and Malaysia confrontation, they recruited and trained against Malaysia. Once the conditions of peace. They hunted and pursued.
"The train us, we are also pursuing," said Sarwono.
Finally, the insurgents back into the woods. Many soldiers who died in the battle. Victims of the case, because PGRS-PARAKU already know how to guerrilla warfare tactics and the TNI.
There is a tactic in guerrilla warfare, interdiction is usually done in the forest. In the field can not be done ambush, because the area is open. In guerrilla warfare, they did an ambush in the mountains. Soldiers walking in the mountains is usually split. One another some distance. The goal, when there was an ambush, to escape. In front of the troops, there is usually first done sweeping. When on flat ground, running close together and hang out. Tactics that were given to the PGRS-PARAKU in training.
This theory was reversed by PGRS-PARAKU. When the soldiers walking in the fields and the course as a group, and not conducting searches in front of the troops, PGRS-PARAKU attacking army. The army was not ready and would not be attacked suspected. Therefore, many soldiers were killed in the rice Bengkayang. In fact, about 37 soldiers from the Siliwangi died all.
Crackdown did not get the results as expected. A number of operations have failed in the middle of the road, because the trigger smell. Operations are carried out often fail, because the leaked information. It felt true soldiers in the field.
Idang Supandi, Kopassus soldiers when it held the rank of corporal, so feel difficult operation. He performed surgery in the crackdown on members of PGRS-Continent PARAKU Martinus, Kapuas Hulu.
In surgery, he always uses a small army. The goal, in order to move faster. Difficult terrain and communication operations are always leaking, making the operation showed no maximum results. "We like to play cat and mouse. When there is information the enemy is on one of the hills, so we're after is not there. Always so, "said Idang.
Information leakage occurs because some members of BPI pro communist. In addition, the crushing difficulty, because the members of PGRS-PARAKU most Chinese. Which is the ethnic communities themselves, and have their own language. So that intelligence can not enter.
Political developments pascaperistiwa G30SPKI, very unfavorable insurgents. Especially with the reconciliation between Indonesia and Malaysia. Therefore, PGRS guerrillas-PARAKU crackdown in West Kalimantan, according Soemadi, has four large skeleton. First, in the framework of recovering the relationship between Indonesia and Malaysia. Second, in order to restore public order and security. Third, in order to purge G30SPKI, as well as the banning of the PKI and all schools of Communism or Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, including the banning of all supporting organizations. Fourth, in order to implement Doctrine Doctrine Hankamnas and military struggle. Especially with the release of Secret Letter No. Pangkolaga. R-33/1967 dated February 17, on the implementation of "security arranggement on the border regions" which includes, first, the preparation and establishment of the Border Command. Second, the direct operational control imposed on Koandakal cq. Kodam Tanjungpura XII.
"After 1965, PGRS unloading weapons and fled into the woods. Formerly they were taught various tactics of war by the Indonesian army. There guerrilla warfare tactics, infiltrating and others, "said Edo.
The definition of Edo was the attack against the rebels PGRS-PARAKU Airfield (air base) 2, Singkawang in Bengkayang.
Edo former Mustang fighter pilot. He almost died, because the Mustang was piloting the plane suffered engine failure after takeoff at air base (air base) Abdul Rachman Saleh, Malang, East Java. Around the world, most of the Mustang pilots who crashed, will die. Since the radiator is under the airplane seat pilot.
When the plane crashed, Edo was treated for three months in the hospital. After recovering, he did not hold a fighter anymore. He was stationed in the Air Force as a regular army. He joined crackdown PGRS-PARAKU in 1967-1969, and joined in Operation Lightning Samber. Combined forces disbanded along with the cessation of military operations performed. After that, he was placed as second Danlanud Singkawang, in 1970-1972 and 1972-1974.
According to Edo, Lanud Singkawang 2, built in the Netherlands in 1939. The goal, the face of the Japanese invasion. Dutch build bases in Sanggau Ledo, due to its proximity and facing the Natuna Sea. Thus, to support the strategic arsenal.
Base is equipped with a runway. 900 meters long runway. The foundation is made of stone hardening. Basically fairly strong. The top of the foundation in the form of grass. The foundation is made for the size of the aircraft at the time. Like, B25, B26, Dakota. At that time, there was only one flight test ever.
When the base is not ready and there is no military force entered, Japanese soldiers hurried into Indonesia. Construction of the base was not resumed. Netherlands already lost to Japan.
After Japan lost the war, the base function returned as a base supporting the Indonesian government. First, there is an officer of the rank of Major as an air base commander. Currently, there are doctors and other officers.
"Singkawang Base 2 is a small base. Because there PGRS event, renamed the ride, "said Edo.
At the base there armory measuring 5 by 10 meters. The wall is made of 30-40 cm thick concrete. There is a cover of one inch thick iron door. "Bombed also, the warehouse will not collapse," said Edo.
On July 16, 1967, raided the armory PGRS guerrillas led by Lim A Lim. At that time, there were only four people who keep. Indeed there are rules, troops can not bring guns into the house, and should be placed in the armory.
24 hour duty system. Substitution can be morning and afternoon. Once there were four people and a guard 24 hours nonstop. The attack occurred on a Sunday, early morning. When conditions are sleepy guards.
There are three Air Force members were killed. About 150 guns and thousands of ammunition carried deprived insurgents. Weapons were seized, among others, LE, weapons of World War II relics. G3, automatic weapons, and more.
Muhlis SuhaeriBorneo Tribune, Pontianak
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