Monday, January 14, 2013

Be extra vigilance when buying fruits.....

Be extra vigilance when buying fruits.

A 10 year old boy had eaten pineapple about 15 days back, and fell sick from the day he had eaten. Later, when he had his Health check done... doctors diagnosed that he had AIDS. His parents couldn't believe it...

Then the entire family underwent a Checkup... none of them suffered from Aids. So the doctors checked again with the boy if he had eaten out...The boy said "yes". He had pineapple that evening. Immediately, a group from Mallya hospital went to the pineapple vendor to check.

They found the pineapple seller had a cut on his finger while cutting the pineapple, his blood had spread into the fruit.

When they had his blood checked... the guy was suffering from AIDS... but he himself was NOT aware.
Unfortunately, the boy is suffering from it now.

Please take care while u eat on the road side. And please SHARE this to your family and friends. —

A 10 year old boy had eaten pineapple about 15 days back, and fell sick from the day he had eaten. Later, when he had his Health check done... doctors diagnosed that he had AIDS. His parents couldn't believe it...

Then the entire family underwent a Checkup... none of them suffered from Aids. So the doctors checked again with the boy if he had eaten out...The boy said "yes". He had pineapple that evening. Immediately, a group from Mallya hospital went to the pineapple vendor to check.

They found the pineapple seller had a cut on his finger while cutting the pineapple, his blood had spread into the fruit.

When they had his blood checked... the guy was suffering from AIDS... but he himself was NOT aware.
Unfortunately, the boy is suffering from it now.

Please take care while u eat on the road side. And please SHARE this to your family and friends. —

Seorang anak
berusia 10 tahun makan nanas sekitar 15 hari sebelumnya, dan jatuh sakit. Kemudian, ketika ia memeriksa kesehatannya, dokter mendiagnosis bahwa ia menderita  AIDS. Orang tuanya tidak bisa percaya .

Kemudian seluruh keluarga menjalani Pemeriksaan  ... tidak satupun dari mereka menderita AIDS. Jadi dokter diperiksa lagi dengan anak itu apakah  ia makan keluar . Anak itu berkata "ya". Dia makan  nanas malam itu.

, sebuah kelompok dari Mallya rumah sakit pergi ke penjual  nanas untuk memeriksa.

Mereka menemukan penjual nanas memiliki luka di jarinya saat memotong nanas, darahnya telah menyebar ke buah.

Ketika mereka memiliki darahnya diperiksa ... orang itu menderita AIDS ... tapi ia sendiri tidak menyadari.
Sayangnya, anak itu menderita sekarang.

Harap berhati-hati ketika kamu  makan di sisi jalan. Dan tolong BERBAGI  kepada keluarga dan teman-teman. -

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