Friday, January 11, 2013

Australia Indonesia Partnership fails to respect Dayak rights

Australia Indonesia Partnership fails to respect Dayak rights 


Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation

14 April, 2011
Australia and Indonesia have been working together for several years now on REDD+. Their main cooperation is the Kalimantan Forests and Climate Partnership (KFCP) which seeks to rehabilitate 100,000 hectares of peat swamp in Central Kalimantan. The area is part of Soeharto's Mega Rice scheme which failed to grow rice but reduced the agroforestry systems of dozens of Dayak communities to burning peat wastelands. Now, with millions of dollars already spent on the REDD+ project, Yayasan Petak Danum, a Dayak community organisation from the area of the KFCP project, wrote a letter listing major concerns with the project, especially its failure to respect the rights of the Dayak communities in the area. Read Yayasan Petak Danum (YPD) Network’s Letter to the Australian delegation to Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, February 2011, regarding the Kalimantan Forests and Climate Partnership pilot REDD+ project:
Australia dan Indonesia telah bekerja sama selama beberapa tahun dengan  REDD +. Kerjasama utama mereka adalah Hutan Kalimantan dan Kemitraan Iklim (KFCP) yang bertujuan untuk merehabilitasi 100.000 hektar lahan gambut di Kalimantan Tengah.

ini merupakan bagian dari skema Mega Padi Soeharto yang gagal untuk menanam padi tetapi mengurangi sistem agroforestri tersebut puluhan masyarakat Dayak membakar lahan  gambut.

, dengan jutaan dolar sudah dihabiskan untuk proyek REDD +, Yayasan Petak Danum, komunitas Dayak organisasi dari daerah proyek KFCP, menulis surat daftar keprihatinan utama dengan proyek, terutama kegagalan untuk menghormati hak-hak masyarakat Dayak di daerah.

Yayasan Petak Danum (YPD) Surat kepada delegasi Australia ke Kalimantan Tengah, Indonesia, Februari 2011, mengenai Hutan Kalimantan dan pilot Iklim Kemitraan REDD + proyek:

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